Cinema Studies, Faculty of Arts

CINE_V: Cinema Studies

  1. CINE_V 100 (3) Introduction to Cinema Studies

    Basic aesthetic, economic, sociological, and technological aspects of film. Credit will be granted for only one of FIST 100 or CINE 100.

  2. CINE_V 200 (3) Introduction to Canadian Cinema

    History and aesthetics of Canadian cinema. Credit will be granted for only one of FIST 200 or CINE 200.

  3. CINE_V 210 (3) Early Cinema

    Aesthetics, economics, history, and technological characteristics of international early film. Credit will be granted for only one of FIST 210 or CINE 210.

  4. CINE_V 220 (3) Hollywood Cinema 1930-1960

    Analysis of the aesthetics, economics, history and technological characteristics of the Classical Hollywood period. Credit will be granted for only one of FIST 220 or CINE 220.

  5. CINE_V 230 (3) Introduction to Asian Cinema

    Overview of the cinemas of China, India, Japan, and Korea. Credit will be granted for only one of FIST 230 or CINE 230.

  6. CINE_V 240 (3) Media Industries

    Overview of today's film and media industries, and of the concepts governing their practices. Credit will be granted for only one of FIST 240 or CINE 240.

  7. CINE_V 300 (3) Cult Cinema

    Overview of world cult cinema. Credit will be granted for only one of FIST 300 or CINE 300.

  8. CINE_V 331 (3) Studies in Film Theory

    A seminar introducing the many theoretical approaches to film: formalist, historical, Marxist, psychoanalytic, semiotic, and structuralist. Credit will be granted for only one of FIST 331 or CINE 331.

  9. CINE_V 332 (3) Studies in Genre or Period

    A seminar examining one or more genres or periods, such as the Western, Film Noir, Science Fiction, Films of the 1980's. Also includes study of national cinemas. Credit will be granted for only one of FIST 332 or CINE 332.

  10. CINE_V 334 (3) Seminar in Documentary

    An analysis of the representational strategies and ethics of the form. Credit will be granted for only one of FIST 334 or CINE 334.

  11. CINE_V 336 (3) Seminar in European Cinema

    Topics may include a study of a European national cinema. Credit will be granted for only one of FIST 336 or CINE 336.

  12. CINE_V 338 (3) Asian and Australasian Cinema

    Topics may include an analysis of a national cinema, such as that of China, India, or Australia. Credit will be granted for only one of FIST 338 or CINE 338.

  13. CINE_V 340 (3) Media Audiences

    Overview of approaches for studying audiences and receptions of film and contemporary media. Credit will be granted for only one of FIST 340 or CINE 340.

  14. CINE_V 430 (3) Studies in Auteurism

    A seminar examining the work of one or more directors, such as John Ford, Francois Truffaut, Denys Arcand, Margarethe Von Trotta, or of a screenwriter over many films. Credit will be granted for only one of FIST 430 or CINE 430.

  15. CINE_V 432 (3-6) Seminar in Motion Picture Forms

    Animation, experimental, and/or multimedia.

  16. CINE_V 434 (3-6) Studies in Film

    A seminar devoted to a topic of current interest in film. Topic will change from year to year. May be repeated for credit when topics differ. Credit will be granted for only one of FIST 434 or CINE 434.

  17. CINE_V 436 (3) Seminar in American Cinema Since 1960

    Topics may include an analysis of a specific period. Credit will be granted for only one of FIST 436 or CINE 436.

  18. CINE_V 438 (3) Seminar in Canadian Cinema

    Topics may include an analysis of the Canadian Governmental agencies supporting Film Production. Credit will be granted for only one of FIST 438 or CINE 438.

  19. CINE_V 445 (3) Majors and Honours Seminar

    Credit will be granted for only one of FIST 445 or CINE 445.

  20. CINE_V 449 (6) Honours Essay

    A course allowing honours students to work with a faculty member on a major research paper. Credit will be granted for only one of FIST449 or CINE 449.

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