Forestry, Faculty of Forestry

FRST_V: Forestry

  1. FRST_V 100 (3) Sustainable Forests

    An overview of forests and forestry. Survey of the disciplines, areas of study, and values that frame sustainable management of forests in BC and the world. Assignments focus on critical thinking and written communication skills. [3-0-0]

  2. FRST_V 101 (3) Principles of Microeconomics for Forestry and Land and Food Systems

    Principles of microeconomics and their applications in forestry and land and food systems. The basic concept of the economy to focus on private and social decision making related to the use of land, especially in agriculture, forestry, and conservation. Credit will be granted for only one of FRST 101, ECON 101, or LFS 101. [3-0-1] Equivalency: LFS101, ECON101

  3. FRST_V 107 (0) Introduction to Forestry Co-op

    An introduction to Forestry Co-op including: completion of preemployment workshops, career skills toolkits, networking opportunities, interview training, individual coaching sessions, and job search skills. Restricted to students meeting the requirements of the Faculty of Forestry Co-operative Education Program. Pass/fail. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  4. FRST_V 110 (3) Land One: First-year Integrative Seminar

    Current issues and cases in Forestry and Land and Food Systems are examined with a focus on integration of first-year subjects and exposure to both First Nations and Western perspectives. [1-1-1] Equivalency: LFS 110 This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  5. FRST_V 150 (3) Scholarly Writing and Argumentation in Forestry

    Communicating concepts of forestry and links to human and environmental activities through writing, elements of argumentation, evaluating evidence, and searching for and citing references to back up claims; small-class experience. [3-0-0] Equivalency: LFS 150 This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  6. FRST_V 200 (3) Forest Plant Biology I

    The structure, diversity and development of trees and other plants, with emphasis on the angiosperms. [3-2-0] Prerequisite: BIOL 121.

  7. FRST_V 201 (3) Forest Ecology

    The structure and function of forest ecosystems, including: energetics; productivity; nutrient, carbon and water cycling; soils; the physical environment; population and community ecology; disturbance ecology; ecological succession; biological diversity and ecological resilience. [3-2-0]

  8. FRST_V 202 (3) Forest Ecology

    The Ecosystem concept; energy biomass and nutrient cycling; the physical environment; population and community ecology; succession, Biogeoclimatic classification and some coastal ecosystems. Available only through Distance Education. [3-2]

  9. FRST_V 203 (3) Silvics of Forest Trees of Western Canada

    Ecological and silvical characteristics of forest trees; assessment of ecological site quality and biogeoclimatic classification; application of silvics in silviculture. A plant herbarium of at least 50 species is required. Only available through Distance Education. [3-2] Prerequisite: FRST202

  10. FRST_V 210 (3) Forest Plant Biology II

    The functional biology of trees and other forest plants in their environment, with an emphasis on gymnosperms. [3-2-0] Prerequisite: One of FRST 200, NRES 200.

  11. FRST_V 211 (3) Forest Classification and Silvics

    Forest classification and the application of silvics in forest management, including world forest classification systems, the Biogeoclimactic Ecosystem Classification system, and ecosystem diagnosis in the field. [3-2-0] Prerequisite: One of FRST 201, NRES 201.

  12. FRST_V 231 (3) Introduction to Biometrics

    Basic theories of probability and statistics. Sampling distribution, methods of estimation and hypothesis testing; goodness of fit and tests for independence; analysis of variance, regression and correlation. Consult the Faculty of Science Credit Exclusion Lists:…. [3-2-0] Corequisite: One of MATH 100, MATH 180, MATH 184, MATH 190.

  13. FRST_V 232 (3) Computer Applications in Forestry

    Techniques involved in solving forestry problems with microcomputers using word processing, spreadsheet, procedural language, and database management tools. [3-2]

  14. FRST_V 239 (3) Tree and Stand Level Measurements

    An introduction to measurement of individual trees and stands; use of aerial photographs, maps, and various measurement instruments. [3-2-0] Prerequisite: One of FRST 231, NRES 231 and one of FRST 232, NRES 232.

  15. FRST_V 248 (3) Co-operative Work Placement.

    Supervised work experience in an approved organization for a minimum of 15 weeks. Restricted to students in the Co-operative Education Program in the Faculty of Forestry. Orientation workshops required. Final work term report required. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  16. FRST_V 302 (3) Forest Genetics

    Population genetics and conservation of genetic resources; principles of genetics and their application to forestry. [2-2]

  17. FRST_V 303 (3) Principles of Forest Science

    Introduction to growth of trees and forests with emphasis on evolutionary, ecological and environmental aspects. Not available for credit to undergraduate students in the Faculty of Forestry. [3-0-0]

  18. FRST_V 304 (3) Forest Stewardship in a Changing Climate

    Forests can provide natural solutions to climate change and social well-being through innovative management and restoration including protection of mother trees and soils, carbon and conservation financing, and emergence of value-added industries. For students without strong science backgrounds. Not available for credit to Faculty of Forestry students. [3-0-0]

  19. FRST_V 305 (3) Silviculture

    Silviculture concepts and principles; stand dynamics; artificial and natural regeneration; cultural techniques for forest stand establishment and stand tending; silvicultural systems; decision making and development of prescriptions; connections to forest planning. [3-4*] Prerequisite: One of FRST 201, NRES 201 and one of FRST 350, FRST 351, UFOR 400.

  20. FRST_V 307 (3) Biotic Disturbances

    Concepts of disturbance ecology with special reference to insects and diseases in the forests of British Columbia; forest health problems in the biogeoclImatic zones of BC; present management strategies and future potentials in a scenario of climate change. [3-3-0] Prerequisite: One of FRST 210, NRES 210 and one of FRST 211, NRES 211.

  21. FRST_V 308 (2) Forest Entomology

    An introduction to insects that cause damage to forests and forest products; how insects live; life cycles and attack symptoms of representatives of major groups of insects; principles for control and management. Available only through Distance Education.

  22. FRST_V 309 (2) Forest Pathology

    Biology and management of forest tree diseases. Available only through Distance Education.

  23. FRST_V 310 (3) Soil Biology

    The diversity and interactions of soil organisms (bacteria, protozoa, fungi, animals, plants) in natural and managed ecosystems; roles in primary production, nutrient cycling, decomposition and reclamation; responses to environmental change. [2-3-0] Prerequisite: BIOL 121. Equivalency: APBI342

  24. FRST_V 311 (4) Plant Physiology I

    Mechanisms and regulation of functional processes contributing to the assimilation, transport and utilization of water, mineral nutrients and carbon by plants. CHEM 203, CHEM 213, or CHEM 233 and CHEM 235 is recommended. [3-3-0] Equivalency: BIOL351, APBI351

  25. FRST_V 318 (3) Forest and Conservation Economics

    Practical problem solving of economic issues related to forestry and conservation, touching on investment analysis, capital budgeting, non-timber economics, ecosystem services, and forest certification. Completion of FRST 232 or NRES 232 or intermediate knowledge of MS Excel essential. [2-3-0] Prerequisite: One of ECON 101, FRST 101.

  26. FRST_V 319 (3) Principles of Forestry Economics

    Introduction to the economics of production, distribution and consumption of goods and services produced by, and dependent on, the forest resource. Available only through Distance Education.

  27. FRST_V 320 (3) Abiotic Disturbances: Fire and Climate

    Ecological effects of fire and climatic (wind, temperature, and snow) disturbances; fire danger rating, principles of fire management and prescribed fire use; windthrow risk modelling and management. [3-2-0] Prerequisite: One of FRST 210, NRES 210 and one of FRST 211, NRES 211.

  28. FRST_V 339 (3) Forest Level Measurement and Productivity

    Obtaining and forecasting information for stands and forests. [3-2-0] Prerequisite: FRST 239.

  29. FRST_V 346 (3) Co-operative Work Placement.

    Supervised work experience in an approved organization for a minimum of 15 weeks. Restricted to students in the Co-operative Education Program in the Facutly of Forestry. Final work term report required. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  30. FRST_V 347 (3) Co-operative Work Placement

    Supervised work experience in an approved organization for a minimum of 15 weeks. Restricted to students in the Co-operative Education Program in the Faculty of Forestry. Final work term report required. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  31. FRST_V 348 (3) Co-operative Work Placement.

    Supervised work experience in an approved organization for a minimum of 15 weeks. Restricted to students in the Co-operative Education Program in the Faculty of Forestry. Final work term report required. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  32. FRST_V 350 (2) Foundational Field School

    Field study concentrating on outdoor skills, forest measurements, site diagnosis, and an integrated overview of the ecological, social and economic basis for forest management. Fees will be assessed to meet expenses. Credit will be granted for only one of FRST 350 or 351. Prerequisite: One of FRST 201, NRES 201. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  33. FRST_V 351 (2) Interior Field School

    Field study at an interior BC location concentrating on land use, management and silviculture. Fees will be assessed to meet expenses. Students with FRST 351 and FRST 350 can only count 2 credits toward their program requirements. Prerequisite: FRST 210 or NRES 210. Corequisite: FRST 211 or NRES 211.

  34. FRST_V 370 (3) Community Forests and Community Forestry

    Community forests and community forestry throughout the world, with special attention to participation by aboriginal peoples; emphasis is on forms of governance, public participation, and adaptive learning. [3-0-0]

  35. FRST_V 385 (3) Watershed Hydrology

    Measurement and analysis of hydrological processes in response to forest management activities. [3-2-0] Prerequisite: Third- or fourth-year standing.

  36. FRST_V 386 (3) Aquatic Ecosystems and Fish in Forested Watersheds

    Effects of forest management activities on fish and aquatic ecosystems. [3-2-0] Prerequisite: Third- or fourth-year standing in Forestry, Science or Applied Science.

  37. FRST_V 395 (3) Wildlife Ecology and Management

    Ecology, management, and conservation of terrestrial vertebrate wildlife, focusing primarily on socio-economically important, forest-dwelling species of mammals, birds, amphibians and reptiles. [3-2-0] Prerequisite: One of FRST 201, BIOL 230, BIOL 306.

  38. FRST_V 399 (3) Introduction to Research Methods

    Lectures and seminars in research philosophies and the scientific method, with special emphasis on field research. [2-1] Prerequisite: One of FRST 150, LFS 150, NRES 150, WRDS 150, ENGL 110, ENGL 111, WOOD 225, NRES 225.

  39. FRST_V 402 (3) Living Language: Science and Society

    Multi-disciplinary course in which students, individually and in groups, examine, integrate and apply subject-specific knowledge through the lens of language and the framework of the language sciences, with a focus on themes of real-world importance. Prerequisite: Fourth-year standing or permission of the instructor. Equivalency: APSC402, ASTU402, LFS 402, LLED402, PHAR402

  40. FRST_V 403 (3) The Sustainability of Production in Managed Forest Ecosystems

    Study of the functional and dynamic characteristics of forest ecosystems and their response to forest management using ecosystem-level microcomputer simulation models. [3-2-0] Prerequisite: One of FRST 201, NRES 201.

  41. FRST_V 404 (4) Advances in Silviculture

    Fundamental silvicultural problems; the application of research findings to the practice of silviculture. [4-0] Prerequisite: FRST 305.

  42. FRST_V 406 (3) Advanced Forest Pathology

    Hereditary, physiological, anatomical, environmental, and microbiological factors influencing forest tree diseases. Given in alternate years. [2-2]

  43. FRST_V 408 (3) Advanced Forest Insect Ecology

    Role of climate and climate change in the population dynamics, outbreak potentials and resultant impacts to forest ecosystems associated with herbivorous forest insects. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: One of FRST 307, APBI 327, BIOL 327.

  44. FRST_V 410 (3) Introduction to Landscape Ecology and Management

    Current concepts, methods, and applications of landscape ecology with emphasis on spatial patterning, spatial heterogeneity, and dynamics; problem-solving approaches to natural resource issues through the application of landscape ecological principles and tools. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Fourth-year standing This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  45. FRST_V 411 (3) Complex Adaptive Systems, Global Change Science, and Ecology Sustainability

    Concepts of complex adaptive systems (CAS); exploration of how CAS can be used to manage natural and social environments for multiple goals under changing climatic and socio-economic conditions. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Third-year standing

  46. FRST_V 413 (3) Ecological Plant Biochemistry.

    The structure, biosynthesis, distribution and biological function of secondary plant metabolites. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Either (a) all of BIOL 200, BIOL 201 and one of BIOL 209, BIOL 210; or (b) one of FRST 200, NRES 200 and one of FRST 210, NRES 210. Equivalency: BIOL462

  47. FRST_V 415 (3) Sustainable Forest Policy

    The development, implementation, and analysis of forest policy. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Third- or fourth-year standing.

  48. FRST_V 421 (3) Quantitative Forest Management

    Introduction to the quantitative tools necessary in forest management. Available only through Distance Education.

  49. FRST_V 422 (3) Mathematical Modelling in Forest Resource Analysis

    Modelling techniques used in strategic and tactical forest resources analyses. [2-0-3] Prerequisite: Fourth-year standing in the BSF degree.

  50. FRST_V 423 (6) Forest Management Planning

    Forest management designs to identify and integrate economic, social, and environmental objectives across a forested landscape both strategically and tactically. [4-2-2] Prerequisite: FRST 422.

  51. FRST_V 425 (3) Forest Planning

    Analyze and interpret existing management plans, prescribe solutions for achieving specific forest management goals at multiple scales, use basic tools to evaluate the financial implications of such solutions, and create a forest management plan for a virtual forest. Offered entirely online. Students in any of the Forestry programs requiring FRST 423 (6 cr) in order to graduate will not be granted the 3 cr of FRST 425 toward degree completion.

  52. FRST_V 430 (3) Advanced Biometrics

    Analysis of variance, multiple regression and analysis of covariance. Design and analysis of experiments. [3-2] Prerequisite: One of FRST 231, NRES 231, BIOL 300, STAT 200. And FRST 399 or equivalent. Restricted to students with 4th year standing or by permission of instructor.

  53. FRST_V 432 (3) Ecological Genomics

    The genomic basis of adaptation to environments. Topics progress through community structure, life history patterns, stress responses, and variation and adaptation. [3-0-0]

  54. FRST_V 436 (3) Growth and Yield

    Techniques of growth and yield projection and discussion of modelling approaches. Exploration of stand dynamics, quantitative implications of management treatments and environmental limitations to tree and stand growth. [2-2-0] Prerequisite: FRST339

  55. FRST_V 439 (3) International Forestry

    The socio-economic, biological and technological aspects of forestry within the international frame, in both the developed and developing world. Regional studies and the role of national and international agencies. [2-2-0]

  56. FRST_V 443 (3) Remote Sensing for Ecosystem Management

    Basic biological concepts related to interpretation of remote sensing data for land management, including the use of films and filters, and interpretation of air photographs, and other imagery. [2-2-0]

  57. FRST_V 444 (3) Agroforestry

    Ecological, economic and social benefits of incorporating trees into agricultural landscapes. Lectures and groupwork designing agroforestry systems in temperate and tropical contexts. [3-2-0] Prerequisite: One of FRST 201, NRES 201, APBI 260. Equivalency: APBI444

  58. FRST_V 446 (3) Co-operative Work Placement.

    Supervised work experience in an approved organization for a minimum of 15 weeks. Restricted to students in the Co-operative Education Program in the Faculty of Forestry. Final work term report required. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  59. FRST_V 447 (3) Co-operative Work Placement.

    Supervised work experience in an approved organization for a minimum of 15 weeks. Restricted to students in the Co-operative Education Program in the Faculty of Forestry. Final work term report required. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  60. FRST_V 448 (3) Co-operative Work Placement.

    Supervised work experience in an approved organization for a minimum of 15 weeks. Restricted to students in the Co-operative Education Program in the Faculty of Forestry. Final work term report required. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  61. FRST_V 449 (1-6) Directed Studies in Forestry

    In special cases and with the approval of the instructor concerned, a student may carry on directed studies of specific problems in forestry. The credit value for this course will be determined in consultation with the student prior to the registration.

  62. FRST_V 452 (2) Coastal Field School

    Site diagnosis and preparation of management options in coastal forests. Extrasessional course; fees will be assessed to meet expenses. Prerequisite: Third or fourth year-standing in the B.S.F. program.

  63. FRST_V 456 (6) The Role of Natural and Planted Forests in the Global Bioeconomy

    (Go Global Seminar Series) An intensive one-month field school in Chile focused on fast-growing industrial forest plantations, innovative wood products, land use strategies for natural and planted forests, and their impact on society. Prerequisite: Third-year standing

  64. FRST_V 470 (3) Forests and Society

    Social aspects of forestry and forest communities. [3-0-1] Prerequisite: Third- or fourth-year standing.

  65. FRST_V 475 (3) Indigenous Ecologies

    Application of Indigenous worldviews and knowledges to ecology. Colonial history of modern ecology, foundations and examples of Indigenous ecologies, restoration applying multiple worldviews, and Indigenized, culturally appropriate ecological research and decision-making processes. Prerequisite: One of BEST 203, BIOL 230, FRST 201, APBI 260, GEOS 207. and third-year standing. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  66. FRST_V 485 (3) Forest Watershed Management

    Effects of land management on quality, quantity and timing of water flow. [3-2-0] Prerequisite: FRST385

  67. FRST_V 490 (3) Visual Resource Management and Planning for Aesthetics

    Methodologies for visual analysis, perceptions, planning & management of urban, natural and working landscapes, and implications for sustainable land-use management & community engagement. Credit will be granted for only one of FRST 490 or FRST 551. [2-2] Prerequisite: Third-year standing. Equivalency: LARC542

  68. FRST_V 491 (3) Visualization and Forest Design

    GIS-based spatial planning and 3D landscape visualization for forest management. [3-0-1] Prerequisite: Third- or fourth-year standing.

  69. FRST_V 492 (3) Environmental Perception

    How individuals perceive their environment. Emphasis will be given visual perception in the context of natural resource issues and the effects of those perceptions on individuals including issues of human wellbeing. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Third-year standing

  70. FRST_V 495 (3) Biological Diversity and Conservation

    Principles, problems, and practices of managing natural habitats for biological diversity; current issues in biological diversity important to researchers, policymakers, and the general public. [2-2-0] Prerequisite: One of FRST 201, NRES 201 and FRST 395. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  71. FRST_V 497 (3) Communications and Professionalism

    Preparing professional reports and presentations; professionalism and professional ethics. [2-0-2] Prerequisite: Fourth-year standing.

  72. FRST_V 498 (6) B.Sc. Thesis in Forestry

    An independent study or research project of a subject of special interest to the student under the direction of a staff member. Available only to students in the BSFS Honours specialization.

  73. FRST_V 499 (6) B.S.F. Thesis

    An independent study or research project on an approved topic, developed under the guidance of a Faculty member. Available only to students in their graduating year.

  74. FRST_V 500 (1) Teaching and Learning in Forestry

    An evidence-based examination of teaching and learning in forestry, focusing on instructional design, classroom practices and field instruction. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  75. FRST_V 502 (3) Tropical Rainforests: Evolution, Biology, Ecology

    Evolution and current structure, functions and diversity of moist evergreen and semi-evergreen forests of the humid tropics. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  76. FRST_V 503 (3) Plant Molecular Biology Laboratory

    Techniques of purification, cloning, sequencing, restriction-hybridization analysis of plant nucleic acids, in-vitro labeling of plant nucleic acids and proteins, and electrophoresis and immunodetection of plant proteins. Offered by the Biotechnology Teaching Laboratory in cooperation with the Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences. Admission to the course is limited and requires recommendation from the department head. Equivalency: PLNT540, BOTA544 This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  77. FRST_V 504 (3) Landscape Ecology

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  78. FRST_V 505 (1-6) Directed Studies in Forest Science

    The credit value for this course will be determined in consultation with the student prior to the registration. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  79. FRST_V 506 (3) Advanced Forest Pathology

    Hereditary, physiological, anatomical, environmental, and microbiological factors influencing forest tree diseases. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  80. FRST_V 507 (1-6) Topics in Forest Science

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  81. FRST_V 508 (3) Advanced Forest Insect Ecology

    Role of climate and climate change in the population dynamics, outbreak potentials and resultant impacts to forest ecosystems associated with herbivorous forest insects. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  82. FRST_V 510 (3) Applied Population Genetics

    Equivalency: BIOL510 This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  83. FRST_V 512 (3) Belowground Forest Ecosystems

    Review of current literature on specific topics in forest soil ecology, including bacterial endophytes, microbial diversity, nutrient cycling, and mycorrhizae. Students with either APBI 412 or CONS 412 will not be allowed to take FRST 512. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  84. FRST_V 513 (3) Biotechnology in Tree Improvement

    Advanced research topics and their application to forest genetics. Emphasis on molecular genetics and experimental protocols. Prerequisite: [BIOL335] or permission of the instructor. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  85. FRST_V 515 (3) Climate Change Communications and Engagement

    Psychological, social, and systemic dimensions of climate change communication; approaches for engaging diverse groups for low-carbon futures; overcoming climate inaction. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  86. FRST_V 516 (3) Tree Physiology

    Growth and development of woody plants; physiological responses to abiotic and biotic environmental factors; consequences of silvicultural practices on physiological processes. [3-2] Prerequisite: One of FRST 311, BIOL 351, APBI 351. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  87. FRST_V 519 (3) Forests and Society

    Emphasis on tropical and sub-tropical countries, where the majority of forest-dependent people live. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  88. FRST_V 520 (3) Land and Forest Resource Economics

    Applications of advanced theory and quantitative analysis to problems in forest resource and land economics; multiple land use; institutions for sustainable land use; optimal management and policy. [3-0] Equivalency: AGEC520 This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  89. FRST_V 521 (1-6) Topics in Forests and Society

    The credit value for this course will be determined in consultation with the student prior to the registration. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  90. FRST_V 522 (3) Social, Community, and Indigenous Forestry

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  91. FRST_V 523 (3) Forest and Environmental Policy

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  92. FRST_V 524 (3) Environmental Perception

    Perceptual processes mediating behaviour in humans, with special attention given to the emotional processing of visual stimuli. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  93. FRST_V 525 (3) Visualisation Theory and Applications

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  94. FRST_V 526 (6) Directed Studies in International Forestry

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  95. FRST_V 527 (3) People and Forests: An International Perspective

    Biodiversity loss, deforestation, desertification, salinization, air pollution and climate change facing world forests. Credit will be granted for only one of FRST 439 or FRST 527. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  96. FRST_V 528 (3) Social Science Research Methods for Forestry and Conservation

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  97. FRST_V 529 (3) Ecological Economics

    Emphasis on forested ecosystems. Prerequisite: ECON 301. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  98. FRST_V 530 (3) Advanced Modelling Methods for Natural Resources Applications

    Linear, nonlinear, and generalized linear models, including mixed effects versions of each. Examples include applications to forests and other natural environments. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  99. FRST_V 531 (3) Multivariate Statistical Methods

    Multivariate analysis of variance, cluster, principal components, factor, canonical and discriminant analysis. Theory and conceptual background are presented but emphasis is on selection of appropriate analysis and interpretation of results. Examples from forestry and related fields are analysed by computer programs at UBC. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  100. FRST_V 532 (1-6) Directed Studies in Forest Management

    The credit value for this course will be determined in consultation with the student prior to the registration. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  101. FRST_V 533 (1-6) Problems in Statistical Methods

    Directed studies in problems of advanced statistical techniques as a tool in forest research. The credit value for this course will be determined in consultation with the student prior to the registration. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  102. FRST_V 534 (3) Natural Resources Economics

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  103. FRST_V 535 (3) Global Environmental Issues and Forests

    Socio-economic, biological, and technological problems affecting forests and forest-dependent communities. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  104. FRST_V 536 (1-6) Advanced Studies in Forest Mensuration

    Development and analysis of forest inventory systems; sequence and patterns of tree growth; analysis of crown development; improvement of stand growth and yield; methods of biomass analysis. The credit value for this course will be determined in consultation with the student prior to the registration. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  105. FRST_V 537 (1-6) Topics in Forest Management

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  106. FRST_V 538 (3) Advanced Geomatics for Natural Resource Management

    Advanced geospatial technologies are examined and applied to pressing management issues. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  107. FRST_V 539 (1-6) Problems in Forest Sampling

    The credit value for this course will be determined in consultation with the student prior to the registration. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  108. FRST_V 540 (3) Application of Operational Research Methods in Forest Management

    Use of operational research methods in forest planning models; emphasis on algorithms, problem formulation and interpretation of results. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  109. FRST_V 542 (4) Forest Policy and Law

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  110. FRST_V 543 (3) International Forestry Institutions, Diplomacy and Negotiation

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  111. FRST_V 544 (3) Technical Communication Skills I

    Principles and practice of oral presentations. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  112. FRST_V 545 (3) Technical Communication Skills II

    Theory and practice of technical communication necessary for preparation of effective scientific reports, reviews, grant proposals, journal articles and theses. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  113. FRST_V 546 (3) Research Methods and Philosophies in Science

    Lectures and seminars in research philosophies and methods with special emphasis on field and applied research. [3-0] This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  114. FRST_V 547 (3) Forestry in British Columbia

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  115. FRST_V 548 (3-6) Major Essay

    For non-thesis master's degree programs. The credit value for this course will be determined in consultation with the student prior to the registration. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  116. FRST_V 549 (6-18) Master's Thesis

    The credit value for this course will be determined in consultation with the student prior to the registration. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  117. FRST_V 550 (6-18) M.A.Sc. Thesis

    The credit value for this course will be determined in consultation with the student prior to the registration. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  118. FRST_V 551 (3) Landscape Planning for Sustainability

    Analysis, perception, planning of landscapes, and integration of social acceptability with sustainability. Credit will be granted for only one of FRST 490 or FRST 551. Equivalency: LARC542 This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  119. FRST_V 552 (3) Tropical Forests: Management and Conservation

    The use, management, and conservation of tropical and sub-tropical forests. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  120. FRST_V 553 (3) International Forest Governance and Policy

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  121. FRST_V 554 (3) Forest Products and Services

    Global trends in products and services. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  122. FRST_V 555 (3) Fundamentals of Sustainable Forest Land Management

    Concepts and principles at the site and landscape scale. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  123. FRST_V 556 (3) Land Information Acquisition and Analysis

    Principles and application of data acquisition and use. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  124. FRST_V 557 (5) Site-Level Forest Land Management

    Design and implementation of site-level plans that integrate ecological, social, and economic components: silviculture, forest operations, and forest health. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  125. FRST_V 558 (7) Landscape-Level Forest Land Management

    Preparation of landscape-level sustainable forest management plans that integrate ecological, social, and economic components. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  126. FRST_V 559 (3) Natural Resources Planning

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  127. FRST_V 560 (3) Forest Business Enterprise

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  128. FRST_V 562 (4) Topics in International Forestry

    Contemporary and emerging issues in international forestry. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  129. FRST_V 575 (3) Indigenous Ecologies

    Application of Indigenous worldviews and knowledges to ecology. Colonial history of modern ecology, foundations and examples of Indigenous ecologies, restoration applying multiple worldviews, and Indigenized, culturally appropriate ecological research and decision-making processes. Prerequisite: A second-year or higher ecology course. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  130. FRST_V 578 (1-6) Directed Studies in Forest Business and Management

    The credit value for this course will be determined in consultation with the student prior to the registration. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  131. FRST_V 580 (1-6) Topics in Forest Business and Management

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  132. FRST_V 588 (3) Fluvial Ecohydrology

    Hydrology, geomorphology and ecology of streams and their catchments; significance of stream processes within the fluvial network; management issues, particularly in the context of forest harvesting. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  133. FRST_V 590 (3) Statistical Methods in Hydrology

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  134. FRST_V 592 (3) Hydrological Modelling Applications in Forestry

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  135. FRST_V 593 (3) Climate Adaptation in Socio-Ecological Systems

    Theory and evolution of adaptation at different scales in organizations and resource management systems, utilizing existing case studies, examining opportunities and barriers to adaptation, considering strategies and practices to manage climate impacts and risks. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  136. FRST_V 595 (3) Transformative Environmental Research

    Scholarly foundations of and emerging approaches for engaging creatively and critically in environmental research that recognizes (and potentially addresses) issues of power, difference, and complexity, transforming both the researcher and the research discipline. Prerequisite: Graduate-level standing. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  137. FRST_V 649 (0) Doctoral Dissertation

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

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