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Biotechnology, Faculty of Science

BIOT_V: Biotechnology

The following UBC Senate approved courses are restricted to students enrolled in the Joint Degree Honours Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology. They are taught at the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) campus and show on the BCIT transcript under the BCIT course numbers.

  1. BIOT_V 201 (0) Lab Safety

    Enrolment limited to students in the Joint Degree Program in Biotechnology. Same as BCIT BIOT 1371.

  2. BIOT_V 203 (2) Introduction to Biotechnology

    Credit limited to students in the Joint Degree Program in Biotechnology. Same as BCIT BIOT 3210.

  3. BIOT_V 205 (3) Microbiology I

    Credit limited to students in the Joint Degree Program in Biotechnology. Same as BCIT BIOT 3201.

  4. BIOT_V 206 (3) Microbiology II

    Credit limited to students in the Joint Degree Program in Biotechnology. Same as BCIT BIOT 4201.

  5. BIOT_V 207 (3) Principles of Animal Physiology

    Credit limited to students in the Joint Degree Program in Biotechnology. Same as BCIT BIOT 3260.

  6. BIOT_V 208 (2) Plant Anatomy and Physiology

    Credit limited to students in the Joint Degree Program in Biotechnology. Same as BCIT BIOT 4260.

  7. BIOT_V 210 (3) Animal Cell Biotechnology

    Credit limited to students in the Joint Degree Program in Biotechnology. Same as BCIT BIOT 4230.

  8. BIOT_V 221 (3) Organic Chemistry I for Biotechnology

    Credit limited to students in the Joint Degree Program in Biotechnology. Same as BCIT CHEM 3338.

  9. BIOT_V 222 (3) Organic Chemistry II for Biotechnology

    Credit limited to students in the Joint Degree Program in Biotechnology. Same as BCIT CHEM 4438.

  10. BIOT_V 231 (2) Communications for Biotechnology

    Credit limited to students in the Joint Degree Program in Biotechnology. Same as BCIT COMM 3343.

  11. BIOT_V 232 (0) Communication Workshop

    Enrolment limited to students in the Joint Degree Program in Biotechnology. Same as BCIT COMM 4443.

  12. BIOT_V 241 (1) Basic Statistics and Information Technology for Biotechnology

    Enrolment limited to students in the Joint Degree Program in Biotechnology. Same as BCIT MATH 2444.

  13. BIOT_V 242 (2) Inferential Statistics and Research Methodology for Biotechnology

    Credit limited to students in the Joint Degree Program in Biotechnology. Same as BCIT MATH 4442.

  14. BIOT_V 280 (0) Introductory Biotechnology

    Block registration for the biotechnology, microbiology, physiology, communication for biotechnology, organic chemistry, information technology, plant anatomy, plant physiology and cell biology courses taken in the Joint BCIT/UBC Degree in Biotechnology. Credit limited to students in the Joint Degree Program. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  15. BIOT_V 306 (2) Microbiology III

    Credit limited to students in the Joint Degree Program in Biotechnology. Same as BCIT BIOT 6201.

  16. BIOT_V 307 (3) Molecular Genetics I

    Credit limited to students in the Joint Degree Program in Biotechnology. Same as BCIT BIOT 5220.

  17. BIOT_V 308 (3) Molecular Genetics II

    Credit limited to students in the Joint Degree Program in Biotechnology. Same as BCIT BIOT 6220.

  18. BIOT_V 309 (2) Advanced Plant Cell Biotechnology

    Credit limited to students in the Joint Degree Program in Biotechnology. Same as BCIT BIOT 5230.

  19. BIOT_V 310 (2) Process Systems

    Credit limited to students in the Joint Degree Program in Biotechnology. Same as BCIT BIOT 5361.

  20. BIOT_V 311 (3) Biochemistry I

    Credit limited to students in the Joint Degree Program in Biotechnology. Same as BCIT BIOT 5240.

  21. BIOT_V 312 (3) Biochemistry II

    Credit limited to students in the Joint Degree Program in Biotechnology. Same as BCIT BIOT 6240.

  22. BIOT_V 313 (3) Introduction to Pharmaceutical Development

    Credit limited to students in the Joint Degree Program in Biotechnology. Same as BCIT BIOT 5250.

  23. BIOT_V 323 (2) Analytical Chemistry I

    Credit limited to students in the Joint Degree Program in Biotechnology. Same as BCIT CHEM 5509.

  24. BIOT_V 324 (2) Analytical Chemistry II

    Credit limited to students in the Joint Degree Program in Biotechnology. Same as BCIT CHEM 6609.

  25. BIOT_V 331 (3) Critical Reading & Writing

    Credit limited to students in the Joint Degree Program in Biotechnology. Same as BCIT LIBS 7001.

  26. BIOT_V 351 (0) Management Skills and Applications

    Enrolment limited to students in the Joint Degree Program in Biotechnology. Same as BCIT BUSA 7250.

  27. BIOT_V 352 (2) Management and Regulatory Affairs

    Credit limited to students in the Joint Degree Program in Biotechnology. Same as BCIT BIOT 6270.

  28. BIOT_V 361 (3) Applied Ethics

    Credit limited to students in the Joint Degree Program in Biotechnology. Same as BCIT LIBS 7002.

  29. BIOT_V 380 (0) Advanced Biotechnology

    Block registration for the microbiology, molecular genetics, biochemistry, management and regulatory affairs, process systems, analytical chemistry and communication courses taken in the BCIT/UBC Joint Degree in Biotechnology. Credit limited to students in the Joint Degree Program. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  30. BIOT_V 398 (3) Co-operative Work Placement I

    Credit limited to students in the Joint Degree Program in Biotechnology.

  31. BIOT_V 399 (3) Co-operative Work Placement II

    Credit limited to students in the Joint Degree Program in Biotechnology.

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