You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Music, Faculty of Arts

MUSC_V: Music

  1. MUSC_V 100 (3) Principles of Musical Form

    Fundamental materials and processes of music - rhythmic, melodic, textural and harmonic - and how they create small-scale structures in a variety of styles. Compositional and analytical applications.

  2. MUSC_V 101 (3) Diatonic Harmony and Voice Leading

    Harmonic and linear functions of diatonic chords; common progressions and sequences; introduction to tonal hierarchy and prolongation; simple modulation. Compositional and analytical exercises. Prerequisite: One of MUSC 100, MUSC 110.

  3. MUSC_V 102 (2) Class Strings

    Group instruction in music performance. Restricted to B.Mus. students.

  4. MUSC_V 103 (3) Introduction to the Theory of Music

    Concepts of rhythm, pitch, timbre, and texture. Notation and aural recognition of rhythmic and pitch patterns. Basic principles of melody and form. This course is not applicable to the B.Mus.

  5. MUSC_V 104 (3) Introduction to Diatonic Harmony

    Triads, key and elementary harmony in Western music. Elements of musical form. Aural training and exercises in composition, modeled on historical styles. Not for credit in the B.Mus. Prerequisite: [MUSC103] or permission of the instructor.

  6. MUSC_V 105 (1) Aural Skills I

    Sight singing; melodic and harmonic dictation; rhythm production; error detection; tuning; perception of harmony, form, and tonality; improvisation in set idioms. Restricted to B.Mus. students. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  7. MUSC_V 106 (1) Aural Skills II

    Continuation of MUSC 105. Restricted to B.Mus. students. Prerequisite: One of (a) a score of 68% or higher in MUSC 105, or (b) pass the MUSC 105 Challenge Test. Students may register for MUSC 106 prior to meeting the pre-requisite but will be required to withdraw if the pre-requisite is not met by the first day of class. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  8. MUSC_V 107 (3-6) Composition I

    An introduction to musical composition.

  9. MUSC_V 108 (3) Introduction to Contemporary Art Music

    Contemporary music repertoire, emphasizing music from the past fifty years. Required of undergraduate Composition majors; open to other Bachelor of Music students by permission of instructor. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  10. MUSC_V 112 (2) Class Brasses and Percussion

    Group instruction in music performance. Restricted to B.Mus. students.

  11. MUSC_V 119 (3) Introduction to Music Technology

    Practical and theoretical training in technologies that support current artistic and academic practice, such as MIDI, podcasts/videocasts, websites, social media, and software for score notation, music education, and basic audio/video editing. [2-0-1]

  12. MUSC_V 120 (3) History of Music I

    An overview of Western music from antiquity through the Middle Ages and Renaissance, providing a framework for understanding musical styles and practices, and examining selected compositions in greater analytical and historical depth.

  13. MUSC_V 121 (3) History of Music II

    The development of Western music from circa 1600 to circa 1800. Prerequisite: MUSC 120. Or permission of the instructor

  14. MUSC_V 122 (2) Class Woodwinds

    Group instruction in music performance. Restricted to B.Mus. students.

  15. MUSC_V 128 (3) Music and Human Experience

    A multi-disciplinary survey of music in selected world traditions and genres, connecting it to ideas of time, evolution, history, anthropology, philosophy, and contemporary globalised culture.

  16. MUSC_V 131 (2) Class Voice

    Group instruction in music performance. Required of all first-time secondary voice students. Restricted to B.Mus. students.

  17. MUSC_V 135 (2) Opera Repertoire I

    A musico-dramatic study and analysis of representative works in the international operatic theatre from 1600 to the present, through musical, literary and graphic sources. Each sequential year of study, the student is expected to show increased facility in musical and dramatic analysis as well as a greater understanding of the works under examination. Open to students outside the B.Mus. program by permission of the instructor.

  18. MUSC_V 136 (2-4) Piano Repertoire I

    Performance and discussion of the repertoire for string-keyboard instruments essential to the performer and teacher. Special attention to matters of structure, style, and performance practices. Required of piano performance majors and open to piano concentrators, space permitting. First term prerequisite to second term.

  19. MUSC_V 141 (2) Class Piano I

    Required of all first-time secondary piano students.

  20. MUSC_V 149 (2) Collaborative Piano I

    Skills and performance practice with primary emphasis on voice/piano partnership principles and repertoire. Strong sight-reading skills essential. For Piano majors; open to others by audition.

  21. MUSC_V 150 (4-8) Large Instrumental Ensemble (Lower Years)

    Symphony Orchestra, Symphonic Wind Ensemble, or Concert Winds. May be taken twice for credit. Open to students by audition, with credit, as stipulated by their faculties. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  22. MUSC_V 151 (2-4) University Chamber Orchestra (Lower Years)

    May be taken twice for credit. Open to students by audition, with credit, as stipulated by their faculties. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  23. MUSC_V 153 (4-8) University Singers (Lower Years)

    May be taken twice for credit. Open to students by audition, with credit, as stipulated by their faculties. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  24. MUSC_V 154 (3-6) University Choral Union (Lower Years)

    May be taken twice for credit. Open to students by audition, with credit, as stipulated by their faculties. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  25. MUSC_V 156 (3-6) Vocal Chamber Ensembles (Lower Years)

    May be taken twice for credit. Open to students by audition, with credit, as stipulated by their faculties. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  26. MUSC_V 157 (2-4) Early Music Ensemble (Lower Years)

    Performance of early Western instrumental and vocal ensemble music. May be taken twice for credit. Open to students by audition, with credit, as stipulated by their faculties. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  27. MUSC_V 159 (2-4) University Chamber Strings (Lower Years)

    May be taken twice for credit. Open to students by audition, with credit, as stipulated by their faculties. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  28. MUSC_V 160 (2-4) String Chamber Ensembles (Lower Years)

    May be taken twice for credit. Open to students by audition, with credit, as stipulated by their faculties. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  29. MUSC_V 161 (2) Piano Chamber Ensembles (Lower Years)

    Open to students by audition, with credit, as stipulated by their faculties. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  30. MUSC_V 162 (2-4) Wind and Percussion Chamber Ensembles (Lower Years)

    May be taken twice for credit. Open to students by audition, with credit, as stipulated by their faculties. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  31. MUSC_V 163 (2-4) Contemporary Players (Lower Years)

    Performance of contemporary music. An ensemble of variable size, including both instrumentalists and singers, will be formed to present several concerts of 20th-century music during the academic year. May be taken twice for credit. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  32. MUSC_V 164 (2-4) Jazz Ensemble (Lower Years)

    Performance techniques and repertoire. May be taken twice for credit. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  33. MUSC_V 165 (3-6) World Music Ensembles (Lower Years)

    Training on traditional instruments and their techniques, with emphasis on ensemble performance. Different sections focus on the music of different cultures, e.g., Bali, China, Ghana, Korea. May be taken twice for credit. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  34. MUSC_V 167 (2) Introduction to Piano Chamber Music

    A survey of repertoire and performance issues.

  35. MUSC_V 169 (1-2) Intensive Chamber Ensemble (Lower Years)

    Intensive coaching in chamber ensemble for advanced players. Performance of works prepared is expected. May be taken twice for credit. Corequisite: Any small ensemble (MUSC 156-166) and permission of the instructor.

  36. MUSC_V 170 (2) Lyric Diction

    A study of the basic phonetics and accepted principles of lyric diction of the four languages most commonly used in concert and operatic repertoire: French, German, Italian, and English.

  37. MUSC_V 171 (2) Music Performance (Secondary)

    Private instruction, vocal or instrumental.

  38. MUSC_V 172 (4) Music Performance (Secondary)

    Private instruction, vocal or instrumental.

  39. MUSC_V 181 (2) Music Performance (Concentration)

    Private instruction, vocal or instrumental.

  40. MUSC_V 182 (4) Music Performance (Concentration)

    Private instruction, vocal or instrumental.

  41. MUSC_V 183 (6) Music Performance (Concentration)

    Private instruction, vocal or instrumental.

  42. MUSC_V 191 (2) Music Performance (Major)

    Private instruction, vocal or instrumental.

  43. MUSC_V 192 (4) Music Performance (Major)

    Private instruction, vocal or instrumental.

  44. MUSC_V 193 (6) Music Performance (Major)

    Private instruction, vocal or instrumental.

  45. MUSC_V 200 (3) Chromatic Harmony and Voice Leading

    Harmonic and linear functions of common chromatic chords; mixture; chords and progressions of linear origin; tonal plans. Compositional and analytical exercises. Prerequisite: [MUSC101]

  46. MUSC_V 201 (3) Musical Forms

    Study of various forms in tonal music and the rhythmic, melodic, textural, and harmonic processes that create them on small and large scales. Compositional and analytical exercises. Prerequisite: One of MUSC 111, MUSC 200.

  47. MUSC_V 205 (1) Aural Skills III

    Continuation of MUSC 106. Restricted to B.Mus. students. Prerequisite: One of (a) a score of 68% or higher in MUSC 106, or (b) pass the MUSC 106 Challenge Test. Students may register for MUSC 205 prior to meeting the pre-requisite but will be required to withdraw if the pre-requisite is not met by the first day of class.

  48. MUSC_V 206 (1) Aural Skills IV

    Continuation of MUSC 205. Restricted to B.Mus. students. Prerequisite: One of (a) a score of 68% or higher in MUSC 205, or (b) pass the MUSC 205 Challenge Test. Students may register for MUSC 206 prior to meeting the pre-requisite but will be required to withdraw if the pre-requisite is not met by the first day of class. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  49. MUSC_V 207 (3-6) Composition II

    Continuation of MUSC 107. Prerequisite: [MUSC107] and permission of Composition Division based on submission of scores.

  50. MUSC_V 220 (3) History of Music III

    The development of Western music from circa 1800 to circa 1900. Prerequisite: All of MUSC 121, MUSC 100.

  51. MUSC_V 221 (3) History of Music IV

    The development of Western music from circa 1900; an introduction to jazz and popular music and to music of selected non-Western societies. Prerequisite: All of MUSC 220, MUSC 100.

  52. MUSC_V 235 (2) Opera Repertoire II

    See MUSC 135.

  53. MUSC_V 236 (2-4) Piano Repertoire II

    Continuation of MUSC 136.

  54. MUSC_V 241 (2) Class Piano II

    Continuation of MUSC 141.

  55. MUSC_V 249 (2) Collaborative Piano II

    Further development of skills and performance practice with primary emphasis on voice/piano partnership principles and repertoire. Strong sight-reading skills essential. For Piano majors; open to others by audition. Prerequisite: [MUSC149]

  56. MUSC_V 271 (2) Music Performance (Secondary)

    Private instruction, vocal or instrumental. Prerequisite: One of MUSC 171, MUSC 172, MUSC 181, MUSC 182, MUSC 183, MUSC 191, MUSC 192, MUSC 193.

  57. MUSC_V 272 (4) Music Performance (Secondary)

    Private instruction, vocal or instrumental. Prerequisite: One of MUSC 171, MUSC 172, MUSC 181, MUSC 182, MUSC 183, MUSC 191, MUSC 192, MUSC 193.

  58. MUSC_V 281 (2) Music Performance (Concentration)

    Private instruction, vocal or instrumental. Prerequisite: One of MUSC 171, MUSC 172, MUSC 181, MUSC 182, MUSC 183, MUSC 191, MUSC 192, MUSC 193.

  59. MUSC_V 282 (4) Music Performance (Concentration)

    Private instruction, vocal or instrumental. Prerequisite: One of MUSC 171, MUSC 172, MUSC 181, MUSC 182, MUSC 183, MUSC 191, MUSC 192, MUSC 193.

  60. MUSC_V 283 (6) Music Performance (Concentration)

    Private instruction, vocal or instrumental. Prerequisite: One of MUSC 171, MUSC 172, MUSC 181, MUSC 182, MUSC 183, MUSC 191, MUSC 192, MUSC 193.

  61. MUSC_V 291 (2) Music Performance (Major)

    Private instruction, vocal or instrumental. Prerequisite: One of MUSC 171, MUSC 172, MUSC 181, MUSC 182, MUSC 183, MUSC 191, MUSC 192, MUSC 193.

  62. MUSC_V 292 (4) Music Performance (Major)

    Private instruction, vocal or instrumental. Prerequisite: One of MUSC 171, MUSC 172, MUSC 181, MUSC 182, MUSC 183, MUSC 191, MUSC 192, MUSC 193.

  63. MUSC_V 293 (6) Music Performance (Major)

    Private instruction, vocal or instrumental. Prerequisite: One of MUSC 171, MUSC 172, MUSC 181, MUSC 182, MUSC 183, MUSC 191, MUSC 192, MUSC 193.

  64. MUSC_V 300 (3) Compositional and Analytical Approaches to Post-Tonal Music

    Concepts essential to understanding and performing art music, since 1900, in which functional triadic harmony is absent or subsidiary to other musical processes. Detailed consideration of works of major composers up to the present, through analysis, composition, and musicianship exercises. Prerequisite: MUSC 200.

  65. MUSC_V 305 (2-4) Readings in Orchestral Repertoire

    Laboratory course for orchestral performance majors. Emphasis on reading a large cross-section of standard orchestral repertoire, especially music currently being programmed by local professional orchestras. Restricted to Orchestral Instruments majors, except by permission of the instructor.

  66. MUSC_V 307 (3-6) Composition III

    Continuation of MUSC 207. Prerequisite: [MUSC207] and permission of Composition Division based on submission of scores.

  67. MUSC_V 309 (2) Instrumentation

    The study of string, woodwind, brass and percussion instruments; orchestral sections and scoring for various small ensembles. Activities include demonstrations of instruments, scoring projects, analysis and listening. For credit towards the B.Mus. and the B.A. in Music; not open to other students. Prerequisite: MUSC 200. and completion of the second-year piano requirement.

  68. MUSC_V 310 (2) Orchestration

    The study of orchestration through the analysis of orchestral works, listening and scoring projects. Activities also include choral arranging and scoring for stage band and wind ensemble. Prerequisite: [MUSC309]

  69. MUSC_V 311 (2) Fundamentals of Conducting

    Basic conducting techniques: patterns, cueing, dynamic shading, and physical presentation. Prerequisite: MUSC 200. and completion of the second-year piano requirement.

  70. MUSC_V 312 (2) Instrumental Conducting

    The relation of conducting gestures to instrumental sound; development of practical skills in directing ensembles and reading scores, considering instruments' special characteristics. Prerequisite: MUSC 311.

  71. MUSC_V 313 (2) Choral Conducting

    The relation of conducting gestures to choral sound; development of practical skills in directing ensembles and reading scores; attendant issues of vocal technique and pedagogy. Prerequisite: MUSC 311.

  72. MUSC_V 319 (3-6) Electroacoustic Music

    Study of acoustics, audio technology, and electroacoustic composition. Composition of original works using the UBC Electroacoustic Music Studio or students' own software/hardware. Prerequisite: MUSC 119 and one of MUSC 100, MUSC 103. Permission of instructor is also required.

  73. MUSC_V 320 (3) Computer Music

    The study of computer applications to music, focusing on digital synthesis techniques and languages, methods of algorithmic composition, and the design of music editors. Prerequisite: [MUSC319] or permission of instructor.

  74. MUSC_V 321 (3-6) Music Appreciation, Twentieth-Century

    Designed for students with little or no musical background. Not for credit toward the B.Mus. or B.A. in Music.

  75. MUSC_V 322 (3) Topics in Western Music

    Study in one major genre of Western music (e.g., The Symphony, Women in Opera, History of the Song Cycle). No musical knowledge is required. Not for credit toward the B.Mus. or B.A. in Music.

  76. MUSC_V 323 (3) History of Popular Music

    Genres of popular music from 1950 to the present and their changing aesthetic, social, cultural, and historical dimensions. Prior experience with music notation and terminology is not required. This course is not acceptable for credit toward the B.Mus., or toward the B.A. major, honours, or minor in Music.

  77. MUSC_V 324 (3-6) The Guitar in History and Practice

    Introduction to guitar performance and repertoire for non-majors. Lectures explore guitar repertoires from selected regions and eras. Not for credit toward the B.Mus. or the Major/Minor in Music (B.A., B.F.A., B.Sc.). Students are expected to provide their own guitars.

  78. MUSC_V 326 (3-6) Music Appreciation

    An introductory course for which previous musical background is helpful, but not required. Contents include a discussion of musical concepts, evolution of forms, style, and media and detailed study of selected works from the concert repertoire. Popular forms of music (jazz, folk, rock, etc) not included. Not for credit towards the B.Mus. or B.A. in Music.

  79. MUSC_V 327 (3) Cantonese Music

    A history of musical genres with Cantonese lyrics from the nineteenth century to the present. Topics include music and text relationships, major singers, major genres (narrative songs, Cantonese opera, Cantopop). Credit will be granted for only one of MUSC 327 or ASIA 335. Equivalency: ASIA 335

  80. MUSC_V 328 (3-6) World Music Cultures

    Introduction to the principles of ethnomusicology and an examination of at least two contrasting musical traditions. May be repeated once for credit if different traditions are covered.

  81. MUSC_V 330 (3) Music in Vancouver's Ethnic Communities

    Examination of music within the ethnic context as found in the urban environment of Vancouver. The musics of several traditions (e.g., Chinese, Jewish, English folk) will be studied together with the social issues surrounding their preservation. For credit toward the B.Mus. and the B.A. in Music, but open to students not majoring in music.

  82. MUSC_V 331 (2) Workshop in World Rhythm

    Theory and practice of selected rhythmic systems of world music cultures, focusing on West African drumming, and including other systems such as Indian Tala and Peking opera percussion. Prerequisite: MUSC 200.

  83. MUSC_V 333 (2) Accompanying on the Harpsichord I

    Basic techniques and styles of continuo playing. Open to keyboard players with no previous harpsichord experience.

  84. MUSC_V 336 (4) Opera Theatre Techniques I

    Performance techniques associated with the musical theatre of various historical periods. Basic dance. Most operatic excerpts will be in English.

  85. MUSC_V 339 (3-6) Opera Workshop I

    Participation in performances by the School. Open also to students outside Music without credit, after audition.

  86. MUSC_V 340 (3) Piano Pedagogy I: Theory and Studio Management

    Basic principles of teaching piano. Business aspects of establishing and maintaining a music studio. For Piano Performance majors; open to other Bachelor of Music students by permission of the instructor.

  87. MUSC_V 345 (3) Aesthetics and Practice of Film Music

  88. MUSC_V 349 (2) Keyboard Harmony and Transposition

    Designed for the keyboard performance major and keyboard concentrator in General Studies.

  89. MUSC_V 350 (4-8) Large Instrumental Ensemble (Upper Years)

    Symphony Orchestra, Symphonic Wind Ensemble, or Concert Winds. May be taken twice for credit. Open to students by audition, with credit, as stipulated by their faculties. Restricted to students with 3rd year standing or above. Prerequisite: MUSC 150. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  90. MUSC_V 351 (2-4) University Chamber Orchestra (Upper Years)

    May be taken twice for credit. Open to students by audition, with credit, as stipulated by their faculties. Restricted to students with 3rd year standing or above. Prerequisite: MUSC 151. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  91. MUSC_V 352 (3) History of Medieval Music

    Sacred and secular music, vocal and instrumental. Prerequisite: All of MUSC 120, MUSC 121.

  92. MUSC_V 353 (3) History of Renaissance Music

    Sacred and secular music, vocal and instrumental. Prerequisite: MUSC 120.

  93. MUSC_V 354 (3) Baroque Music

    Prerequisite: MUSC 121.

  94. MUSC_V 355 (3) Classical Music

    Prerequisite: MUSC 121.

  95. MUSC_V 356 (3) Romantic Music

    Prerequisite: MUSC 220.

  96. MUSC_V 357 (3) History of Music Since 1900

    Prerequisite: [MUSC221]

  97. MUSC_V 358 (3) History of Jazz

    Jazz styles and their cultural contexts; the relationship of performers and audiences; issues of race and gender; non-Western influences. Prerequisite: MUSC 221.

  98. MUSC_V 359 (2-4) University Chamber Strings (Upper Years)

    May be taken twice for credit. Open to students by audition, with credit, as stipulated by their faculties. Restricted to students with 3rd year standing or above. Prerequisite: MUSC 159. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  99. MUSC_V 360 (2-4) String Chamber Ensembles (Upper Years)

    May be taken twice for credit. Open to students by audition, with credit, as stipulated by their faculties. Restricted to students with 3rd year standing or above. Prerequisite: MUSC 160. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  100. MUSC_V 361 (2-4) Piano Chamber Ensembles (Upper Years)

    May be taken twice for credit. Open to other students by audition, with credit, as stipulated by their faculties. Restricted to students with 3rd year standing or above. Prerequisite: MUSC 161. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  101. MUSC_V 362 (2-4) Wind and Percussion Chamber Ensembles (Upper Years)

    May be taken twice for credit. Open to students by audition, with credit, as stipulated by their faculties. Restricted to students with 3rd year standing or above. Prerequisite: MUSC 162. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  102. MUSC_V 363 (4) History and Repertoire of the Guitar and Related Instruments

    A chronological survey, from the Renaissance to the present day, of music for the guitar and related instruments and of the development of the instruments themselves. Instruments considered include Renaissance and Baroque lutes, the vihuela, and early types of guitar as well as the modern six-string guitar. Musical forms and genres, national schools and the works of principal composers of every period are explored and attention is given to national systems, continuo realization, historical ornamentation and pedagogical systems. Prerequisite: [MUSC221]

  103. MUSC_V 364 (1-2) Chamber Music Repertoire

    Perspectives on the performance of selected chamber music. Specific works vary from year to year. May be repeated for credit.

  104. MUSC_V 365 (2) Song Repertoire I

    An exploration of the solo art song repertoire from 1600 to the Romantic period. Repertoire essential to the performer and teacher will be studied through live and recorded performance with special attention given to poetic content and musical style. Prerequisite: [MUSC221] This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  105. MUSC_V 366 (3-6) University Choral Union (Upper Years)

    May be taken twice for credit. Open to students by audition, with credit, as stipulated by their faculties. Restricted to students with 3rd year standing or above. Prerequisite: MUSC 154. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  106. MUSC_V 369 (1-2) Intensive Chamber Ensemble (Upper Years)

    Intensive coaching in chamber ensemble for advanced players. Performance of works prepared is expected. May be taken twice for credit. Restricted to students with 3rd year standing or above. Corequisite: One of MUSC 350, MUSC 351, MUSC 359, MUSC 360, MUSC 361, MUSC 362, MUSC 366, MUSC 453, MUSC 456, MUSC 457, MUSC 463, MUSC 466. and permission of the instructor. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  107. MUSC_V 371 (2) Music Performance (Secondary)

    Private instruction, vocal or instrumental. Prerequisite: One of MUSC 271, MUSC 272, MUSC 281, MUSC 283, MUSC 291, MUSC 292, MUSC 293.

  108. MUSC_V 372 (4) Music Performance (Secondary)

    Private instruction, vocal or instrumental. Prerequisite: One of MUSC 271, MUSC 272, MUSC 281, MUSC 283, MUSC 291, MUSC 292, MUSC 293.

  109. MUSC_V 381 (2) Music Performance (Concentration)

    Private instruction, vocal or instrumental. Prerequisite: One of MUSC 271, MUSC 272, MUSC 281, MUSC 283, MUSC 291, MUSC 292, MUSC 293.

  110. MUSC_V 382 (4) Music Performance (Concentration)

    Private instruction, vocal or instrumental. Prerequisite: One of MUSC 271, MUSC 272, MUSC 281, MUSC 283, MUSC 291, MUSC 292, MUSC 293.

  111. MUSC_V 383 (6) Music Performance (Concentration)

    Private instruction, vocal or instrumental. Prerequisite: One of MUSC 271, MUSC 272, MUSC 281, MUSC 283, MUSC 291, MUSC 292, MUSC 293.

  112. MUSC_V 391 (2) Music Performance (Major)

    Private instruction, vocal or instrumental. Prerequisite: One of MUSC 271, MUSC 272, MUSC 281, MUSC 283, MUSC 291, MUSC 292, MUSC 293.

  113. MUSC_V 392 (4) Music Performance (Major)

    Private instruction, vocal or instrumental. Prerequisite: One of MUSC 271, MUSC 272, MUSC 281, MUSC 283, MUSC 291, MUSC 292, MUSC 293.

  114. MUSC_V 393 (6) Music Performance (Major)

    Private instruction, vocal or instrumental. Prerequisite: One of MUSC 271, MUSC 272, MUSC 281, MUSC 283, MUSC 291, MUSC 292, MUSC 293.

  115. MUSC_V 394 (8) Music Performance (Major)

    Private instruction, vocal or instrumental. Prerequisite: One of MUSC 271, MUSC 272, MUSC 281, MUSC 283, MUSC 291, MUSC 292, MUSC 293. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  116. MUSC_V 402 (2-6) Special Projects

    For fourth-year students who receive permission of the Director of the School of Music to do advanced studies in their major field.

  117. MUSC_V 403 (3-12) Selected Topics in Music

    See School of Music schedule for description and prerequisites. Restricted to B. Mus. and B.A. in Music students.

  118. MUSC_V 406 (2-4) Conducting II

    Advanced choral and orchestral conducting techniques and rehearsal practices. Prerequisite: [MUSC311, MUSC312] Permission of the instructor is required.

  119. MUSC_V 407 (3-6) Composition IV

    Continuation of MUSC 307.

  120. MUSC_V 409 (3-6) Jazz Theory and Arranging

    Jazz scales, chord relationships, substitutions, orchestration, listening, and score analysis. Restricted to B.Mus. and B.A. in Music students. Prerequisite: MUSC 200.

  121. MUSC_V 410 (3) Introduction to Schenkerian Analysis

    The key concepts of Schenker's theory of tonality. Applications to the analysis of short pieces in various tonal styles, emphasizing clear and correct graphing. Issues of interpretive scope. Prerequisite: MUSC 200.

  122. MUSC_V 411 (3) Analysis of Tonal Music

    Analytical approaches that complement Schenkerian analysis, including motivic construction, harmonic rhythm and phrase rhythm, chromaticism and enharmonicism, features of musical form, aspects of structure and hierarchy at the small and large scale. Prerequisite: MUSC 200.

  123. MUSC_V 412 (3) Analytical Studies in the Development of Musical Modernism (1860 - 1940)

    Analysis of late- and post-romantic works within a theoretical framework that bridges earlier to later works. Assignments in various formats, emphasizing analysis but possibly including composition. Prerequisite: MUSC 200.

  124. MUSC_V 413 (3) Contemporary Art Music: Theory and Analysis

    A technical approach to the diverse concert-music repertoire since 1950, including orchestral, chamber, solo, and electro-acoustic genres. Applicable theories of pitch and rhythm, with reference to composers' own writings. Prerequisite: MUSC 300.

  125. MUSC_V 414 (3) Counterpoint

    Analysis and composition of pieces that rely on the control and development of imitative, polyphonic textures. Models to be taken from one or more European historical repertoires. Prerequisite: MUSC 200.

  126. MUSC_V 415 (3) Imagining Musical Performances

    How performance and analysis engage the musical imagination, as complementary activities; how analytical observations can stimulate performance, and vice versa. Selected topics, with special emphasis on temporal factors. Prerequisite: MUSC 200.

  127. MUSC_V 417 (3-6) Musical Scoring for Film

    Addresses the practical aspects of composing music for film through assignments of written scores. Prerequisite: [MUSC319] Permission of instructor is required.

  128. MUSC_V 419 (3-6) Interactive Performance Systems

    Collaborative projects developing new connections between sound and gestures in live concert performance or responsive environments using multiple digital technologies. May be repeated once for credit. Prerequisite: MUSC 320.

  129. MUSC_V 420 (3) Music Technology Capstone Project

    Supervised individual music technology project on an approved topic. Restricted to students in the Minor in Applied Music Technology Prerequisite: MUSC 419. And permission of the Instructor.

  130. MUSC_V 428 (3-6) Topics in World Music

    The history, theory, style, organology, and forms of the music of a particular culture in its aesthetic and cultural context. Students should consult the School as to which music culture will be covered in a particular year. May be repeated once for credit if different cultures are covered. Prerequisite: [MUSC328] or instructor's permission.

  131. MUSC_V 430 (3-6) Major Composers

    The musical works of no more than two significant composers will be examined. Specific topics will be announced; may be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: All of MUSC 120, MUSC 121, MUSC 220, MUSC 221.

  132. MUSC_V 433 (2) Accompanying on the Harpsichord II

    Continuation of MUSC 333 with emphasis on more advanced continuo and obbligato techniques. Prerequisite: [MUSC333]

  133. MUSC_V 436 (4) Opera Theatre Techniques II

    Advanced studies in acting, movement, gesture, dance and stage combat. Emphasis on communication and the art of singing and acting recitative in foreign languages.

  134. MUSC_V 439 (3-6) Opera Workshop II

    A continuation of MUSC 339.

  135. MUSC_V 440 (3) Piano Pedagogy II: Applications

    Teaching musical concepts and keyboard skills; observation of group and private lessons; supervised practicum. For Piano Performance majors; open to other Bachelor of Music students by permission of the instructor. Recommended pre-requisite: MUSC 340.

  136. MUSC_V 441 (2) Vocal Techniques

    A study of the scientific principles related to vocal performance: acoustical, physiological and psychological. Restricted to B.Mus. students.

  137. MUSC_V 442 (4-8) Song Interpretation

    Interpretation and performance practice of Art Song repertoire for voice and piano collaborations. Restricted to MMus and BMus in Piano Performance, Opera, Voice Performance, and students in the Diploma in Collaborative Piano Studies program.

  138. MUSC_V 443 (3-6) Opera Coaching

    Principles and practice, focusing on current Opera Workshop repertoire. Reproducing orchestrations on the piano; preparing scores; study of the voice and the rehearsal process; coaching languages; related conducting skills. Prerequisite: [MUSC249]

  139. MUSC_V 444 (3) Establishing a Career in Music

    Best practices of the contemporary business of music, focusing on understanding present market conditions, and on targeting specific opportunities through grant-writing, resumes, press kits, publicity, recordings, and marketing. Restricted to fourth-year B.Mus. students.

  140. MUSC_V 448 (3) Historical Performance Practice

    Principles and practical application of the historically-informed performance of music. Philosophy, aesthetics, and key performance conventions of Western music before ca. 1800. Recommended: concurrent registration in MUSC 157 (Early Music Ensemble).

  141. MUSC_V 449 (6) Graduating Essay

  142. MUSC_V 450 (3-6) Selected Topics in Vocal or Instrumental Genres

    Intensive study of one genre of music (e.g., orchestral music 17601849; the Lied in Austria and Germany) through analysis and the consideration of cultural milieu and historical development. Specific topics will be announced. May be repeated for credit to a maximum of 6 credits.

  143. MUSC_V 453 (4-8) University Singers (Upper Years)

    May be taken twice for credit. Open to students by audition, with credit, as stipulated by their faculties. Restricted to students with 3rd year standing or above. Prerequisite: MUSC 153. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  144. MUSC_V 454 (3) History of Opera I

    The development of opera between 1600 and 1800. Prerequisite: All of MUSC 121, MUSC 220.

  145. MUSC_V 455 (3) History of Opera II

    The development of opera between 1800 and the present. Prerequisite: All of MUSC 220, MUSC 221.

  146. MUSC_V 456 (3-6) Vocal Chamber Ensembles (Upper Years)

    May be taken twice for credit. Open to students by audition, with credit, as stipulated by their faculties. Restricted to students with 3rd year standing or above. Prerequisite: MUSC 156. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  147. MUSC_V 457 (2-4) Early Music Ensemble (Upper Years)

    Performance of early Western instrumental and vocal ensemble music. May be taken twice for credit. Open to students by audition, with credit, as stipulated by their faculties. Restricted to students with 3rd year standing or above. Prerequisite: MUSC 157. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  148. MUSC_V 463 (2-4) Contemporary Players (Upper Years)

    Performance of contemporary music. An ensemble of variable size, including both instrumentalists and singers, will be formed to present several concerts of 20th-century music during the academic year. May be taken twice for credit. Restricted to students with 3rd year standing or above. Prerequisite: MUSC 163. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  149. MUSC_V 464 (2-4) Jazz Ensemble (Upper Years)

    Performance techniques and repertoire. May be taken twice for credit. Restricted to students with 3rd year standing or above. Prerequisite: MUSC 164.

  150. MUSC_V 465 (2) Song Repertoire II

    A sequel to MUSC 365, exploring the solo art song repertoire from the Romantic era to the present. Prerequisite: [MUSC221]

  151. MUSC_V 466 (3-6) World Music Ensembles (Upper Years)

    Training on traditional instruments and their techniques, with emphasis on ensemble performance. Different sections focus on the music of different cultures, e.g., Bali, China, Ghana, Korea. May be taken twice for credit. Restricted to students with 3rd year standing or above. Prerequisite: MUSC 165. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  152. MUSC_V 468 (2) Chamber Music Master Class

    Enrolment by audition only.

  153. MUSC_V 469 (3-6) Interdisciplinary Projects

    Group projects and workshops with students majoring in other creative arts. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Credit will be granted for only one of MUSC 469 or THTR 469 or VISA 469 or CRWR 440. Equivalency: THTR 469, VISA 469, CRWR 440

  154. MUSC_V 471 (2) Music Performance (Secondary)

    Private instruction, vocal or instrumental. Prerequisite: One of MUSC 371, MUSC 372, MUSC 381, MUSC 382, MUSC 383, MUSC 391, MUSC 392, MUSC 393, MUSC 394.

  155. MUSC_V 472 (4) Music Performance (Secondary)

    Private instruction, vocal or instrumental. Prerequisite: One of MUSC 371, MUSC 372, MUSC 381, MUSC 382, MUSC 383, MUSC 391, MUSC 392, MUSC 393, MUSC 394.

  156. MUSC_V 481 (2) Music Performance (Concentration)

    Private instruction, vocal or instrumental. Prerequisite: One of MUSC 371, MUSC 372, MUSC 381, MUSC 382, MUSC 383, MUSC 391, MUSC 392, MUSC 393, MUSC 394.

  157. MUSC_V 482 (4) Music Performance (Concentration)

    Private instruction, vocal or instrumental. Prerequisite: One of MUSC 371, MUSC 372, MUSC 381, MUSC 382, MUSC 383, MUSC 391, MUSC 392, MUSC 393, MUSC 394.

  158. MUSC_V 483 (6) Music Performance (Concentration)

    Private instruction, vocal or instrumental. Prerequisite: One of MUSC 371, MUSC 372, MUSC 381, MUSC 382, MUSC 383, MUSC 391, MUSC 392, MUSC 393, MUSC 394.

  159. MUSC_V 491 (2) Music Performance (Major)

    Private instruction, vocal or instrumental. Prerequisite: One of MUSC 371, MUSC 372, MUSC 381, MUSC 382, MUSC 383, MUSC 391, MUSC 392, MUSC 393, MUSC 394.

  160. MUSC_V 492 (4) Music Performance (Major)

    Private instruction, vocal or instrumental. Prerequisite: One of MUSC 371, MUSC 372, MUSC 381, MUSC 382, MUSC 383, MUSC 391, MUSC 392, MUSC 393, MUSC 394.

  161. MUSC_V 493 (6) Music Performance (Major)

    Private instruction, vocal or instrumental. Prerequisite: One of MUSC 371, MUSC 372, MUSC 381, MUSC 382, MUSC 383, MUSC 391, MUSC 392, MUSC 393, MUSC 394.

  162. MUSC_V 494 (8) Music Performance (Major)

    Private instruction, vocal or instrumental. Prerequisite: One of MUSC 371, MUSC 372, MUSC 381, MUSC 382, MUSC 383, MUSC 391, MUSC 392, MUSC 393, MUSC 394. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  163. MUSC_V 500 (3-6) Advanced Musical Analysis

    Recommended pre-requisite: one of MUSC 410, MUSC 411, MUSC 412, MUSC 413. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  164. MUSC_V 501 (3) Readings in Schenkerian Theory

    Recommended pre-requisite: MUSC 410. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  165. MUSC_V 502 (3) The Structure and Function of Music Theories

    Recommended pre-requisites: one of MUSC 410, MUSC 411, MUSC 412, or permission of the instructor. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  166. MUSC_V 503 (3-6) Topics in the History of Music Theory

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  167. MUSC_V 504 (3-6) Theories of Non-Tonal Pitch Relationships

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  168. MUSC_V 506 (2-6) Readings in Orchestral Repertoire

    Standard repertoire for orchestral instrumentalists. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  169. MUSC_V 507 (3-6) Composition

    The composition of original music for conventional instruments and/or electronic media. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  170. MUSC_V 508 (3-6) Composition

    A continuation of MUSC 507. Prerequisite: [MUSC507] This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  171. MUSC_V 509 (3-6) Advanced Orchestration and Arranging

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  172. MUSC_V 511 (3) Topics in Musical Aesthetics

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  173. MUSC_V 512 (3-6) Directed Individual Studies

    Approval by the Director, School of Music, is required. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  174. MUSC_V 520 (3-6) Introduction to Music Research

    Principal resources of the research library. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  175. MUSC_V 521 (3-6) Seminar in Performance Practices

    Studies in the theoretical and practical problems of musical interpretation. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  176. MUSC_V 522 (3-6) Seminar in Notation of Polyphonic Music

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  177. MUSC_V 523 (3-6) Seminar in Medieval Music

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  178. MUSC_V 524 (3-6) Seminar in Renaissance Music

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  179. MUSC_V 525 (3-6) Seminar in Baroque Music

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  180. MUSC_V 526 (3-6) Seminar in Classical Period Music

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  181. MUSC_V 527 (3-6) Seminar in Nineteenth-Century Music

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  182. MUSC_V 528 (3-6) Seminar in Music Since 1900

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  183. MUSC_V 529 (3-6) Introduction to Ethnomusicology

    Preliminary studies in the discipline of ethnomusicology, with an emphasis on history and orientations. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  184. MUSC_V 530 (3) Topics in Ethnomusicology

    Topics involving methodology and fieldwork in non-Western traditions. Topics will vary and students should consult the School as to areas of focus in any given term. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  185. MUSC_V 531 (3-12) Seminar in Ethnomusicology

    Research studies in selected areas or regions of world music cultures. May be repeated to a maximum of 12 credits if different topics are covered. Prerequisite: [MUSC529] This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  186. MUSC_V 532 (3-12) Advanced Studies in Music History and Musicology

    Research seminar on a core or emerging topic in music history or musicology. May be repeated to a maximum of 12 credits if different topics are covered. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  187. MUSC_V 533 (3-12) Advanced Studies in Music Theory

    Research seminar on a core or emerging topic in music theory. May be repeated to a maximum of 12 credits if different topics are covered. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  188. MUSC_V 535 (4) Art Song: Interpretation, Collaboration, and Performance

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  189. MUSC_V 537 (3-6) Seminar in the Literature of Opera

    Special topics related to the bibliography, history, repertoire and pedagogy of operatic music. Prerequisite: [MUSC221, MUSC301, MUSC454, MUSC455, MUSC520] This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  190. MUSC_V 538 (3-6) Staging and Directing Opera

    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor is required. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  191. MUSC_V 539 (6-12) Opera Production

    Stylistic and technical studies and participation in the production of opera performances. May be repeated for credit, in accordance with program requirements. Prerequisite: MUSC439 This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  192. MUSC_V 544 (4-8) Seminar in Conducting and Repertoire I

    Advanced study of conducting techniques and of representative major compositions and literature (earlier historical periods). Emphasis on knowledge and conducting skills that can communicate a thorough understanding of genre, idiom, form, texture, and style, in rehearsal and performance. Prerequisite: Restricted to M.Mus. Conducting (Choral, Orchestral, Wind) or permission of the instructor. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  193. MUSC_V 545 (4-8) Seminar in Conducting and Repertoire II

    Advanced study of conducting techniques and of representative major compositions and literature (later historical periods). Emphasis on knowledge and conducting skills that can communicate a thorough understanding of genre, idiom, form, texture, and style, in rehearsal and performance. Prerequisite: Restricted to M.Mus. Conducting (Choral, Orchestral, Wind) or permission of the instructor. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  194. MUSC_V 547 (3-6) Seminar in the Literature of Song

    Special topics related to the bibliography, history, repertoire and pedagogy of song. Prerequisite: [MUSC221, MUSC301, MUSC365, MUSC465, MUSC520] This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  195. MUSC_V 548 (3) Historical Performance Practice

    Principles and practical application of the historically-informed performance of music. The philosophy, aesthetics, and key performance conventions of Western music before ca. 1800. Concurrent registration in MUSC 557 is required for students in the Historical Performance Practice MMUS specialization and is recommended for other students. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  196. MUSC_V 549 (6-12) Master's Thesis

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  197. MUSC_V 550 (4-12) Large Instrumental Ensemble

    Symphony Orchestra or Wind Ensemble. Open only to graduate students. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  198. MUSC_V 551 (2) University Chamber Orchestra

    Open only to graduate students. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  199. MUSC_V 553 (4-12) University Singers

    Open only to graduate students. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  200. MUSC_V 554 (3-9) University Choral Union

    Open only to graduate students. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  201. MUSC_V 555 (4) University Chamber Singers

    Open only to graduate students. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  202. MUSC_V 556 (2-6) Vocal Chamber Ensemble

    Open only to graduate students. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  203. MUSC_V 557 (2-6) Early Music Ensemble

    Open only to graduate students. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  204. MUSC_V 559 (2-6) University Chamber Strings

    Open only to graduate students. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  205. MUSC_V 560 (2-6) String Chamber Ensembles

    Open only to graduate students. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  206. MUSC_V 561 (2-6) Piano Chamber Ensembles

    Open only to graduate students. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  207. MUSC_V 562 (2-6) Wind and Percussion Chamber Ensembles

    Open only to graduate students. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  208. MUSC_V 563 (2-6) Contemporary Players

    Open only to graduate students. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  209. MUSC_V 564 (2-6) Jazz Ensemble

    Open only to graduate students. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  210. MUSC_V 565 (2-8) World Music Ensembles

    Training on traditional instruments and their techniques, with emphasis on ensemble performance. Different sections focus on the music of different cultures, e.g., Bali, China, Ghana, Korea. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  211. MUSC_V 566 (1) Intensive Chamber Ensemble

    Intensive coaching. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  212. MUSC_V 569 (1-3) Intensive Specialized Chamber Ensemble

    Intensive coaching. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  213. MUSC_V 571 (2) Music Performance (Secondary)

    Private instruction, vocal or instrumental. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  214. MUSC_V 572 (4) Music Performance (Secondary)

    Private instruction, vocal or instrumental. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  215. MUSC_V 573 (6) Music Performance (Secondary)

    Private instruction, vocal or instrumental. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  216. MUSC_V 591 (2) Music Performance (Major)

    Private instruction, vocal or instrumental. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  217. MUSC_V 592 (4) Music Performance (Major)

    Private instruction, vocal or instrumental. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  218. MUSC_V 593 (6-12) Music Performance (Major)

    Private instruction, vocal or instrumental. May be repeated for credit, in accordance with program requirements. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  219. MUSC_V 594 (8) Music Performance (Major)

    Private instruction, vocal or instrumental. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  220. MUSC_V 595 (10) Music Performance (Major)

    Private instruction, vocal or instrumental. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  221. MUSC_V 600 (3) Seminar in Analytical Techniques

    Not open to Master's students or to Ph.D. students in Music Theory. Prerequisite: [MUSC500, MUSC410, MUSC411, MUSC412, MUSC413] This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  222. MUSC_V 606 (2-4) Readings in Orchestral Repertoire

    Continuation of MUSC 506. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  223. MUSC_V 607 (3-6) Composition

    Further study for doctoral candidates in Composition. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  224. MUSC_V 609 (3-6) Advanced Orchestration and Arranging

    Prerequisite: [MUSC509] This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  225. MUSC_V 649 (0) Ph.D. Dissertation or D.M.A. Thesis

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  226. MUSC_V 671 (2) Music Performance (Secondary)

    Private instruction, vocal or instrumental. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  227. MUSC_V 672 (4) Music Performance (Secondary)

    Private instruction, vocal or instrumental. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  228. MUSC_V 673 (6) Music Performance (Secondary)

    Private instruction, vocal or instrumental. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  229. MUSC_V 691 (2) Music Performance (Major)

    Private instruction, vocal or instrumental. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  230. MUSC_V 692 (4) Music Performance (Major)

    Private instruction, vocal or instrumental. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  231. MUSC_V 693 (6) Music Performance (Major)

    Private instruction, vocal or instrumental. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  232. MUSC_V 694 (8) Music Performance (Major)

    Private instruction, vocal or instrumental. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  233. MUSC_V 695 (10) Music Performance (Major)

    Private instruction, vocal or instrumental. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

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