You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Film Production, Faculty of Arts

FIPR_V: Film Production

  1. FIPR_V 101 (3) Introduction to the History of Film Production

    The history of film and film production by decade with a strong emphasis on filmmakers and advances in production technology.

  2. FIPR_V 131 (3) Introduction to Screen Acting

    Fundamental techniques used to create emotionally engaged and narratively effective performances for film and digital media.

  3. FIPR_V 133 (3) Introduction to Film and Media Production

    A hands-on introduction to Film and Multi/New Media production, focusing on fundamental techniques for creating effective presentations.

  4. FIPR_V 230 (3) Introduction to Motion Picture Directing

    The role and methods of the motion picture director.

  5. FIPR_V 233 (3-6) Film and Media Production I

    Camera operation, lighting, sounds, and editing for film and media production.

  6. FIPR_V 234 (3) Production Planning and Professional Practices

    Planning of film productions from concept to completion.

  7. FIPR_V 235 (3) Image Concepts for Filmmakers

    The theory and practice involved in creating images for film and media.

  8. FIPR_V 269 (3-6) Special Topics in Film Production

    A topic of current interest in film production. Topic will change from year to year.

  9. FIPR_V 299 (3) Directed Studies: On-Campus Research

    On-campus film production field research. Based on film project work on campus productions. Restricted to Film Production students except with permission. Contact department.

  10. FIPR_V 330 (3) Intermediate Motion Picture Directing

    Prerequisite: FIPR 230.

  11. FIPR_V 333 (9) Film and Media Production II

    Intermediate film and media production. Open only to students in the Film Production BFA Program. Students who have not already completed FIPR 337, FIPR 338 must complete them at the same time as FIPR 333. Prerequisite: FIPR 233. Corequisite: All of FIPR 337, FIPR 338. Equivalency: FILM333

  12. FIPR_V 337 (3) Cinematography and Lighting I

    Introductory cinematography and lighting techniques and aesthetics for 16mm film and digital media.

  13. FIPR_V 338 (3) Motion Picture Sound

    An introduction to the technique and aesthetics of creating production and post-production sound for film and media.

  14. FIPR_V 339 (3) Post-Production Techniques I

    Open only to students in the Film Production BFA Program. Credit will be granted for only one of FIPR 339 or FILM 339. Equivalency: FILM 339

  15. FIPR_V 399 (3-6) Directed Studies: Off-Campus Research

    Off-campus film production field research. Based on film project work outside the university.

  16. FIPR_V 433 (9) Film and Media Production III

    Advanced film and media production. Prerequisite: One of FIPR 333, FILM 333. Equivalency: FILM433

  17. FIPR_V 434 (3-6) Producing for Film and Television

    The creative and business aspects of producing for film and television.

  18. FIPR_V 435 (3-6) Alternative Cinema Production

    Experimental approaches to content, structure, technology and style in film and media production. Students who have not yet completed FIPR 233, 234, 337, 339, must complete them at the same time as FIPR 333. Corequisite: All of FIPR 233, FIPR 234, FIPR 337, FIPR 339.

  19. FIPR_V 436 (3-6) Documentary Development and Production

    Documentary concept development, essential production techniques, and marketing.

  20. FIPR_V 437 (3) Cinematography II

    Advanced camera operation, lighting, and shot design. Open only to students in the FILM BFA Program. Prerequisite: FIPR 337. Equivalency: FILM437

  21. FIPR_V 439 (3) Post-Production Techniques II

    Advanced instruction in motion picture and sound editing practice. Open only to students in FILM BFA Production Program. Prerequisite: One of FIPR 333, FILM 333. Equivalency: FILM439

  22. FIPR_V 469 (3-12) Special Projects

    Advanced film production, including interdisciplinary projects.

  23. FIPR_V 533 (3-6) Advanced Problems in Directing

    Problems in directing narrative film. Explores problems in scripting, performance, shot design, and editing through seminars, workshops with acting students, and production exercises. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  24. FIPR_V 534 (3-6) Advanced Production for Film and Television

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  25. FIPR_V 535 (3-6) Advanced Alternative Cinema Production

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  26. FIPR_V 536 (3-6) Advanced Documentary Development and Production

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  27. FIPR_V 547 (3-6) Directed Studies in Film Production

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  28. FIPR_V 549 (6-18) Thesis

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

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