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Modern Standard Arabic, Faculty of Arts

ARBM_V: Modern Standard Arabic

  1. ARBM_V 101 (3) Introductory Modern Arabic I

    Basic listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in Modern Standard Arabic at the Beginning Elementary level.

  2. ARBM_V 102 (3) Introductory Modern Arabic II

    Continued development of basic listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in Modern Standard Arabic. Introduction to various aspects of Arab and Islamic culture. Prerequisite: ARBM 101.

  3. ARBM_V 201 (3) Intermediate Modern Arabic I

    Continued development of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in both standard and spoken Arabic, and further exploration of various aspects of Arab culture. Recommended pre-requisite: ARBM 102 or placement approval and permission of the instructor. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  4. ARBM_V 202 (3) Intermediate Modern Arabic II

    Continued development of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in both standard and spoken Arabic, and further exploration of various aspects of Arab culture. Recommended pre-requisite: ARBM 201 or placement approval and permission of the instructor

  5. ARBM_V 450 (3) Advanced Studies in Modern Arabic Language and Cultures

    Advanced-level Arabic written and oral language course focused on contemporary topics related to Arab and Arabic-speaking cultures. Recommended: Provide evidence of ACTFL Advanced High or CEFR C1.1 proficiency in Modern Standard Arabic or placement test with course instructor.

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