Engineering and Public Policy, Faculty of Applied Science

ENPP_V: Engineering and Public Policy

  1. ENPP_V 501 (3) Law, Public Policy, and Governance

    Policy process and parliamentary government, federalism and multilevel governance, bureaucracy and public service, charter and rights-based litigation, interest groups and collective action, mechanisms for interest group consultation and input, policy instruments, environmental law, international law, and climate change. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  2. ENPP_V 502 (3) Public Policy Analysis - Tools and Methods

    Epistemology; policy analysis basics: policy paradigms based on utility maximization; equity and rights based frameworks; tools, methods and applications of quantitative policy analysis: cost-benefit approaches, risk analysis, decision analysis, values, tradeoffs and multi-attribute utility theory, modelling uncertainty; critiques and limitations of tools: psychology, perception and decision making, ethical challenges. Prerequisite: ENPP 501. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  3. ENPP_V 503 (3) Public Policy Case Studies

    Policy analysis case studies in various technology areas including: energy & environment, climate change and adaptation, information technology, intellectual property law, health and medicine, biotechnology, nanotechnology, infrastructure, and material supply. Emphasis will be on policy dimensions of technology development and commercialization, and the interactions between policy process and technology selection and deployment. Prerequisite: ENPP 501. Corequisite: ENPP 502. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  4. ENPP_V 504 (3) Applied Economics in Public Policy

    Factor analysis, multiple regression, non-linear regression, multivariate ANOVA, spatial econometric modelling. Market concentration, externalities and imperfect information, tools to restrict monopolies and industrial policies, tools to treat market failures due to externalities, quotas, standards, tradable permits, taxes and subsidies, unbiased labelling and government provision, cost effectiveness analysis, cost-benefit analysis, economic impact analysis, life cycle cost analysis. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  5. ENPP_V 596 (6) M.Eng. Project in Engineering and Public Policy

    Carry out a project and prepare an engineering report under the supervision of faculty members and/or researchers/scientists from project sponsoring organizations. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  6. ENPP_V 597 (1) Seminar

    Presentations and discussions of current topics in the area of engineering and public policy. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

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