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French, Faculty of Arts

FREN_V: French

Prior to registration in any FREN course, students are required to review the French Placement Guidelines available at… and complete the Language Placement Questionnaire. After completing the questionnaire, students will be directed on how to complete a Placement Test if needed. Please contact the Department Advisor with questions at Within the prerequisites, CEFR refers to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The CEFR is a reference tool developed by the Council of Europe to provide a common basis for the development of modern-language curriculum guidelines, examinations, textbooks, etc. Please contact the Department Advisor with questions at

  1. FREN_V 101 (3) Beginners' French I

    Basic vocabulary, the rudiments of grammar and familiarization with cultures of the French-speaking world. This course is aligned with level A1 objectives of the CEFR. Credit will be granted for only one of FREN 101 or FREN 103.

  2. FREN_V 102 (3) Beginners' French II

    A continuation of FREN 101. This course is aligned with level A1 objectives of the CEFR. Credits will be granted for only one of FREN 102 or FREN 103. Recommended pre-requisite: FREN 101.

  3. FREN_V 103 (3) Intensive Beginners' French

    Fundamentals of the French language. Recommended for students who are not complete beginners in French. Aligned with CEFR level A1 objectives. Credit will be granted for FREN 103 or both FREN 101, FREN 102.

  4. FREN_V 201 (3) Elementary French I

    Continued improvement in listening, speaking, reading and writing. This course is aligned with level A2 objectives of the CEFR. Recommended pre-requisites: one of FREN 11, FREN 102, or assignment based on placement test. Credit will be granted for only one of FREN 201 or FREN 111. Equivalency: FREN 111

  5. FREN_V 202 (3) Elementary French II

    A continuation of FREN 201. This course aligned with level A2 objectives of the CEFR. Recommended pre-requisites: one of FREN 111, FREN 201, or assignment based on placement test. Credit will be granted for only one of FREN 202 or FREN 112. Equivalency: FREN 112.

  6. FREN_V 301 (3) Intermediate French I

    Refinement of reading, writing and speaking skills through the study of contemporary literature and other authentic documents of the French-speaking world. This course is aligned with level B1 objectives of the CEFR. Recommended pre-requisites: one of FREN 12, FREN 112, FREN 202, or assignment based on placement test. Credit will be granted for only one of FREN 301 or FREN 122. Equivalency: FREN 122.

  7. FREN_V 302 (3) Intermediate French II

    A continuation of FREN 301. This course is aligned with level B1 objectives of the CEFR. Recommended pre-requisites: one of FREN 122, FREN 301, or assignment based on placement. Credit will be granted for only one of FREN 302 or FREN 123. Equivalency: FREN 123.

  8. FREN_V 311 (3) Introduction to Literature in French

    Critical reading of foundational literary texts in French from genres of prose fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and theatre. Prerequisite: One of FREN 123, FREN 302.

  9. FREN_V 321 (3) Critical Writing

    Practical tools for university-level writing in French. Apply stylistic devices and rhetorical structures to form questions and arguments, analyse literary and cultural objects, and produce a variety of essay genres. Prerequisite: One of FREN 123, FREN 302.

  10. FREN_V 330 (3) Introduction to Quebec Literature

    Survey of representative literary texts from Quebec viewed in their historical, social, and cultural contexts. Prerequisite: One of FREN 220, FREN 221, FREN 311, FREN 321 and one of FREN 224, FREN 401.

  11. FREN_V 331 (3) Arts, Cultures and Society from the Middle Ages to the Revolution

    Exploration of early French culture and literature from the Middle Ages to the close of the Early Modern period and the French Revolution; the impact of society on the arts and vice versa. Prerequisite: One of FREN 311, FREN 321 and one of FREN 224, FREN 401.

  12. FREN_V 341 (3) Arts, Cultures and Society from Romanticism to the Present Day

    Exploration of modern and contemporary French culture and literature from the early 19th century to the present day; the impact of society on the arts and vice versa. Prerequisite: One of FREN 311, FREN 321 and one of FREN 224, FREN 401.

  13. FREN_V 346 (3) French at Work

    Communicative French for students preparing for a career in the francophone world. This course is aligned with the B1 objectives of the CEFR. Recommended pre-requisites: one of FREN 123, FREN 302.

  14. FREN_V 352 (3) French Grammar

    Principles of grammar theory and contextualized French grammatical concepts. Emphasis on terminology and analysis of grammatical issues. Aligned with CEFR level B2 objectives. Recommended pre-requisite: FREN 401, FREN 402. Prerequisite: One of FREN 123, FREN 302.

  15. FREN_V 353 (3) Advanced French Grammar

    Advanced grammar theory and critical analysis of difficult French grammatical structures. Emphasis on autonomous examination of complex grammatical issues. Recommended pre-requisite: FREN 401, FREN 402. Prerequisite: One of FREN 223, FREN 352.

  16. FREN_V 357 (3) Translation

    Principles, practical strategies and methods of translation from French to English and English to French. Overview of the main challenges involved in intercultural communication. Recommended pre-requisite: FREN 353. Prerequisite: One of FREN 225, FREN 402.

  17. FREN_V 370 (3) Introduction to French Linguistics

    A survey of basic terminology, methods, problems, and theoretical trends in French linguistics, specifically designed to provide students with a foundation for advanced language study in French. Prerequisite: Either (a) FREN 223 or (b) all of FREN 352, FREN 401.

  18. FREN_V 395 (3-6) Special Topics Abroad

    Study of Francophone literature, history, culture, or communities in an authentic context. Topics and locations may vary. Consult Department for current offerings. Recommendation: CEFR A2 French proficiency level.

  19. FREN_V 401 (3) Upper-Intermediate French I

    Communicative proficiency at an autonomous level: vocabulary enrichment, pronunciation practice, grammatical analysis and development of efficient reading and writing techniques. This course is aligned with level B2 objectives of the CEFR. Recommended pre-requisites: one of FREN_V 123, FREN_V 302, or French Immersion 12, or assignment based on placement test. Credit will be granted for only one of FREN_V 401 or FREN_V 224. Equivalency: FREN _V 224

  20. FREN_V 402 (3) Upper-Intermediate French II

    A continuation of FREN_V 401. This course is aligned with level B2 objectives of the CEFR. Recommended pre-requisites: one of FREN_V 224, FREN_V 401, or assignment based on placement test. Credit will be granted for only one of FREN_V 402 or FREN_V 225. Equivalency: FREN _V 225

  21. FREN_V 407 (3) Medieval French Literature

    Aesthetic and ideological trends of French-language literature of the Middle Ages (11th-15th centuries) in their historical context Prerequisite: Either (a) all of FREN 311, FREN 321 or (b) all of FREN 328, FREN 329 and one of FREN 225, FREN 402.

  22. FREN_V 408 (3) Renaissance: Studies in 16th-century French Literature

    Aesthetic and ideological trends of sixteenth-century French literature in their historical context. Prerequisite: Either (a) all of FREN 311, FREN 321 or (b) all of FREN 328, FREN 329 and one of FREN 225, FREN 402.

  23. FREN_V 409 (3) Ancients and Moderns: Studies in 17th-century French Literature

    Aesthetic and ideological trends of seventeenth-century French literature in their historical context. Prerequisite: Either (a) all of FREN 311, FREN 321 or (b) all of FREN 328, FREN 329 and one of FREN 225, FREN 402.

  24. FREN_V 410 (3) Enlightenment and Revolution: Studies in 18th-century French Literature

    Aesthetic and ideological trends of eighteenth-century French literature in their historical context. Prerequisite: Either (a) all of FREN 311, FREN 321 or (b) all of FREN 328, FREN 329 and one of FREN 225, FREN 402.

  25. FREN_V 413 (3) Tradition and Modernity: Studies in 19th-century French Literature

    Aesthetic and ideological trends of nineteenth-century French literature in their historical context. Prerequisite: Either (a) all of FREN 311, FREN 321 or (b) all of FREN 328, FREN 329 and one of FREN 225, FREN 402.

  26. FREN_V 414 (3) The Modern and Contemporary French Novel

    Major historical, social and artistic movements reflected in representative novels published in France from the 19th Century to the present. Prerequisite: Either (a) all of FREN 311, FREN 321 or (b) all of FREN 328, FREN 329 and one of FREN 225, FREN 402.

  27. FREN_V 415 (3) French Digital Culture

    Contemporary issues and debates on how media and digital technologies have impacted French culture and society. Examines how text, language, and writing are used in digital media. Prerequisite: Either (a) all of FREN 311, FREN 321 or (b) all of FREN 328, FREN 329 and one of FREN 225, FREN 402.

  28. FREN_V 416 (3) Contemporary French Literature and Culture

    Aesthetic and ideological trends of twentieth- and twenty-first century French literature in their historical context. Prerequisite: Either (a) all of FREN 311, FREN 321 or (b) all of FREN 328, FREN 329 and one of FREN 225, FREN 402.

  29. FREN_V 417 (3) Popular Fiction

    Popular genres in modern French fiction, including science fiction, crime, romance, fantasy and historical fiction. Aesthetic characteristics, historical context and cultural relevance. Prerequisite: Either (a) all of FREN 311, FREN 321 or (b) all of FREN 328, FREN 329 and one of FREN 225, FREN 402.

  30. FREN_V 418 (3) African and Caribbean Francophone Literatures

    Representative and contemporary writings from African and Caribbean francophone cultures. Prerequisite: Either (a) all of FREN 311, FREN 321 or (b) all of FREN 328, FREN 329 and one of FREN 225, FREN 402.

  31. FREN_V 419 (3) Women's Writing

    Representative women's writings from the Middle Ages to the present; contemporary women's writings in the Francophone world. Prerequisite: Either (a) all of FREN 311, FREN 321 or (b) all of FREN 328, FREN 329 and one of FREN 225, FREN 402.

  32. FREN_V 420 (3) Selected Topics in French Literature and Culture

    Study of a literary or cultural topic that extends beyond one chronological period and/or place proper. Consult the Department for this year's offerings. Prerequisite: Either (a) all of FREN 311, FREN 321 or (b) all of FREN 328, FREN 329 and one of FREN 225, FREN 402.

  33. FREN_V 427 (3) French Cinema

    Study of major past and contemporary French film productions. Prerequisite: Either (a) all of FREN 311, FREN 321 or (b) all of FREN 328, FREN 329 and one of FREN 225, FREN 402.

  34. FREN_V 428 (3) Francophone Cinema

    Study of major past and contemporary film productions from around the Francophone world. Prerequisite: Either (a) all of FREN 311, FREN 321 or (b) all of FREN 328, FREN 329 and one of FREN 225, FREN 402.

  35. FREN_V 430 (3) Quebec Literature and Culture

    Study of representative aspects of Quebec literature and culture through the study of literary texts, films, and artistic productions in their historical context. Prerequisite: Either (a) all of FREN 311, FREN 321 or (b) all of FREN 328, FREN 329 and one of FREN 225, FREN 402.

  36. FREN_V 431 (3) Indigenous Literatures of Francophone Canada

    Study of the literature and cinema of First Nations, Inuit and Métis creators working in French and in Francophone spaces in Canada. Recommendation: One of FREN 321, FREN 328, FREN 329 and one of FREN 225, FREN 402.

  37. FREN_V 440 (3) Francophonie: History and Current Debates

    Historical origins, cultural and linguistic paradoxes of Francophonie. Prerequisite: Either (a) all of FREN 311, FREN 321 or (b) all of FREN 328, FREN 329 and one of FREN 225, FREN 402.

  38. FREN_V 441 (3) Francophone Literatures and Cultures of North America

    Forms of French language cultural expression in North America in their historical context. Discussion of issues around minority linguistic and cultural rights. Prerequisite: Either (a) all of FREN 311, FREN 321 or (b) all of FREN 328, FREN 329 and one of FREN 225, FREN 402.

  39. FREN_V 442 (3) Cultures of the Francophone World

    Forms of cultural expression of the Francophone world studied in their context. Regions may include the Americas, Africa, East Asia, Europe, Indian Ocean, Middle East, and/or the Pacific. Prerequisite: Either (a) all of FREN 311, FREN 321 or (b) all of FREN 328, FREN 329 and one of FREN 225, FREN 402.

  40. FREN_V 443 (3) Postcolonial Studies

    Interdisciplinary approaches to Postcolonial Studies through francophone literature and theory. Prerequisite: Either (a) all of FREN 311, FREN 321 or (b) all of FREN 328, FREN 329 and one of FREN 225, FREN 402.

  41. FREN_V 450 (3) Old French

    The phonetics, grammar, and vocabulary of major Old French dialects; corpus of various literary texts. Prerequisite: Either (a) all of FREN 311, FREN 321 or (b) all of FREN 328, FREN 329 and one of FREN 223, FREN 225, FREN 402. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  42. FREN_V 451 (3) French Phonetics

    Theory and practice of the sound system of the French language. Anatomy of speech production, sound discrimination, phonetic description and transcription. Prerequisite: FREN 353 and one of FREN 225, FREN 402.

  43. FREN_V 455 (3) Creative Writing in French

    Theory, techniques and practice of creative writing in French in a variety of genres. Prerequisite: FREN 321 and one of FREN 402, FREN 225.

  44. FREN_V 457 (3) Advanced Translation

    Extensive practice in French-English and English-French translation of a wide range of texts and discourses, such as literary, legal, medical, administrative, commercial materials. Analysis of linguistic and cultural problems posed by translation of specialized material. Prerequisite: [FREN357]

  45. FREN_V 460 (3) History of the French Language

    Overview of the development of the French language from its Latin roots to its modern forms. Examination of the internal and external factors which brought about changes in its phonology, morphology, syntax and lexis. Prerequisite: FREN 353 and one of FREN 225, FREN 402.

  46. FREN_V 470 (3) Studies in Modern French Linguistics

    Current topics in French linguistics. Consult the Department for this year's offerings. Prerequisite: All of FREN 353, FREN 370. Corequisite: FREN 370 may be taken concurrently with the permission of the instructor.

  47. FREN_V 472 (3) Morphology and Syntax of the French Language

    Analytical principles pertaining to the study of words and word-stems (morphology), and phrases and sentences (syntax) in written and spoken French. Prerequisite: [FREN353, FREN370] Corequisite: FREN 370 may be taken concurrently with the permission of the instructor.

  48. FREN_V 474 (3) Lexicology and Semantics of the French Language

    Study of the vocabulary of modern French, focusing on basic principles in lexical semantics, lexicology, phraseology, lexicography, terminology and new technologies, neology. Prerequisite: [FREN353, FREN370] Corequisite: FREN 370 may be taken concurrently with the permission of the instructor.

  49. FREN_V 476 (3) French Language and Societies

    Study of language in its social context, covering aspects of sociolinguistics within and across the French-speaking communities of the world. Prerequisite: One of FREN 321, FREN 328, FREN 329 and one of FREN 402, FREN 225.

  50. FREN_V 477 (3) Contemporary Varieties of French

    Study of the different varieties (or dialects) of contemporary French and issues related to French-speaking communities around the world. Prerequisite: FREN 353 and one of FREN 353, FREN 225.

  51. FREN_V 480 (3) French Theory

    Core ideas of French theorists. Influence of French theory on the social sciences and humanities, focusing on Marxism, feminism, structuralism, deconstruction, postmodernism and postcolonialism. Prerequisite: One of FREN 321, FREN 328, FREN 329 and one of FREN 402, FREN 225.

  52. FREN_V 484 (3) History of the Book

    A historical approach to the social transformations of the book trade in France. Prerequisite: One of FREN 321, FREN 328, FREN 329 and one of FREN 225, FREN 402.

  53. FREN_V 485 (3) Early Encounters: Travel Literature and Colonial Writing in French

    Narratives of travel and exploration in French before 1800 and their relationship to colonization, knowledge production and representations of the self and others. Prerequisite: One of FREN 321, FREN 328, FREN 329 and one of FREN 402, FREN 225.

  54. FREN_V 495 (3) Research Seminar in French Literature and Culture

    Research on critical topics related to French literature and culture. Consult the Department for this year's offerings. Prerequisite: One of FREN_V 321, FREN_V 328, FREN_V 329 and one of FREN_V 225, FREN_V 402.

  55. FREN_V 496 (3) Research Seminar in French Language and Linguistics

    Research on critical topics related to French language and linguistics. Consult the Department for this year's offerings. Prerequisite: FREN_V 353 and FREN_V 370.

  56. FREN_V 498 (3) Directed Reading

    Focus on a topic to be agreed upon by a member of the faculty and the student. Permission of the department head and of a supervisory faculty member is required. Recommended pre-requisite: fourth-year standing

  57. FREN_V 499 (3) Honours Essay

    Restriction: this course is restricted to students in one of these programs: BA in fourth-year with one of these specializations: HON FREN or HON RMST.

  58. FREN_V 501 (3-6) Studies in Medieval French Literature

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  59. FREN_V 502 (3-6) Studies in Sixteenth-Century French Literature

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  60. FREN_V 503 (3-6) Studies in Seventeenth-Century French Literature

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  61. FREN_V 506 (3-6) Studies in Eighteenth-Century French Literature

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  62. FREN_V 507 (3-6) Studies in the French Enlightenment

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  63. FREN_V 509 (3-6) Studies in the Nineteenth-Century French Novel

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  64. FREN_V 510 (3-6) Studies in Nineteenth-Century French Literature

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  65. FREN_V 511 (3-6) Studies in Contemporary French Literature

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  66. FREN_V 512 (3-6) Studies in Literary Criticism

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  67. FREN_V 513 (3-6) Studies in French-Canadian Literature

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  68. FREN_V 514 (3-6) Studies in the French Novel

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  69. FREN_V 515 (3) Bibliography and Research Methods

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  70. FREN_V 519 (3-6) Studies in Old French

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  71. FREN_V 520 (3-12) Special Topics in French Literature

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  72. FREN_V 521 (3-6) Studies in Francophone Literatures and Cultures

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  73. FREN_V 540 (3-6) Studies in French Stylistics

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  74. FREN_V 556 (3-12) Studies in French Language and Linguistics

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  75. FREN_V 561 (3-6) Studies in French Morpho-Syntax

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  76. FREN_V 566 (3-6) Studies in French Semantics

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  77. FREN_V 576 (3-6) Studies in French Dialectology

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  78. FREN_V 578 (3-6) Studies in Romance Philology

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  79. FREN_V 591 (1.5) Proseminar I: Research Skills and Scholarly Practices

    Credit will only be granted for only one of SPAN 591 or FREN 591. Equivalency: SPAN 591 This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  80. FREN_V 592 (1.5) Proseminar II: Literary and Cultural Theory

    Credit will be granted for only one of FREN 592 or SPAN 592. Prerequisite: FREN 591. Equivalency: SPAN 592. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  81. FREN_V 599 (6) Master's Thesis

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  82. FREN_V 699 (0) Doctoral Dissertation

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

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