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German, Faculty of Arts

GERN_V: German

All GERN_V-coded courses are conducted in German-plus (i.e., German, plus any additional multilingual experiences students bring to the course). By plus, we mean that no classroom is ever monolingual; students bring all of their languages to class with them and use those languages implicitly to help improve their German knowledge. For German Studies courses taught in English-plus, please see GMST_V-coded courses.

  1. GERN_V 101 (3) Learning German 1

    Introduction to the language for beginners. Ability to identify unique features and communicate in everyday situations. Find out more at Credit will be granted for only one of GERM 100 or GERN 101. Equivalency: GERM100

  2. GERN_V 102 (3) Learning German 2

    Continuation of GERN 101. Find out more at Credit will be granted for only one of GERM 110 or GERN 102. Equivalency: GERM110

  3. GERN_V 201 (3) Learning German 3

    Continuation of GERN 102. Find out more at Credit will be granted for only one of GERM 200 or GERN 201. Equivalency: GERM200

  4. GERN_V 202 (3) Learning German 4

    Continuation of GERN 201. Find out more at Credit will be granted for only one of GERM 210 or GERN 202. Equivalency: GERM210

  5. GERN_V 301 (3) Learning German 5

    Continuation of GERN 202. Find out more at Credit will be granted for only one of GERM 300 or GERN 301. Equivalency: GERM300

  6. GERN_V 302 (3) Learning German 6

    Continuation of GERN 301. Find out more at Credit will be granted for only one of GERM 310 or GERN 302. Equivalency: GERM310

  7. GERN_V 303 (3) German Conversation

    Emphasis on the study of oral communication skills and strategies. Fluency in many situations, communicative competence in important areas of cultural life, ability to participate in discussions of current as well as controversial issues to express ideas clearly in spoken word. Credit will be granted for only one of GERM 313 or GERN 303. Prerequisite: One of GERM 210, GERN 202. or equivalent. Equivalency: GERM313

  8. GERN_V 304 (3) German for Reading Knowledge I

    Reading skills in German leading to a second year reading knowledge in just one term. Students are expected to work largely independently. Course meant for students with no or very little German (i.e. no more than GERN 101). Find out more at Credit will be granted for only one of GERM 433 or GERN 304. Equivalency: GERM433

  9. GERN_V 309 (3) German in the Workplace

    Grammatical patterns in application to workplace conditions and requirements with Germanophone business. Find out more at Credit will be granted for only one of GERM 314 or GERN 309. Prerequisite: One of GERM 210, GERN 202. or equivalent. Equivalency: GERM314

  10. GERN_V 315 (3) The Magic of Translation

    Tools and concepts to create original translations across English and German. Includes theory, methodology, and practice. Find out more at Credit will be granted for only one of GERM 325 or GERN 315. Prerequisite: One of GERM 210, GERN 202. or equivalent. Equivalency: GERM325

  11. GERN_V 344 (3) Discipline and Liberation: Studies in the 19th Century

    Nineteenth-century Germanophone literature against the larger background of the political and social developments of the period. Find out more at Credit will be granted for only one of GERM 380 or GERN 344. Equivalency: GERM380

  12. GERN_V 347 (3) Progress and Disaster: Studies in the 20th and 21st Centuries

    Selected literary works from German-speaking societies against the larger background of the political and social developments of the period. Find out more at Credit will be granted for only one of GERM 390 or GERN 347. Equivalency: GERM390

  13. GERN_V 401 (3) German through Critical Contemporary Topics

    Discussion and analysis of current issues in a German-speaking seminar format. Spoken and written German communication about critical, societal topics fostering advanced competence. Continuation of GERN 302. Find out more at Credit will be granted for only one of GERM 400 or GERN 401. Equivalency: GERM400

  14. GERN_V 404 (3) German for Reading Knowledge II (Languages for special purposes)

    Multimedia teaching of reading skills in German for special purposes. Students are expected to work largely independently. Focuses on specific topics of the student's choice in the humanities, the natural sciences, economics/business and music and enhances skills in technical reading. Find out more at Credit will be granted for only one of GERM 434 or GERN 404. Prerequisite: One of GERM 433, GERN 304. or equivalent. Equivalency: GERM434

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