You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Portuguese, Faculty of Arts

PORT_V: Portuguese

  1. PORT_V 101 (3) First-Year Portuguese I

    Grammar, composition, translation, oral practice. Credit will be granted for only one of PORT 101 or PORT 110.

  2. PORT_V 102 (3) First-Year Portuguese II

    Grammar, composition, translation, oral practice. Credit will be granted for only one of PORT 102 or PORT 110. Recommended pre-requisite: PORT 101.

  3. PORT_V 110 (3) Elementary Portuguese for Romance Language Speakers

    A single-term alternative to PORT 101 and 102 for students with heritage Portuguese or another Romance language. Credit will be granted for only one of PORT 110, PORT 101, or PORT 102.

  4. PORT_V 201 (3) Second-Year Portuguese I

    Grammar, composition, translation, oral practice, readings. Credit will be granted for only one of PORT 201 or PORT 210. Recommended pre-requisites: one of PORT 102, PORT 110.

  5. PORT_V 202 (3) Second-Year Portuguese II

    Grammar, composition, translation, oral practice, readings. Credit may be granted for only one of PORT 202 or PORT 210. Recommended pre-requisite: PORT 201.

  6. PORT_V 210 (3) Intermediate Portuguese for Romance Language Speakers

    A single-term alternative to PORT 201 and 202 for students with heritage Portuguese or another Romance language. Credit will be granted for only one of PORT 210, PORT 201, or PORT 202. Recommended pre-requisite: PORT 110.

  7. PORT_V 222 (3) Introduction to the Analysis of Portuguese and Brazilian Cultures (in English)

    Critical analysis of different cultural genres, including music, film and visual art through the study of selected Portuguese and Brazilian texts. Credit will be granted for only one of PORT 222 or RMST 260. Equivalency: RMST 260.

  8. PORT_V 301 (3) Advanced Portuguese

    Advanced work in composition for students who have reached the Language-Requirement level of Portuguese. Recommended pre-requisites: one of PORT 202, PORT 210. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  9. PORT_V 308 (3) Portuguese for Business (in Portuguese)

    Communicative Portuguese for students studying Commerce or otherwise preparing for a career in business. Recommended pre-requisites: one of PORT 202, PORT 210.

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