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Global Resource Systems, Faculty of Land and Food Systems

GRS_V: Global Resource Systems

  1. GRS_V 290 (2) Global Issues in Cultural Context

    Students interact face-to-face and online as a community of learners to discuss global issues in agriculture, food, and natural resources in cultural context. Typically taken prior to studying abroad. [0-0-2; 0-0-2] Prerequisite: Open only to students in the B.Sc. (GRS) program.

  2. GRS_V 300 (3) Global Water and Energy Nexus

    Energy water nexus for sustaining ecological goods and services, and food security; significance in global resource systems. Prerequisite: One of CHEM 111, CHEM 121 and one of BIOL 112, BIOL 121, BIOL 140.

  3. GRS_V 390 (2) Global Issues in Cultural Context

    Students interact face-to-face and online as a community of learners to discuss global issues in agriculture, food, and natural resources in cultural context. Typically taken while studying abroad. [0-0-2] Prerequisite: GRS_V 290

  4. GRS_V 397 (2-6) Regional Directed Field Studies

    Participating students may be assessed a fee.

  5. GRS_V 490 (2) Global Issues in Cultural Context

    Students interact face-to-face and online as a community of learners to discuss global issues in agriculture, food, and natural resources in cultural context. Typically taken after studying abroad. [0-0-2] Prerequisite: GRS_V 390

  6. GRS_V 497 (2-6) Regional Directed Field Studies

    Participating students may be assessed a fee. Prerequisite: GRS 397

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