You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Natural Resources, Faculty of Forestry

NRES_V: Natural Resources

  1. NRES_V 100 (3) Pursuing Innovative Solutions to Big Questions

    Multidisciplinary approaches to solving pressing challenges in natural resources. Diversifying perspectives of natural resources and land stewardship. Skill-building in written and verbal communication, collaboration, and critical thinking.

  2. NRES_V 103 (1) Pathways in Natural Resources

    Exploration of disciplines within natural resources, including majors in the B.Sc. in Natural Resources degree, potential career pathways, and post-graduate education options.

  3. NRES_V 110 (3) Land One: First-year Integrative Seminar

    Current issues and cases in Forestry and Land and Food Systems are examined with a focus on integration of first-year subjects and exposure to both First Nations and Western perspectives. Credit will be granted for only one of NRES_V 110 or FRST_V 110. [1-1-1] Equivalency: LFS_V 110, FRST_V 110 This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  4. NRES_V 150 (3) Scholarly Writing and Argumentation in Natural Resources

    Communicating concepts of forestry and links to human and environmental activities through writing, elements of argumentation, evaluating evidence, and searching for and citing references to back up claims; small-class experience. Credit will be granted for only one of NRES 150 or FRST 150 or LFS 150. [3-0-0] Equivalency: FRST 150, LFS 150 This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  5. NRES_V 200 (3) Forest Plant Biology I

    The structure, diversity and development of trees and other plants, with emphasis on the angiosperms. Credit will be granted for only one of NRES_V 200 or FRST_V 200. [3-2-0] Prerequisite: BIOL_V 121. Equivalency: FRST_V 200

  6. NRES_V 201 (3) Forest Ecology

    The structure and function of forest ecosystems, including: energetics; productivity; nutrient, carbon and water cycling; soils; the physical environment; population and community ecology; disturbance ecology; ecological succession; biological diversity and ecological resilience. Credit will be granted for only one of NRES_V 201 or FRST_V 201. [3-2-0] Corequisite: One of NRES_V 200, FRST_V 200. Equivalency: FRST_V 201

  7. NRES_V 210 (3) Forest Plant Biology II

    The functional biology of trees and other forest plants in their environment, with an emphasis on gymnosperms. Credit will be granted for only one of NRES_V 210 or FRST_V 210. [3-2-0] Prerequisite: One of NRES_V 200, FRST_V 200. Equivalency: FRST_V 210

  8. NRES_V 211 (3) Forest Classification and Silvics

    Forest classification and the application of silvics in forest management, including world forest classification systems, the Biogeoclimactic Ecosystem Classification system, and ecosystem diagnosis in the field. Credit will be granted for only one of NRES_V 211 or FRST_V 211. [3-2-0] Prerequisite: One of NRES_V 201, FRST_V 201. Equivalency: FRST_V 211

  9. NRES_V 225 (3) Communications Strategies

    Strategies for thinking critically and writing effectively about topics that engage practitioners in Forestry. Planning, drafting and editing of professional-quality documents for specialists and other stakeholders. Developing oral presentation skills. Credit will be granted for only one of NRES 225 or WOOD 225. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Three credits of first-year English. Equivalency: WOOD 225 This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  10. NRES_V 231 (3) Introduction to Biometrics

    Basic theories of probability and statistics. Sampling distribution, methods of estimation and hypothesis testing; goodness of fit and tests for independence; analysis of variance, regression and correlation. Consult the Faculty of Science Credit Exclusion Lists:…. Credit will be granted for only one of NRES_V 231 or FRST_V 231. [3-2-0] Corequisite: One of MATH_V 100, MATH_V 180, MATH_V 184, MATH_V 190. Equivalency: FRST_V 231

  11. NRES_V 232 (3) Computer Applications in Natural Resources

    Techniques involved in solving forestry problems with microcomputers using word processing, spreadsheet, procedural language, and database management tools. Credit will be granted for only one of NRES_V 232 or FRST_V 232. [3-2] Equivalency: FRST_V 232

  12. NRES_V 241 (3) Introduction to Geomatics for Natural Resource Management

    Introduction to spatial thinking and principles of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and remote sensing for natural resource management. Priority enrolment to students in the Faculty of Forestry. Prerequisite: Second-year standing.

  13. NRES_V 340 (3) Introduction to Geographic Information Systems for Forestry and Conservation

    Introduction to principles, practice and context of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) applied to forest management and natural resource conservation issues. Priority enrolment to students in the Faculty of Forestry. Credit will be granted for only one of NRES_V 340 or CONS_V 340. [2-2-0] Prerequisite: Third- or fourth-year standing. Equivalency: CONS_V 340

  14. NRES_V 341 (3) Intermediate Geomatics for Natural Resource Management

    Applications of remote sensing, image analysis, advanced spatial analysis and geoprocessing for natural resource management. Priority enrolment to students in the Faculty of Forestry. Students may receive credit for only one of NRES_V 341, NRES_V 340, CONS_V 340. Prerequisite: NRES_V 241. Third-year standing. Equivalency: NRES_V 340, CONS_V 340

  15. NRES_V 441 (3) Advanced Geomatics for Natural Resource Management

    Advanced applications of remote sensing, image analysis, spatial analysis and geoprocessing for natural resource management. Priority enrolment to students in the Faculty of Forestry. Students may receive credit for only one of FRST_V 443, NRES_V 443, NRES_V 441. Prerequisite: One of NRES_V 340, NRES_V 341. Fourth-year standing. Equivalency: FRST_V 443, NRES_V 443

  16. NRES_V 443 (3) Remote Sensing for Ecosystem Management

    Basic biological concepts related to interpretation of remote sensing data for land management, including the use of films and filters, and interpretation of air photographs, and other imagery. Credit will be granted for only one of NRES_V 443 or FRST_V 443. [2-2-0] Equivalency: FRST_V 443, GEOS_V 375

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