You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Asian Canadian and Asian Migration Studies, Faculty of Arts

ACAM_V: Asian Canadian and Asian Migration Studies

  1. ACAM_V 100 (3) Introduction to Asian Canadian Studies

    Asian Canadian identity, communities, histories, politics, and cultural production, with attention to the diverse approaches and methods that animate Asian Canadian Studies.

  2. ACAM_V 250 (3) Asian Canadians in Popular Culture

    Popular culture's role in the production of Asian Canadian and diasporic communities, with emphasis on race, gender, sexuality, and other identity categories.

  3. ACAM_V 300 (3) Dis/Orienting Asian Canada

    The histories, cultures, social dynamics, and life experiences of Asian communities in Canada in the context of global migrations. Restricted to students with second year status or higher.

  4. ACAM_V 310 (3) Asian Canadian Cultural Studies

    Examines Asian Canadian communities and cultural production in relation to local activism, organizing, and cultural politics in historical and contemporary contexts. Restricted to students with second year standing or higher.

  5. ACAM_V 320 (3-6) Selected Topics in ACAM Studies

    Selected Asian Canadian Asian Migration topics. Consult for this year's offerings. Prerequisite: Restricted to students with at least Second year standing; a previous course in Asian Canadian and Asian Migration Studies is recommended.

  6. ACAM_V 330 (3) Understanding Asian Diasporic Health and Well-Being

    Social issues that impact the health of Asian Canadian communities, with emphasis on race, colonialism, migration, community diversity, and intersectional identities.

  7. ACAM_V 350 (3) Asian Canadian Community-Based Media

    Digital media production in the context of community engagement. Includes critical media literacy, community-based research ethics, project design, training in media forms such audio, video, photography, and web publishing.

  8. ACAM_V 390 (3-6) Asian Migrations in a Global Context

    Transpacific, migratory and socio-cultural connections of Asian migrations in a global context. Prerequisite: Minimum 2nd year standing, 3rd year standing recommended.

  9. ACAM_V 447 (3-6) Directed Studies in Asian Canadian and Asian Migration

    General reading and/or a research undertaking within the scope of Asian Canadian and Asian Migration. Prerequisite: Permission of the Chair of the ACAM program.

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