Applied Biology, Faculty of Land and Food Systems

APBI_V: Applied Biology

  1. APBI_V 100 (3) Soil and the Global Environment

    Soil as the base of the Earth's ecosystem pyramid. The interconnection between soil, climate change and human activity, the carbon cycle, water resources, food security, food safety, and biofuel production. Strategies for sustaining soil resources.

  2. APBI_V 200 (3) Introduction to Soil Science

    Physical, chemical and biological properties of soils; soil formation, classification, use and conservation. There are no prerequisites for this course, but background in Biology 12, Chemistry 12, and Physics 12 (or first-year university-level) is strongly advised. [3-2]

  3. APBI_V 210 (4) Vascular Plants

    A comparative study of pteridophytes, gymnosperms and angiosperms, integrating form, function, and ecology. [3-3] Prerequisite: Either (a) all of BIOL 121, BIOL 180 or (b) all of SCIE 001, BIOL 180. Or (c) 7 credits of first-year biology. Equivalency: BIOL210

  4. APBI_V 214 (3) Animal Sheltering and Companion Animal Support Services

    History, philosophy, and current practices of animal shelters and companion animal support services, with a focus on emerging issues from a One Health/One Welfare perspective. Prerequisite: Second-year standing or higher.

  5. APBI_V 222 (3) Introduction to Horticulture

    The cultivation of key temperate fruits, vegetables, greenhouse, ornamental and nursery crops in BC, integrated with scientific and practical aspects of their sustainable production and marketing.

  6. APBI_V 235 (3) Biotechnology in Agricultural Food Production

    Genetics, genomics, and biotechnology concepts with applications to agricultural food production and food safety. Prerequisite: All of BIOL 112, BIOL 121, BIOL 180.

  7. APBI_V 244 (3) Atmospheric Environments

    Physical principles underlying weather and climates. Thermal, moisture and wind climates from the scale of plants and animals to the globe. Daily weather systems and climate change. Credit will be granted for only one of GEOS (or GEOB) 200, GEOS (or GEOB) 204 or APBI 244. Equivalency: GEOS (OR GEOB) 200

  8. APBI_V 260 (6) Agroecology I: Introduction to principles and techniques

    Basic ecological approaches for understanding and managing agricultural production and food systems. Includes hands-on field data collection, data analysis and problem-based discussions.

  9. APBI_V 265 (3) Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems

    Principles and practices necessary to understand practical concerns of sustainable food systems. Students who already present credit for APBI 260 are not permitted to receive credit for APBI 265. [1-3-0]

  10. APBI_V 290 (3) Introductory Topics in Applied Biology

    Analysis and interpretation of current issues in applied biology. Topics will vary from year to year.

  11. APBI_V 311 (3) Comparative Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Osmoregulatory Physiology

    Cardiovascular, respiratory and osmoregulatory physiology of vertebrates. Prerequisite: BIOL 204 and one of BIOL 260, BIOL 361. And 3rd year standing. Equivalency: BIOL364

  12. APBI_V 312 (3) Reproductive and Digestive Physiology

    Reproductive and digestive physiology, and current technologies applied to these systems in domestic and wild animals. Prerequisite: One of BIOL 204, BIOL 260. 3rd year standing.

  13. APBI_V 313 (3) Experimental Analysis of Animal Behaviour

    Case studies will be used to discover how behavioural principles explain complexity in the behaviour of individual animals and contribute to our understanding of animal welfare.. Prerequisite: Third-year standing or higher. One of PSYC 100, PSYC 101 or PSYC 102 recommended.

  14. APBI_V 314 (3) Animals and Society

    Contemporary use of animals for food production, companionship, recreation and science; social and ethical issues concerning human impacts on animals; animals in human culture; protection of animals by society and the law. Prerequisite: At least third-year standing in any faculty.

  15. APBI_V 315 (3) Animal Welfare and the Ethics of Animal Use

    Scientific assessment of animal well-being, ethical concepts applied to animal use, and animal welfare issues arising in agriculture, biomedical research and other areas. Credit will be granted for only one of APBI 315, ANSC 515, or AANB 515. [1-0-3] Prerequisite: At least third-year standing in any faculty.

  16. APBI_V 316 (3) Equine Biology, Health and Welfare

    Anatomy, physiology, reproduction, nutrition of the horse; common disease pathology, prevention and treatments; equine behaviour. [3-0]

  17. APBI_V 317 (3) Welfare and Ethics of using Animals in Science

    Historical and current debate, ethical perspectives, governance, and scientific understanding of experiences of animals in research.

  18. APBI_V 318 (3) Applied Plant Breeding

    Small-scale classical (i.e., non-biotechnological) plant breeding and seed saving. Practical approaches to crop improvement, designing and implementing a simple plant breeding program.

  19. APBI_V 319 (3) Aquaculture and the Environment

    Interactions between aquaculture and the environment. Current issues, comparison of systems, species, production methods, environments, and socioeconomics. Prerequisite: One of BIOL 230, APBI 260, APBI 265, CONS 330, ENVR 200, ENVR 300. and third year standing. Or permission of the instructor.

  20. APBI_V 322 (4) Horticultural Techniques

    Horticulture theory and methodology in an experiential learning format. Plant identification, seeding, propagation, canopy management, cultivation media, horticultural systems examined in the context of integrated crop management.

  21. APBI_V 324 (3) Introduction to Seed Plant Taxonomy

    Introduction to seed plant taxonomy emphasizing descriptive morphology and identification. Each student will be required to submit a plant collection. [2-3-0] Prerequisite: BIOL 121. Equivalency: BIOL324

  22. APBI_V 326 (3) Introductory Plant Pathology

    Study of the ecology of plant pathogenic organisms; principles of disease development and control. [3-1-0]

  23. APBI_V 327 (3) Introduction to Entomology

    A survey of the structure, classification and biology of insects; ecology and life-histories of insects; insect-plant relations. [2-3-0] Prerequisite: BIOL 121. Equivalency: BIOL327

  24. APBI_V 328 (4) Weed Science

    Importance, identification, dissemination and biology of weeds; preventive, cultural, biological and chemical methods of control. [3-2-0] Equivalency: BIOL317

  25. APBI_V 342 (3) Soil Biology

    The diversity of soil organisms (bacteria, protozoa, fungi, animals, plants) in natural and managed ecosystems; roles in primary production, nutrient cycling, decomposition and reclamation; interactions between soil organisms; responses to environmental change. [2-3-0] Prerequisite: [BIOL121] Equivalency: FRST310

  26. APBI_V 351 (4) Plant Physiology

    Mechanisms and regulation of functional processes contributing to the assimilation, transport and utilization of water, mineral nutrients and carbon by plants. [3-3-0] Prerequisite: BIOL 121 and either(a) CHEM 123 or (b) all of CHEM 111, CHEM 113. CHEM 233 is recommended. Equivalency: BIOL351, FRST311

  27. APBI_V 360 (3) Agroecology II: Ecology of Agricultural Systems

    A variety of ecological processes shape agricultural landscapes. Students will learn the research foundations of applied ecology in agriculture and how to read and critique the scientific literature in this field. Prerequisite: One of BIOL 230, APBI 260, APBI 265.

  28. APBI_V 361 (3) Key Indicators of Agroecosystem Sustainability

    A detailed exploration of biophysical, economic, and social ecosystem sustainability indicators for primary production subsystems. [1-0-3]

  29. APBI_V 365 (6) Summer Practicum in Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems

    Based at the UBC Farm. Application required. Fees will be assessed to meet expenses. Prerequisite: One of APBI 260, APBI 265. and third-year standing.

  30. APBI_V 398 (3) Research Methods in Applied Biology

    Research methods including research design, scientific critique, writing proposals and reports, and oral presentation. Prerequisite: Third-year standing in the Applied Biology program or permission of the instructor.

  31. APBI_V 401 (3) Soil Processes

    Understanding environmental factors influencing soil-forming processes and their ecological implications. Credit will be granted for only one of SOIL 501 or APBI 401. Prerequisite: APBI 200.

  32. APBI_V 402 (3) Sustainable Soil Management

    Application of fundamental, unifying, soil science principles in sustainable ecosystem management. Credit will be granted for only one of SOIL 502 or APBI 402. [1-0-3] Prerequisite: APBI 200.

  33. APBI_V 403 (3) Soil Sampling, Analyses and Data Interpretation

    Field and laboratory analytical techniques in the chemical, biological and physical assessment of soils. Credit will be granted for only one of SOIL 503 or APBI 403. [1-3-0] Prerequisite: APBI 200.

  34. APBI_V 405 (3) Plant-Water Relations for Sustainable Agriculture

    Plant water requirements for production and survival, physiological stress thresholds, soil-plant-atmosphere interactions, structure-function relationships, cutting-edge and traditional monitoring tools, precision agriculture, application for sustainable water management. Prerequisite: One of APBI 210, BIOL 210.

  35. APBI_V 406 (3) Pollination Biology

    Fundamental research and topics in pollination biology related to various themes in applied biology including: natural selection, insect cognition, conservation and agriculture. Credit will be granted for only one of PLNT 506 or APBI 406. Prerequisite: One of APBI 260, APBI 265, BIOL 230.

  36. APBI_V 410 (3) Applied Animal Health and Physiology

    Application of physiology and pathology principles to health and disease of domestic animals. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: BIOL 201 and one of APBI 311, CAPS 301.

  37. APBI_V 411 (4) Reproductive Physiology and Technology

    A comparative overview of reproductive physiology and reproductive technologies in domesticated and laboratory animals. [3-2-0] Prerequisite: BIOL 201. Third year standing or higher.

  38. APBI_V 412 (3) Belowground Ecosystems

    Concepts, methods, and applications of belowground ecology with emphasis on biotic interactions in soil; roles that aboveground and belowground communities play in regulating the structure and function of terrestrial ecosystems and their responses to global change. Credit will be granted for only one of FRST 512 or APBI 412. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Fourth year standing in a Bachelor of Science Program. Permission is required for registration.

  39. APBI_V 413 (3) Stress and Coping in Animals

    Understanding, assessing, and managing stress in farm, companion, captive wildlife, and research animals: sources of stress; behavioural, emotional, cognitive, and physiological responses; effects on growth, reproduction, health. Prerequisite: Third-year standing or higher. APBI 315 and courses in animal physiology and animal behavior recommended.

  40. APBI_V 414 (3) Animals and Global Issues

    Research seminar integrating diverse information to address global animal issues including: animal-source foods and human health, environmental impact of livestock production, trade in exotic animals. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: One of APBI 314, APBI 315.

  41. APBI_V 415 (3) Applied Animal Behaviour

    Application of principles and research methods of animal behaviour to practical problems in the care of farm, companion, wild and research animals, and in animal training, and human-wildlife conflict. [3-0-0]

  42. APBI_V 416 (3) Compassionate Conservation

    Evaluation of humane treatment of individual animals living in the wild and managed within conservation biology. Assessment of attitudes and viewpoints of the role of animal welfare in conservation biology. Prerequisite: Third-year standing or higher. APBI 315 and BIOL 416 or CONS 330 recommended.

  43. APBI_V 417 (4) Production and Postharvest Physiology of Vegetable Crops

    Morphology, growth and development, production, compostition, quality, and postharvest physiology of vegetable crops. [3-2-0]

  44. APBI_V 418 (3) Intensive Fish Production

    Management of fin fish throughout the life cycle; broodstock, egg, larvae, and juvenile. Control of environmental factors, including pathogens, for maximum productivity at all life stages. [3-2-0] Prerequisite: Third-year standing or higher. One of APBI 311, BIOL 204 or BIOL 260. APBI 312 recommended.

  45. APBI_V 419 (3) Fish Health

    Management of fish health in aquaculture; common fish pathogens, epidemiology, prevention, and treatment of diseases. Prerequisite: Third year standing or higher. One of APBI 311, BIOL 204 or BIOL 260. APBI 312 and APBI 418 strongly recommended.

  46. APBI_V 422 (3) Indigenous Food Systems in Canada

    Indigenous food systems are a complex, relational web of connections between land, culture, and spirit. Topics include: major elements of Indigenous food systems and present-day food stories from Indigenous communities across the country.. Prerequisite: LFS 350. Or third-year standing or higher.

  47. APBI_V 423 (3) Ecological Restoration

    Perspectives and practices of ecological restoration in diverse ecosystems worldwide. Prerequisite: APBI 200 and one of FRST 201, APBI 260, BIOL 230. Equivalency: UFOR 403

  48. APBI_V 426 (3) Plant-Microbe Interactions

    Biology and physiology of selected plant-microbe relationships. Impacts of plant-microbe relationships on society. Prerequisite: BIOL 200 and one of BIOC 202, BIOC 203, BIOL 201, BIOL 233, BIOL 234, BIOL 260. Equivalency: BIOL421

  49. APBI_V 427 (3) Insect Ecology

    Behavioural, population, and community ecology of insects. Interaction between insects and plants and the application of the principals of insect ecology to biological control of insects and weeds. [3-0] Prerequisite: One of BIOL 205, BIOL 327, APBI 327. Equivalency: BIOL411

  50. APBI_V 428 (3) Integrated Pest Management

    Development and implementation of multi-disciplinary pest management programs in agricultural crops. [3-2] Prerequisite: BIOL 121.

  51. APBI_V 440 (3) Plant Genomics

    Concepts, principles, and recent discoveries in genome structure and comparative genomics in plants with a focus on economically important plants; applications of genomics approaches to questions in plant genetics, evolution, and ecology. [3-0-0] Corequisite: BIOL 335. Equivalency: BIOL440

  52. APBI_V 442 (3) Wine Grape and Berry Biology

    Grapevine genetics, morphology, and physiology and major biological features of other important berry crops for British Columbia such as blueberry, cranberry, and raspberry. Credit will be granted for only one of APBI 442, APBI 443, or PLNT 542. Prerequisite: All of BIOL 112, BIOL 121 and one of BIOL 200, BIOL 201, APBI 210, BIOL 210.

  53. APBI_V 443 (3) Field Study of Wine Grape Production

    Lectures, field trips, laboratory sessions focused on major issues related to grape and wine production. Origin of grape varieties and rootstocks, morphological features of the grapevine, training systems, canopy management strategies, berry composition, the impact of terroir on wine quality. Credit will be granted for only one of PLNT 542, APBI 442 OR APBI 443. Prerequisite: One of BIOL 112, BIOL 121. And one 200-level BIOL course.

  54. APBI_V 444 (3) Agroforestry

    Ecological, economic and social benefits of incorporating trees into agricultural landscapes. Lectures and groupwork designing agroforestry systems in temperate and tropical contexts. Prerequisite: One of FRST 201, APBI 260. Equivalency: FRST444

  55. APBI_V 460 (3) Agroecology III: Synthesis and evaluation

    The relationship between biological diversity and sustainability in food producing agroecosystems; emphasis on ecological similarities between natural ecosystems and managed agroecosystems. Prerequisite: APBI 360. or equivalent.

  56. APBI_V 461 (3) Applied Agroecology

    Analysis and solution of problems in agricultural production systems through the integration and application of agroecological knowledge and principles. [1-0-3]

  57. APBI_V 462 (3) Conservation Agriculture and Biodiversity Monitoring

    Biodiversity indicators and basic monitoring methods. Sources of agroecosystem biodiversity, including plants, insects, soil invertebrates, and vertebrates. Proficiency in using techniques to measure key abiotic factors in the field. Prerequisite: One of BIOL 300, GEOG 374, FRST 231, LFS 252. APBI 260 recommended

  58. APBI_V 463 (3) Insects in Agroecosystems

    Insect ecology and evolutionary biology of pests, predators, pollinators and other insect groups in agroecosystems. Application to biodiversity management and sustainable agricultural practices. Prerequisite: One of APBI 327, BIOL 327 and one of BIOL 300, GEOG 374, FRST 231, LFS 252, STAT 200.

  59. APBI_V 465 (3) Capstone in Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems

    Integrates classroom and applied learning at the UBC Farm with design project. [1-3-0] Prerequisite: APBI 365.

  60. APBI_V 475 (3) Indigenous Ecologies

    Application of Indigenous worldviews and knowledges to ecology. Colonial history of modern ecology, foundations and examples of Indigenous ecologies, restoration applying multiple worldviews, and Indigenized, culturally appropriate ecological research and decision-making processes. Credit will only be granted for only one of APBI 475, FRST 475, PLNT 575 or FRST 575. Prerequisite: One of BEST 203, BIOL 230, FRST 201, APBI 260, GEOS 207. Third-year standing. Equivalency: FRST 475

  61. APBI_V 490 (3) Advanced Topics in Applied Biology

    Analysis and interpretation of current issues in applied biology. Prerequisite: 3rd year standing or higher.

  62. APBI_V 495 (6) Human Wildlife Conflict

    Evaluation of the impacts of human wildlife conflicts on wildlife populations; application of innovative methods to reduce human wildlife conflicts. [2-0-1] Prerequisite: Third-year standing or higher. BIOL 230 or FRST 395 and APBI 315 or APBI 416 recommended. Equivalency: CONS495

  63. APBI_V 496 (3-6) Applied Animal Biology Practicum

    Application of principles and concepts of Applied Animal Biology to experiential learning in the fields of wild, companion, lab, and farm animal welfare and management. Prerequisite: Third-year standing or higher. APBI 314 and/or APBI 315 are recommended. The credit value for this course will be determined in consultation with the student prior to the registration.

  64. APBI_V 497 (2-6) Directed Studies

    Prerequisite: Approval of program advisor.

  65. APBI_V 498 (3) Undergraduate Essay

    Preparation of a comprehensive and analytical review of an approved topic under the supervision of a faculty member. Consultation with a program advisor is required.

  66. APBI_V 499 (6) Undergraduate Thesis

    Design and execution of an experimental/analytical research project leading to the preparation of a thesis. Prerequisite: Approval of a program advisor; consult before the end of classes in third year.

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