HIST_V 100 (3) What is History?
The discipline of history through the study of questions, sources, methods, and controversies. Includes case studies of key turning points in world history to examine what historians do and why it matters.
The discipline of history through the study of questions, sources, methods, and controversies. Includes case studies of key turning points in world history to examine what historians do and why it matters.
Introduction to premodern human societies of Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas and cultural, political, social, economic, and religious exchanges from a global history perspective and introduction to historical practices.
The civilizations of Asia, Europe, Africa and the Americas, with emphasis on the political, economic, ecological and cultural links among them, and the impact of oceanic contact, imperialism, warfare, migration, and globalization.
International relations; changes in the nation-state system; the emergence and impact of major political ideologies; genocide; decolonization; the globalization of trade; and the dynamics of economic, social, cultural, and environmental change in a global context.
Thematically-organized topics will explore global aspects of human experience across time. Each section will examine a single theme. Check with the department for course offerings.
Places issues and problems of current relevance such as disease, terrorism, drugs, or ethnic conflict in historical perspective. Each section will explore a single theme. Check with department for course offerings.
The history of different forms of media in global perspective, with particular attention to audiovisual electronic media.
Survey of global history from the 15th to the 20th century, a transformative period marked by profound social, political, economic and environmental changes.
Historical survey of the 20th and 21st centuries. Includes international relations, colonialism, decolonization, and political ideologies. Application of historical sources and methods to examine the dynamics of change in a global context.
The political, economic, social, cultural, and human interactions between Asia and the world, inter-Asian relations, Asian diaspora, colonialism, war and the social consequences of conflict, decolonization, industrial growth, and developing world issues.
The discipline of history through the study of photographs. Explores themes such as colonialism, orientalism, the mass media, representations of gender and sexuality, and protest through photographic evidence.
Problems and themes of medieval European History through the close study of the people and cultures that produced them.
Critically examines the origins, impacts, and legacies of the nebulous 'Global War on Terror'.
Exploration of global histories through video games and uses of video games for research by historians.
An introduction to the study of medieval and modern material culture, with special emphasis on Canada, using archaeological evidence to illustrate the principles, aims, and techniques of historical archaeology and related disciplines.
Social, religious, and political functions of the supernatural in late antique, early medieval, and medieval European society (400-1400 CE). Emphasis on the different roles and impacts of magic, witchcraft, and the occult in pre-modern European conceptions of the cosmos.
The impact humans have had on the environment, and the ways in which the physical environment has shaped human history: climate, agriculture, energy use, and urbanization. Credit will only be granted for one of HIST_V 207 or HIST_V 106. Equivalency: HIST_V 106
An introduction to the experiences of Indigenous peoples and the nature of colonialisms around the world since 1500, and an introduction to historical practices and perspectives. Credit will only be granted for one of HIST_V 208 or HIST_V 107. Equivalency: HIST_V 107
The history of capitalism in its global dimension from the beginnings to the age of industrialization. An investigation of economies - in both their practices and cultures - around the world and across the ages from ancient times to the modern era. Credit will only be granted for one of HIST_V 209 or HIST_V 108. Equivalency: HIST_V 108
Explores the mass migration of people in the modern world through a global perspective. Industrial and export-oriented economies in the mid-nineteenth century to contemporary issues of border regulation and refugees. Credit will be granted for only one of HIST_V 211 or HIST_V 110. Equivalency: HIST_V 110.
Explores films as a powerful medium for making history. Analyze visual arguments and historical representations, claims, and narratives made in films.
Selected themes and historical approaches in European history; may include Europe's history of religious conflict, state formation, colonialism, nationalism, industrialization, revolution, total war, globalization, genocide, or environmental change.
An introduction to major turning points in Canadian history. Exploration of the social, political, cultural, and environmental transformations/revolutions that have shaped Canada from early European colonialism to the twenty-first century.
An introduction to public history in Canada that explores the politics and practice of representing the past in a variety of sites, such as museums, monuments, and films, and examines questions of historical interpretation, memory, and audience.
Survey from colonial period to present examining political system, slavery, Civil War, race relations and civil rights, westward expansion, industrialization, feminism, expanding international presence, Cold War, and modern culture.
History of western medicine, from the Ancient World to the Enlightenment, with a focus on social and cultural ideas surrounding the body, health, and disease, and the development of medical institutions.
Western medicine from 1700 to the present, with a focus on social and cultural ideas surrounding the body, health and disease, and the development of medical institutions.
Exploring themes of colonialism, indigenous life, national imaginaries, dictatorships and transitions to democracy through different forms of telling Latin American history. Includes epistolary writing, maps, eyewitness accounts, chronicles, actions, novels, films, built environment and city plans, testimonios, and plays.
A survey of social, cultural and political history of Anglophone, Francophone and Spanish Caribbean from the Haitian Revolution to the present.
An introduction to selected themes and historical approaches in African history. These may include African geography and identities, sources and methodology, pre-modern state formation, gender relations, world religions, labour systems, colonialism, and post-colonialism. Credit will be granted for only one of AFST_V 256 or HIST_V 256. Equivalency: AFST_V 256
The history of science, medicine, and technology, emphasizing networks, exchanges, and encounters in a global context.
An introduction to the historical development, conceptual foundations, and cultural significance of contemporary science. Themes will vary from year to year. Credit will be granted for only one of HIST_V 260 or PHIL_V 260. Equivalency: PHIL_V 260.
The history of China in a global context, from the earliest times to the most recent past; how China has changed the world and how engagement with the world has changed China. Credit will be granted for only one of HIST_V 270 or ASIA_V 270. Equivalency: ASIA_V 270
Thematic study of comparisons and relations between Japan and the world outside (primarily Europe and China). Commercial expansion, systems of world order, social institutions, religious and ideological expression, and state organization.
Societies, cultures, and politics of the Indian subcontinent from its ancient civilizations to the formation of the modern nation-states of South Asia.
Powerful empires that flourished over the Eurasian Steppe, from the earliest to modern times, and how regimes and cultures associated with these empires have changed the world.
The history of the Islamic world in its global dimensions from its origins to the present day through the themes of religion, law, politics, culture, and modernity.
Historical and archaeological study of Viking-Age and premodern Scandinavia and the Vikings complex legacies in contemporary cultural heritage.
Examination of cultural heritage work and policy based on contemporary international case studies that engage the global medieval past.
Indigenous peoples from pre-contact to the present in Canada and the U.S. Topics may include colonial frontiers, disease, fur trade, government policies, environment, gender, religion, oral narratives, activism, urbanization, and identity.
Sources and methods for reconstructing local history that can be used by Social Studies teachers in B.C. The aim is to develop an appreciation of the formative processes and past experiences that created one's familiar community.
The social, political, cultural, environmental, and economic transformations that have made British Columbia. Topics include the histories of Indigenous and settler peoples, the modern state, migration, activism, and identity.
Relations between the English and the Canadians prior to the Rebellions of 1837-38, the emergence of French Canadian nationalism after 1840, the impact of State formation and industrialization in Quebec, the Quiet Revolution, and the independence movement.
Transformation of the British imperial system from the mid-nineteenth century to de-colonization and neo-colonialism after the second World War.
Pre-colonial, colonial, and contemporary, emphasizing South Africa. Credit will be granted for only one of AFST_V 312 or HIST_V 312. Equivalency: AFST_V 312
Africa in the 19th and 20th Centuries: Islamic revolutions, the end of the slave trades, colonial conquest, labour struggles, Christianity's new appeal, PanAfricanism, nationalist resistance, and decolonization. Post-independence challenges of nation-building and economic development. Cultural renaissances and the politics of tradition. Credit will be granted for only one of AFST_V 313 or HIST_V 313. Equivalency: AFST_V 313
The social, economic, political, religious, cultural, and intellectual history of Britain between the Reformation and the Industrial Revolution, emphasizing the rise of modern industrial society.
Selected themes in the history of Vancouver, exploring how the study of the past illuminates or explains major debates in the city today. Credit will be granted for only one of HIST_V 316 or HIST_V 415 Equivalency: HIST_V 415.
Britain from the Great Exhibition to the Great War: the creation of a mass electorate, the New Imperialism, the New Woman, and the ways that class, race, gender, and sexuality shaped modern Britain.
Survey of recent British history, with emphasis on de-colonization, emergence of the welfare state, new social movements and patterns of immigration, and Britain's changing relationship with Europe.
European precedents, Colonial self-government, Canadian Confederation, and issues such as gay rights, abortion, and First Nations land rights. Credit will be granted for only one of HIST_V 320 or HIST_V 414. Equivalency: HIST_V 414.
This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.
Political, social, cultural, and intellectual transformations that reshaped the Atlantic world between 1763 and 1838; special attention will be given to the American, French, and Haitian Revolutions, the Latin American Wars of Independence and Canadian rebellions.
An examination of political, cultural and national developments within the British North American colonies in the second half of the nineteenth century. Credit will not be granted for both HIST 324 or 326, if 326 was taken before 2007W.
Includes Aboriginal policy, immigration and national identity; Canada, Britain and the US; World Wars; economic modernization; the Great Depression; regionalism; political and social movements; and the creation of 'Canadian' culture. Credit will only be granted for one of HIST_V 325 or HIST_V 426.
Includes immigration policy; the welfare state; Aboriginal peoples; the Cold War; resource economies and national politics; continentalism and free trade; constitutional crises; conflicting nationalisms; and new social movements. Credit will only be granted for one of HIST_V 326 or HIST_V 426.
Encounters between European, African, and Indigenous North American peoples as well as the history of the colonies within the Atlantic world, from the late sixteenth century to the eve of the American Revolution.
Issues in U.S. history from the colonial era through the Civil War, including the causes of the American Revolution; slavery; aboriginal peoples; labour, gender, and industrialization.
Canadian history through the lens of individual people's lives and their social impact. Themes include race, class, gender, sexuality, indigeneity, colonialism, slavery, immigration, moral regulation, and activism.
Origins and transformation of the global financial order (18th century onward) in relation to war, state-building, international political economy, and colonialism.
The complicated political, economic and social history of the United States in the three decades following the Civil War.
A comparative analysis of the institution of chattel slavery, its growth, its effects on slaves and masters, its relation to the larger society, and the causes of its decline, in the various cultures of the Americas. Credit will be granted for only one of HIST_V 332 or HIST_V 444. Equivalency: HIST_V 444.
This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.
The history of African Americans from the beginnings of the African slave trade in the 15th Century through the mid-1800s and the coming of the U.S. Civil War.
The history of African-Americans from the Civil War and emancipation through the present. Topics include the Jim Crow system; the Harlem Renaissance; the Civil Rights Movement; and the current economic and political status of Americans of African ancestry.
The impact of imperialism and colonialism on archaeological practice, museum collecting, and the telling of historical narratives.
The history of the 1960s from a transnational perspective: culture, social change, student activism, and global conflict. Credit will be granted for only one of HIST_V 337 or HIST_V 418. Equivalency: HIST_V 418.
U.S. emergence as an industrial powerhouse and, eventually, a global superpower; responses to industrial society, meaning of modern times, economic upheaval and social change, U.S.'s role as a world power, and politics of race, ethnicity, and gender.
American military and geo-political power during and after Cold War; wars in Korea, Vietnam, and Middle East; domestic issues including McCarthyism, social movements (blacks, women, youth, gays and lesbians, and Native Americans), consumerism, immigration, and rise of New Right.
Frontier ideologies in relation to race, gender, class, sexuality. Place-making and historical narrative in and about the western part of the United States.
A survey of the political, social, economic, and cultural history of the Jews from the time of the Christianization of the Roman Empire to the expulsion of professing Jews from Spain and Portugal at the end of the fifteenth century.
A survey of the political, social, economic, and cultural history of the Jews from the beginning of the sixteenth century to the present with special emphasis on changing attitudes to Jews and Judaism, social and cultural transformations.
Medieval representations and treatments of gendered bodies through disciplines of history, religion, and archaeology. Implications of a dominant male standard in early Christian thought.
The political, social and/or cultural history of early modern France before the Revolution. Topics may include: the changing significance of the monarchy; the Enlightenment critique of the Catholic Church and religion; the 'pre-revolution'. Credit will only be granted for one of HIST_V 344 or HIST_V 406.
The relationship between law and society; the development of legal institutions and the evolving character of crime in Canada. Credit will be granted for only one of HIST_V 345 or HIST_V 419. Equivalency: HIST_V 419.
The political, social, and cultural history of France from the Revolution of 1789 to the present. Topics may include: France's journey toward democracy and republicanism, the countryís many revolutions over the course of the nineteenth century; the countryís unique model of demographic and industrial modernization.
Russian politics, society, culture, and empire, beginning with the medieval period extending through the era of Peter the Great's modernization efforts and the Enlightenment.
A study of the systematic attempt to destroy European Jewry during the Nazi regime, 1933- 1945. Topics of special importance include: the motivations and behaviour of the perpetrators; the reactions of the victims; the roles of bystanders. Credit will be granted for only one of HIST_V 348 or HIST_V 441. Equivalency: HIST_V 441.
History of Russia from the time of Catherine the Great to the Russian Revolution with particular focus on social and cultural history.
History of the Soviet Union. Topics may include the political, social, and cultural history of the Soviet Union and post-Soviet successor states from 1900 to the present.
Covers the region between Germany and Russia as well as Southeast Europe. Emphasis on comparisons with Western Europe and features that make the area significant to Europe as a whole.
Politics, culture, society, war, and diplomacy; themes include colonialism, nationalism, and authoritarianism; emphasis on the 20th and 21st centuries.
An in-depth study of one major topic in the ancient and/or modern history of the Middle East. Please consult the Department webpage for current offerings.
The rise and fall of the Ottoman empire; themes include Islamic law, politics, art, culture, gender relations, and the influence of religion on statecraft.
The political, social, and cultural history of modern Germany during the long nineteenth century (1780s to the early twentieth century).
The political, social, and cultural history of Germany in the twentieth century.
Examines themes in the last five hundred years of Mexican history, with an emphasis on the critical reading of primary sources and the use of a variety of texts that may include letters, diaries, paintings, photographs, novels, and movies.
The history and historiography of 20th century Cuba, with particular attention to changing state structures and their impact on everyday life.
The evolution of the contemporary international system from its nineteenth-century origins to the global order of the mid-twentieth century. Credit will only be granted for only one of HIST_V 360 or HIST_V 432.
The evolution of the contemporary international system from the end of the Second World War to the beginning of the twenty-first century. Credit will only be granted for only one of HIST_V 361 or HIST_V 432.
Political, economic, social, and cultural history of the premodern Islamic World and its global connections during the Abbasid Caliphate, with attention to the relevance of this past to our contemporary world.
A survey of the development of institutions, ideas and the economy in Europe from about 400 through about 1000 CE.
A survey of the development of institutions, ideas and the economy in Europe from about 1000 CE through the fourteenth century.
The interplay between new and traditional ideas, styles, and institutions from the fourteenth to the mid-sixteenth century, with emphasis upon the relationship of social, economic, and political factors to intellectual and cultural change.
An examination of European history that place both the Protestant Reformation and the Catholic Reformation in the broader context of the political, social, cultural, and economic changes during the early modern era.
Europe during the age of the Enlightenment, from the end of the religious wars to the French Revolution, with emphasis on political, social, cultural, and intellectual changes in their global context.
An investigation of main themes in European history from the French Revolution to the beginning of the 20th century. Topics of particular importance are: domestic politics; the interaction of states; the formation of new states; social and economic transformations affecting the whole civilization; major cultural expressions of the century.
Europe in the first half of the twentieth century. Themes include the imperialist system, two world wars and their aftermaths, political and social movements of the interwar years, the Depression, and the crisis of liberal democracy. Credit will be granted for only one of HIST_V 369 or HIST_V 462. Equivalency: HIST_V 462.
Europe since the middle of the twentieth century. Themes include the Cold War, the development of separate social and political systems in Western and Eastern Europe, the emergence of the welfare state, and the problems of European integration.
U.S. foreign policy and international history. Examines the American rise to power and political, economic, and cultural relationships between the United States and other peoples, organizations, and states worldwide. Credit will be granted for only one of HIST_V 371 or HIST_V 408. Equivalency: HIST_V 408.
U.S. foreign policy and international history. Political, economic, and cultural relationships between the United States and other peoples, organizations, and states worldwide. Credit will be granted for only one of HIST_V 372 or HIST_V 409. Equivalency: HIST_V 409.
History, culture, and identities of Hong Kong from the early 1800s to the present. Credit will be granted for only one of HIST 373 or ASIA 373. Equivalency: ASIA 373
WWI as a global war; cultural history and legacy; impact of imperialism on the war; military technology. Credit will be granted for only one of HIST_V 374 or HIST_V 404. Equivalency: HIST_V 404.
Precursors and consequences of the war; military, political, cultural, social, and economic histories of how the war shaped and reflected its global context. Themes include totalitarianism, genocide, and imperialism and decolonization. Credit will be granted for only one of HIST_V 375 or HIST_V 406. Equivalency: HIST_V 406.
Meanings of modernity, from the establishment of a nation-state to the creation of a colonial empire, postwar occupation, modern politics and global influence. Social change, including civil protest, mass culture, censorship and expression, and gender, sexuality, ethnicity and race.
The history, culture, languages, and identities of the multi-faceted Cantonese worlds, in the context of Chinese history and the Cantonese diaspora. Credit will be granted for only one of HIST 377 or ASIA 323. Equivalency: ASIA 323 This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.
History of China from the earliest times to the disintegration of the Tang Empire. Students will acquire the analytical skills and tools to understand the origins and foundations of Chinese society. Credit will be granted for only one of HIST 378 or ASIA 320. Equivalency: ASIA 320
History of China from the end of Tang to the eve of its modern transformation. Students will acquire the analytical skills and tools to understand the political, socio-economic, and cultural changes in imperial China. Credit will be granted for only one of HIST 379 or ASIA 340. Equivalency: ASIA 340
The history of China from 1800 to the present including the decline of the Qing empire, the rise of modern nationalism, foreign invasion, and China's multiple revolutions.
The history of European imperial rule, the forms of resistance to it, and the formation of nationalist movements in Southeast Asia. The countries studied include Vietnam, Indonesia, the Philippines, Burma, and Thailand.
The history of the Japanese occupation, wars of independence, international relations of the independent nation-states, and internal armed conflicts. Special attention will be paid to the wars in Vietnam, Indonesia, and East Timor.
Sikh religious beliefs, practices, institutions, and thought. Emphasis on the history of the Sikh Gurus and their writings, and the larger social and cultural forces within which the tradition developed.
Historical, social, and cultural forces that shaped Sikh religious beliefs, practices, institutions, and thought in the modern period, including both colonial and post-colonial contexts and the transnational Sikh community.
Exploration of the rise of the East India Company as territorial power, the formation of a colonial society in India, competing responses to British rule, the struggle for independence, and the legacies of partition.
An examination of the political, economic, social, and cultural transformations of Korea since the late nineteenth century. Topics include the end of the Choson Dynasty, the history of Japanese colonial rule, the Korean war, and the two Koreas in the international system.
History of medieval India explored through different stories from and about India's pre-modern past. Studies trends in society, religion, politics, and material life to reveal the dynamism of this period and to challenge simplified narratives of Hindu-Muslim confrontation.
History of India during the period of Mughal rule (roughly 1500-1750). Studies the role of India and the Mughals within the global dynamics of the early modern world.
Topics will vary from year to year. Consult the program website https://history.ubc.ca/courses/ for more information. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.
Changing ideas about humanity and rights. Considers the relationship between human rights and the nation-state, imperialism, and capitalism. Assesses the efforts to end large-scale human rights violations and the role of the United Nations.
The profound transformation of knowledge about the world in the context of the first global encounter of civilizations between 1450 and 1800. Explores the foundations for modern science.
An examination of historical, conceptual, and methodological conditions of scientific knowledge through detailed consideration of important episodes in the history of science. Credit will be granted for only one of HIST 393 or PHIL 360. Credit will be granted for only one of HIST 393 or PHIL 360. Equivalency: PHIL 360
Darwin and the science of evolution in nineteenth and early twentieth century. Credit will be granted for only one of HIST 394 or PHIL 364. Credit will be granted for only one of HIST 394 or PHIL 364. Equivalency: PHIL 364
Science and the military-industrial complex; quantum and relativistic revolutions in physics; nuclear energy and weapons of mass destruction; international tensions, environmental damage, and global perils.
Overview of land use and environmental change in Canada and the United States; examines ideas and practices that shaped indigenous and non-indigenous resource exploitation, management, and activism to the end of the twentieth century.
Major themes in global environmental history and historiography since 1500, with a particular focus on the nineteenth through twenty-first centuries.
The history of health and disease in the modern world, focusing in particular on the emergence and history of modern biomedicine.
Approaches to the history of historical inquiry, with particular attention to theoretical and methodological debates among historians. Recommended for history majors. Not open to Department of History honours students.
The practice, ethics, and politics of oral history. Provides research training, where students design and complete projects based on oral history interviews.
Humankind's encounter with its ocean frontier through exploration, trading, fishing, whaling, piracy, and naval warfare from 1400 to 1850.
Selected topics such as trade, migration, diplomacy, war, migration, colonialism, and post- colonialism. Priority for registration to majors in History or International Relations.
Selected topics in the history of international relations. Restricted to fourth year students majoring in History or International Relations. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.
International relations in the Middle East in the aftermath of the Ottoman Empire, with special attention to the conflicts between Jews of Palestine/Israel and their Arab neighbours.
Themes include Canadian relations with the United States and British Empire, the emergence of Canada in international organizations such as the United Nations and NATO, and Canada's role in the development of international law, international trade, and human rights systems.
The influence of the United States' rise to continental, hemispheric, and world power upon Canada. Topics may include areas of economics, defence, and foreign policy.
The political and intellectual history of the concept of the nation in French and English Canada, and the different forms of nationalism it inspired from the middle of the nineteenth century to the 1995 Quebec Referendum.
May include immigration, French-English relations, the growth of the state, health and welfare, or the family.
This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.
From 1800 to the present; emphasis on the business strategies of Japan's largest companies; attention also to broader economic topics such as international trade, government policy, social impact of industry, business and politics, labour, and post-1971 multi-nationalism.
Historic origins and drivers of economic growth around the globe.
Continuity and change in the relations of war and society, the connections between the economy, society, the military, and government in peacetime as well as war; not a course in military history.
This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.
Gender roles and gender relations from the Gilded Age to the present day. Topics include political movements such as suffrage and feminism; labour and recreation; marriage, family, and children's socialization; sexuality; and popular culture.
Topics may include changes in economic activity, social structure, family life, religious attitudes, and popular behaviour which accompanied the transformation of Europe from a pre-industrial to an industrial society.
Explores relationships between politics, culture, and social change in Europe. Topics include the changing role of intellectuals: literary aestheticism, painting, design and the city, origins of psychology.
The emergence of global health since 1800. Medical and social response to infectious diseases and epidemics, the ethical foundations of global health, and the relationship among health, colonialism, international collaboration, and the developing world.
Children's history from settler days to the present. Topics include education, work and play, ideologies of childhood and adolescence, children's material and popular culture, and differences of identity based on region, class, race, and gender.
Examines in depth a significant period, theme, or topic in the history of the United States. Possible subjects include The West, the Great Depression, the Sixties, and Class, Race, and Gender.
This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.
A study in depth of one major topic (such as the Cuban Revolution or Peronism) in the recent history of Latin America.
The role of family and community from the colonial period to the present. Emergence of the nation state as it affected community and family structures.
The relationship between culture and class formation from the late colonial period to the present.
The construction of gender ideologies and gendered and sexual identities, including masculine, feminine, and transgendered, in modern Latin America. [3-0-0]
Legacies of African, European, and Asian migrations, and colonial encounters with indigenous peoples in the Americas. Includes the creation of racial categories, the making of transnational and transracial families, and the emergence of race-based social and cultural movements.
Revolutionary movements in the Third World during the second half of the twentieth century; the radicalisation of anticolonial nationalism; the impact of anticolonial radicalism in the developed world; the decline of Marxism as a revolutionary inspiration.
An interdisciplinary history of early European contact with the Indigenous peoples of the northwest coast of North America and the Pacific Islands.
Selected interdisciplinary topics in the history of Canada's Indigenous peoples after European contact, including historical demography, economic interdependency, missionary encounters, gender relations, and interactions with colonial powers and the nation state. Recommended: HIST 302 or other background in the field. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.
Interdisciplinary topics in the history of the United States' Indigenous peoples from before European contact. HIST 302 or other background in the field is recommended. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.
Comparative interdisciplinary analysis of selected topics in Indigenous history in North America and beyond. HIST 302 or other background in the field is recommended. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.
Colonial land policy, Indigenous resistance and organizing, treaties, and court decisions. Some previous knowledge of Indigenous history is strongly recommended.
Annually changing topics of medieval studies with special attention to research methods on primary sources.
Influence of nostalgia for the history, literature, arts, architecture, and traditions of medieval European centuries on modern intellectual, artistic, and nationalist and racist political movements in Europe and North America. Restricted to students with third-year standing or higher.
A study of women's roles in the family, society, law, religion, the economy, and literature from about 500 to 1500 CE.
A survey and exploration of the development, interpenetration, conflict, and transformation of various intellectual and religious traditions during the Middle Ages.
Exploration of the history of the Punjabi Canadian community through traditional text-based methods and oral history collection. Credit will be granted for only one of HIST 475 or ASIA 475. Equivalency: ASIA 475 This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.
The history of law in the Middle Ages, including English common law, civil (Roman) law, and canon law, and how changes in both medieval law and society affected the development of each.
The evolution of political institutions, the emergence of royal governments as well as representative assemblies and urban republic and conflicts within and among them leading to the emergence of modern structures.
The lives of leading and controversial figures in the Middle Ages and the means by which they have portrayed themselves and been portrayed by others.
An in-depth examination of the construction, transmission, and transformation of Chinese culture(s) prior to 1800. A maximum of 6 credits will be granted for only one of HIST_V 479 or ASIA_V 440.Equivalency: ASIA_V 479
Changes and continuities in Chinese society and culture from the late imperial period to the present. Topics may include rural and urban life, social stratification, social movements and ideology, family and community, popular beliefs and cultural values.
The relationship between education and society in China since 1600; classical learning and the civil service examination system; popular literacy; sino-foreign interactions in education; education and gender; nationalism and education; the education revolution in China after 1949.
This history of Chinese migrations from the founding of the state to the present day. Migration is used as a focus through which to examine some key themes of Chinese history; ethnicity, boundary creation, economic growth and international relations.
Examines both the historical and contemporary contexts for migration from Asia to Canada and the Americas.
Confucian societies are often thought of as ones in which the brush is mightier than the sword. In fact the military has been a crucial factor in East Asia, and warfare has been the engine which has driven many of the most significant changes in East Asian history. This course will look at the evolution of East Asian military systems, and at the impact of recurrent warfare on East Asia societies.
This course will examine the history of Asian migration to Vancouver and British Columbia, focusing on the development of local communities and provide a background in historical research methods that will enable the students to conduct research on the history of these communities.
Alternative and complementary healing in history, including Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), yoga, meditation, and alternative drug therapies. Specific themes may vary from year to year.
Selected problems in the theory and practice of historical work. Check with the department for course offerings. Restricted to fourth year students majoring in History or in the History and Philosophy of Science. Also open to History Honours students. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.
Examines the relationship between science and society in the long eighteenth century. Topics include empiricism, classification, academies, print culture, and voyages of exploration.
Science and society in the 19th to 21st Centuries. [3-0-0]
The cultural contexts and consequences of science and nineteenth century technology. European and North American developments.
Examines how Darwin's theory of evolution changed the investigation of human nature. Questions will be historical and scientific, but will also concern the social, ethical, and existential stakes raised by the human mind as a product of evolution.
This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.
This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.
This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.
This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.
Offers essential skills for academic and non-academic paths in the historical profession as well as identifying alternative career possibilities for historians. Offers essential skills for academic and non-academic paths in the historical profession as well as identifying alternative career possibilities for historians. Restricted to students in the following programs: PhD in History, MA in History This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.
This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.
This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.
This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.
This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.
This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.
This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.
This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.
This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.
This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.
This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.
This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.
This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.
This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.
This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.
This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.
This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.
This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.
This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.
This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.
This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.
Advanced seminar on a specific theme or themes of interest to both STS and History. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.
This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.
This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.
This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.
This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.
This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.
This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.
This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.
This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.
This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.
This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.