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Dental Hygiene, Faculty of Dentistry

DHYG_V: Dental Hygiene

  1. DHYG_V 106 (3) Basics of Oral Microbiology

    Basic principles in the study of microorganisms and their relation to human health for dental hygiene students.

  2. DHYG_V 108 (3) Oral Health Sciences I

    An introduction to normal, healthy facial, oral, and dental structures; oral health records, and charting terminology and symbols.

  3. DHYG_V 110 (6) Dental Hygiene Theory and Practice I

    An introduction to the Dental Hygiene profession, practice roles, the process of care model, ethical practice, and dental public health.

  4. DHYG_V 206 (3) Head & Neck Anatomy

    Prerequisite: All of BIOL 153, DHYG 108.

  5. DHYG_V 208 (12) Oral Health Sciences II

    An introduction to desease-related concepts during the study of dental materials, general pathology, plaque biofilm, nutrition, radiology, periodontology, and oral pathology. Prerequisite: DHYG 108. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  6. DHYG_V 210 (18) Dental Hygiene Theory and Practice II

    The study of dental hygiene theory and practice in clinical and community-based settings. Prerequisite: DHYG 110. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  7. DHYG_V 308 (6) Oral Health Sciences III

    An introduction to concepts and principles of pharmacology and local anesthesia, and further study of oral medicine, oral pathology, and radiology. Prerequisite: DHYG 208.

  8. DHYG_V 310 (18) Dental Hygiene Theory & Practice III

    The study of dental hygiene theory and practice with emphasis on diverse clients with oral health care needs. Prerequisite: DHYG 210. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  9. DHYG_V 325 (3) Applied Pharmacology

    Applied pharmacology concepts and principles for the dental health professional.

  10. DHYG_V 400 (3-6) Policy Analysis and Change

    Critical reviews of oral health care delivery, oral disease processes and dental hygiene. [3-0-0]

  11. DHYG_V 401 (6) Oral Epidemiology

    Basic epidemiological and statistical concepts and tests relevant to evidence-based oral health practices.

  12. DHYG_V 402 (6) Dental Hygiene Practice I

    Dental hygiene concepts, processes, and skills for individuals and communities. [3-0-0; 3-0-0]

  13. DHYG_V 404 (6) Dental Hygiene Practice II

    Advanced dental hygiene concepts, processes and skills in community health, educational or institutional settings.

  14. DHYG_V 405 (3) Oral Microbiology and Immunology

    Microbiology and immunological concepts relevant for dental hygiene practice.

  15. DHYG_V 406 (6) Guided Study in Dental Hygiene

    Conduct an in-depth investigation of a health promotion issue. Prerequisite: All of DHYG 400, DHYG 401, DHYG 461. And Faculty approval.

  16. DHYG_V 410 (18) Dental Hygiene Theory & Practice IV

    Critical analysis of dental hygiene theory and practice related to diverse clients with complex oral health care needs. Prerequisite: DHYG 310. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  17. DHYG_V 412 (6) Oral Health Care Trends & Topics

    Critical analysis of health care trends and oral health care delivery with emphasis on underserved diverse populations. Prerequisite: Pre or Corequisite: DHYG 462

  18. DHYG_V 433 (3) Assessment and Treatment Planning for Advanced Periodontal Diseases

    Available in online distance education format only.

  19. DHYG_V 435 (3) Oral Medicine and Pathology

    Pathobiology of oral diseases. Available in online distance education format only.

  20. DHYG_V 461 (3) Critical Appraisal and Professional Writing in Quantitative Research

    Corequisite: DHYG 401.

  21. DHYG_V 462 (3) Critical Appraisal and Professional Writing in Qualitative Research

    Prerequisite: DHYG 461. Corequisite: DHYG 401.

  22. DHYG_V 480 (3) Social Entrepreneurship in Oral Health Care

    Contemporary topics in social entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship in the context of oral health services and the delivery of care. Transformative leadership and innovation within the dynamic landscape of the Canadian healthcare system. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

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