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Sociology, Faculty of Arts

SOCI_V: Sociology

One of SOCI_V 100, SOCI_V 101, SOCI_V 102 is prerequisite for most 300- and 400-level SOCI_V courses.

  1. SOCI_V 100 (6) Introduction to Sociology

    Introduction to problems in the analysis of social structures and processes. Basic sociological concepts will be introduced and their application demonstrated in various areas of sociology. Credit will be granted for only one of SOCI 100 or both SOCI 101, SOCI 102.

  2. SOCI_V 101 (3) Social Interaction and Culture

    Culture, identity, social interaction, relationships and socialization. Credit will be granted for only one of SOCI 101 or SOCI 100.

  3. SOCI_V 102 (3) Inequality and Social Change

    Inequality, institutions, social structure and social change. Credit will be granted for only one of SOCI 102 or SOCI 100.

  4. SOCI_V 200 (3) Sociology of Family

    An introduction to contemporary family forms and relations.

  5. SOCI_V 201 (3) Ethnicity

    An introduction to the study of the relations between ethnic groups and of the interplay between ethnicity and other social factors.

  6. SOCI_V 204 (3) Global Population Dynamics

    Core processes that influence world population patterns and trends.

  7. SOCI_V 210 (3) Canadian Social Structure

    Descriptive and analytic survey of such features as demographic characteristics, class structure, ethnicity, and regional variation in Canadian society as a basis for understanding current social issues.

  8. SOCI_V 217 (3) Research Methods

    Introduction to research designs and methodologies. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102, SOCI 200.

  9. SOCI_V 220 (3) Sociology of Indigenous Peoples

    Sociological perspective of Indigenous peoples and issues both internationally and within Canada.

  10. SOCI_V 224 (3) Sociology of Personal Life

    A sociological examination of everyday life exploring the social in the personal.

  11. SOCI_V 230 (3) Shopping, Society, and Sustainability

    Major theories of consumer society, evaluating impacts of shopping on human and non-human environments and popular solutions to these impacts.

  12. SOCI_V 240 (3) Introduction to Social Interaction

    Research on social interaction, with an emphasis on group (as opposed to individual) processes and behaviour.

  13. SOCI_V 250 (3) Crime and Society

    Crime as a social phenomenon, with emphasis on the changing definitions of crime in relation to social and political change in Canadian and other societies.

  14. SOCI_V 260 (3) Work and Society

    Social forces responsible for changing patterns of technological innovation and work organization in modern industrial societies. Emphasis on the organization of work, labour force dynamics, and technological change.

  15. SOCI_V 270 (3) Sociology of Creativity

    The application of sociological concepts to the examination of creative processes.

  16. SOCI_V 280 (3) Data and Society

    Impacts of changing information and communication technologies on societies and social interactions.

  17. SOCI_V 284 (3) Health and Society

    An introduction to health and illness through a sociological lens. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102.

  18. SOCI_V 285 (3) Citizenship and Identity

    The concepts of citizenship, identity, and human rights as social processes shaping individuals and communities (both local and global).

  19. SOCI_V 290 (3) Global Pandemics

    Global pandemics in relation to social inequality, social interaction and social institutions.

  20. SOCI_V 301 (3) Sociology of Development and Underdevelopment

    Processes of social change in the Third World and other developing countries. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102.

  21. SOCI_V 302 (3) Ethnic and Racial Inequality

    A critical examination of classical and contemporary theories and research evidence concerning ethnic and racial inequality at the societal and interpersonal levels. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102.

  22. SOCI_V 303 (3) Sociology of Migration

    Sociological approaches to the movement of peoples and its impact over time. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102.

  23. SOCI_V 310 (3) Canadian Society

    Social organization of Canadian society: relationships between social institutions and social processes (e.g., economics, education, family, law, media, and politics); including issues of ancestry, ethnicity, gender, region, and social class. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102.

  24. SOCI_V 312 (3) Gender Relations

    The nature of gender relations, their social and cultural expression, and theories of gender inequality. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102.

  25. SOCI_V 314 (3) Sociology of Masculinity

    How masculinity differs across social contexts and time periods. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102.

  26. SOCI_V 320 (3) Diversity in Family Forms

    An examination of diversity within and between families and of diverse family forms. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102, SOCI 200.

  27. SOCI_V 324 (3) Sociology of the Life Course

    Individuals and families through the life course. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102, SOCI 200.

  28. SOCI_V 328 (3) Social Statistics I

    The testing of sociological theories using quantitative data analysis techniques on numerical data from social surveys, experiments and official statistics. SOCI 328 excludes credit for a number of other statistics courses in various departments. Please consult the Science Credit Exclusion List (…) before registering. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102.

  29. SOCI_V 332 (3) Sociology of Adornment

    The application of sociological concepts to the understanding of objects that we use to adorn our bodies. Prerequisite: One of SOCI_V 100, SOCI_V 101, SOCI_V 102

  30. SOCI_V 342 (3) Consumers and Consumption

    The structure and culture of consuming and consumption. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102.

  31. SOCI_V 344 (3) Sociology of Aging

    Demographic, economic, and social trends associated with aging, ageism, and aging populations. Credit will be granted for only one of SOCI 344 and SOCI 444. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102, SOCI 200. Equivalency: SOCI 444.

  32. SOCI_V 352 (3) Work and Inequality

    The meaning of work and leisure, properties of work organization, the division of labour, and the relation of work and social inequality. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102.

  33. SOCI_V 354 (3) Community Studies

    Study of the organization of human communities; a focus upon collective activities including family, work, neighbourhood, and formal and informal networks. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102.

  34. SOCI_V 360 (3) Sociology and Natural Resources

    Sociological perspectives on property, resource industries (such as agriculture, fishing, forestry and mining), resource development, and resource communities. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102.

  35. SOCI_V 361 (3) Social Inequality

    Tendencies toward equality and inequality; manifestations of inequality (occupation, education, gender, ethnicity, income, power) and their consequences; caste and class features of major stratification systems; theories of social class; stratification profile of contemporary industrial societies. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102.

  36. SOCI_V 364 (3) Built Environments

    Physical, social, and economic aspects of built environments, including housing and community planning. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102.

  37. SOCI_V 369 (3) Sociology of Sexualities

    Historical and social construction of sexual identities, desires, communities, and politics in the twentieth century. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102, SOCI 200.

  38. SOCI_V 370 (6) Sociological Theories: Classical and Contemporary Approaches

    An examination of selected traditions, conceptual problems, and current topics in the field of sociological theory. Credit will be granted for only one of SOCI 370 or both SOCI 371, SOCI 372. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102.

  39. SOCI_V 371 (3) Classical Traditions in Theory

    An examination of selected traditions, conceptual problems and topics in the foundational theories of sociology. Credit will be granted for only one of SOCI 371 or SOCI 370. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102.

  40. SOCI_V 372 (3) Contemporary Directions in Theory

    A survey of theories in contemporary sociology. Credit will be granted for only one of SOCI 372 or SOCI 370. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102.

  41. SOCI_V 380 (3) Sociological Methods: Survey Research

    Questionnaire design, interviewing, sampling, and analysis of survey data. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102, SOCI 217.

  42. SOCI_V 381 (3) Sociological Methods: Experimental Research

    Research strategies associated with the implementation of experimental methods in sociology. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102 and SOCI 217.

  43. SOCI_V 382 (3) Sociological Methods: Qualitative Research

    Examination of the different traditions of qualitative sociological inquiry and the associated methodological features used to study the interpretive practices and meanings in the everyday lives of individuals. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102 and SOCI 217.

  44. SOCI_V 383 (3) Sociological Methods: Historical Research

    Methodological problems and research strategies associated with the interpretation of socio-historical data; contributions of classical and contemporary approaches to historical sociology and social history. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102 and SOCI 217.

  45. SOCI_V 384 (3) Sociology of Health and Illness

    Classic and contemporary sociological perspectives on health, illness, and health care. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102.

  46. SOCI_V 387 (3) Drugs and Society

    Social dimensions of the causes, consequences, regulation, and treatment of substance use from Canadian and international perspectives. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102.

  47. SOCI_V 410 (3-12) Selected Topics in Canadian Society

    Selected areas of study relating to Canadian society such as BC Studies; French Canada's demographic problems; rural communities; social welfare and community programs in Canada. Consult the Department for this year's offerings. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102.

  48. SOCI_V 414 (3) Feminist Theory

    The emergence of feminist theory, its relationship to sociology, and the major theoretical schools of thought. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102.

  49. SOCI_V 415 (3-6) Theories of Family and Kinship

    Theoretical approaches to the study of the family and family forms. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102, SOCI 200.

  50. SOCI_V 416 (3-12) Selected Topics in Sociological Theory

    An in-depth examination of selected sociological theories. Consult the department for this year's offerings. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102.

  51. SOCI_V 418 (3) Social Statistics II

    Primary emphasis on applications of statistical techniques to data in Sociology. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102 and SOCI 328.

  52. SOCI_V 420 (3) Sociology of the Environment

    Sociological approaches to the study of environmental conflicts, issues, movements, impact of changing technology, economic development on the environment. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102.

  53. SOCI_V 423 (3) Sociology of Food

    Cultural, economic, and political aspects of food production and consumption, including connections to class, ethnicity, and gender. Food-related social movements will be included. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102.

  54. SOCI_V 425 (3) Urban Sociology

    Demographic, behavioural, and organizational aspects of urban structures and of urbanization in different societies and periods. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102.

  55. SOCI_V 430 (3) Global Citizenship

    Sociology approaches to global citizenship, including its contested nature and intellectual lineage.

  56. SOCI_V 433 (3-6) Directed Studies

    General reading and/or a research undertaking, with the agreement, and under the supervision, of a Department faculty member selected by the student. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102. And permission of the Department.

  57. SOCI_V 435 (3-6) International Service Learning

    International field placement normally for eight to ten weeks; pre-departure seminars (eight to twelve seminars or equivalent) with student presentation seminars upon return from the field.

  58. SOCI_V 440 (3) Economic Sociology

    Analysis of economic actions and institutions using the concepts and methods of sociology. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102.

  59. SOCI_V 441 (3) Society, Economy and Family

    The study of family in social and economic contexts. Credit will be granted for only one of SOCI 441 and FMST 440. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102, SOCI 200. Equivalency: FMST 440

  60. SOCI_V 442 (3) Families and Work

    The effect of combining family and work roles. Credit will be granted for only one of SOCI 442 and FMST 442. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102, SOCI 200. Equivalency: FMST 442.

  61. SOCI_V 449 (6) Honours Tutorial

    Requires the presentation of at least one research paper. Restricted to students in the Sociology Honours program. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102.

  62. SOCI_V 461 (3) Political Sociology

    The social and economic bases of political power, including the study of the state, ideology, political movements, revolutions, and political violence. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102.

  63. SOCI_V 464 (3) Social Movements

    A study of the sources, stages, and effects of social movements in developing and modernized societies. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102.

  64. SOCI_V 465 (3) Sociology of the Arts

    An examination of the arts as social practices from the standpoint of the relationships among artists, critics, patrons, and public; and the social institutions through which these relationships are structured. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102.

  65. SOCI_V 466 (3) Sociology of Education

    Examines the role of schooling in modern society including links with inequality, knowledge production, socialization and the economy. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102.

  66. SOCI_V 469 (3) Queer Theory and Politics

    Empirical expressions and political possibilities of queer theory. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102 and SOCI 369.

  67. SOCI_V 470 (3) Sociology of Crime and Justice

    Critical examination of specific forms of crime in relation to the criminal justice system including law, enforcement, and corrections. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102.

  68. SOCI_V 473 (3) Sociology of Mental Illness

    A sociological approach to the meaning of mental illness; the organization of psychiatric treatment; problems in the explanation of the distribution of mental illness in a population. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102.

  69. SOCI_V 477 (3) Sociology of Soccer

    Soccer and colonialism, soccer and global politics, and inequalities in soccer by gender, sexuality, race and class. Prerequisite: One of SOCI_V 100, SOCI_V 101, SOCI_V 102.

  70. SOCI_V 479 (3) Social Determinants of Health

    Relationships between social phenomena (e.g., personal beliefs, lifestyle practices, social support, socio-economic status, social class, gender, and ethnicity) and the health of human populations. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102.

  71. SOCI_V 480 (3-6) Urban Ethnographic Field School (UEFS)

    Approximately 50 hours of volunteering and fieldwork based in community organizations with theoretical approaches to urban spaces. Students will engage in collaborative research while considering a range of theoretical and methodological approaches. Students may earn a maximum of 6 credits from ANTH 480 and SOCI 480. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102. Or permission of the instructor(s).

  72. SOCI_V 490 (3) Contemporary Chinese Society

    Current social topics in Chinese society; perspectives on gender, inequality, culture, and social relations. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102.

  73. SOCI_V 495 (3-6) Advanced Studies in Sociology

    An intensive examination of selected topics in Sociology. Consult the department for this year's offerings. Prerequisite: One of SOCI 100, SOCI 101, SOCI 102.

  74. SOCI_V 500 (3) Foundations of Sociological Thought

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  75. SOCI_V 501 (3) Contemporary Sociological Theory

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  76. SOCI_V 502 (3) Research Design and Techniques (Quantitative)

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  77. SOCI_V 503 (3) Research Design and Techniques (Qualitative)

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  78. SOCI_V 504 (3) Methodology of Social Inquiry

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  79. SOCI_V 505 (3-6) Tutorial in Sociological Theory

    Prerequisite: One of SOCI 500, SOCI 501. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  80. SOCI_V 506 (3-6) Tutorial in Research Methods

    Prerequisite: One of SOCI 502, SOCI 503. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  81. SOCI_V 507 (3-6) Advanced Theory Seminar

    Prerequisite: One of SOCI 500, SOCI 501. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  82. SOCI_V 508 (3-6) Advanced Methods Seminar

    Prerequisite: One of SOCI 502, SOCI 503. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  83. SOCI_V 509 (3-6) Sociology of the Environment

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  84. SOCI_V 510 (3-6) Population, Community and Demography

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  85. SOCI_V 511 (3) Cross-National Comparisons in the Social Sciences

    Credit will be granted for only one of SOCI 511 or IAR 511. Credit will be granted for only one of SOCI 511 or IAR 511. Equivalency: IAR 511 This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  86. SOCI_V 512 (3-6) Gender and Feminist Issues

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  87. SOCI_V 513 (3) Theories About the Family

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  88. SOCI_V 514 (3) Analyzing Quantitative Data in Sociology

    Prerequisite: SOCI 502 is a prerequisite for Sociology graduate students. A background in material such as that covered in SOCI 502 is highly recommended for all others. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  89. SOCI_V 515 (3) Qualitative Data Analysis in Sociology

    Prerequisite: SOCI 503. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  90. SOCI_V 520 (3-6) Law and Crime

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  91. SOCI_V 530 (3-6) Social Change and Development

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  92. SOCI_V 540 (3-6) Social Inequality

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  93. SOCI_V 549 (6-12) Master's Thesis

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  94. SOCI_V 550 (3-6) Social Interaction

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  95. SOCI_V 560 (3-6) Culture and Knowledge

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  96. SOCI_V 562 (3-6) Mass Media and Communications

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  97. SOCI_V 570 (3-6) Seminar in Work, Industry and Technology

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  98. SOCI_V 580 (3-6) Canadian Society

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  99. SOCI_V 584 (3-6) Health, Illness and Society

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  100. SOCI_V 590 (3-6) Seminar in an Ethnographic Area

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  101. SOCI_V 596 (3-6) Political Sociology and Social Movements

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  102. SOCI_V 598 (3-6) Directed Studies

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  103. SOCI_V 599 (3-6) Special Topics Seminar

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  104. SOCI_V 649 (0) Doctoral Dissertation

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

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