You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Creative Writing, Faculty of Arts

CRWR_V: Creative Writing

For admission requirements for all courses see Creative Writing entry under Arts.

  1. CRWR_V 200 (3) Introduction to Creative Writing

    Techniques of and practice in multiple genres of writing, including fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, screenplay, stageplay, graphic forms, lyric forms, children's literature, and writing for new media. Manuscript submission is not required for admission.

  2. CRWR_V 201 (3) Introduction to Writing Poetry

    An exploration of and practice in the writing of poetry, focusing on how a writer employs the technical elements of the craft of poetry. Manuscript submission not required for admission.

  3. CRWR_V 203 (3) Introduction to Writing for Children and Young Adults

    Techniques of and practice in creating, developing and writing for children and young adults. Manuscript submission is not required for admission.

  4. CRWR_V 205 (3) Introduction to Writing Creative Nonfiction

    An exploration of and practice in the writing of creative nonfiction, focusing on how a writer employs the technical elements of the craft of creative nonfiction. Manuscript submission not required for admission.

  5. CRWR_V 206 (3) Introduction to Writing for the Screen

    Techniques of and practice in creating, developing, and writing a screenplay. Manuscript submission is not required for admission.

  6. CRWR_V 208 (3) Introduction to Writing for Graphic Forms

    Techniques of and practice in creating, developing, and writing the graphic novel, manga, and other forms of illustrated writing. The ability to draw is not required. Manuscript submission is not required for admission.

  7. CRWR_V 209 (3) Introduction to Writing Fiction

    An exploration of the writing of fiction, focusing on how a writer employs the technical elements of the craft of fiction. Manuscript submission not required for admission.

  8. CRWR_V 213 (3) Introduction to Writing for the New Media

    An exploration of and practice in writing for new media, including podcasting, blogging, and writing for websites, games, and online environments. Manuscript submission is not required for admission.

  9. CRWR_V 216 (3) Short Screenplay Workshop

    Restricted to B.F.A. Film Production students.

  10. CRWR_V 220 (3) Introduction to Creative Writing with an Indigenous Focus

    Covers three genres from fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, radio drama, radio feature, or stageplay.

  11. CRWR_V 230 (3) Introduction to Writing for Comedic Forms

    An examination of and practice in creative writing in comedic forms, including stand-up, sketch, film, new media, and text. Manuscript submission not required for admission.

  12. CRWR_V 301 (3) Intermediate Writing Poetry

    The writing of poetry in various forms using a combination of workshopping and online modules. Manuscript submission not required for admission. Prerequisite: CRWR 201.

  13. CRWR_V 302 (3) Writing for Podcast

    Exploration of and practice in writing for podcast. Prerequisite: CRWR 213.

  14. CRWR_V 303 (3) Intermediate Writing for Children and Young Adults

    The writing of work for children and young adults in various forms using a combination of workshopping and online modules. Manuscript submission not required for admission. Prerequisite: CRWR 203.

  15. CRWR_V 305 (3) Intermediate Writing of Creative Nonfiction

    An exploration of and practice in the writing of creative non-fiction, covering four of the more basic forms of this genre: memoir, profile, commentary, and exposition. Manuscript submission is not required for admission. Prerequisite: CRWR 205.

  16. CRWR_V 306 (3) Intermediate Writing for the Screen

    An exploration of and practice in writing for the screen, focusing on how a writer employs the technical elements of the craft of screenwriting. Manuscript submission is not required for admission. Prerequisite: CRWR 206.

  17. CRWR_V 307 (3) Intermediate Writing for the Stage

    An exploration of practice in the writing of the one-act stage play, focusing on how a writer employs the technical elements of the craft of this genre. Manuscript submission is not required for admission. Prerequisite: CRWR 200.

  18. CRWR_V 308 (3) Intermediate Writing for Graphic Forms

    The writing of graphica (comics, manga and graphic novels), using a combination of workshopping and online modules. Manuscript submission not required for admission. Prerequisite: CRWR 208.

  19. CRWR_V 309 (3) Intermediate Writing Fiction

    An exploration of the writing of fiction, focusing on how a writer employs the technical elements of the craft of fiction. Manuscript submission not required for admission. Prerequisite: CRWR 209.

  20. CRWR_V 310 (3) Video Game Writing and Narrative

    Narrative design and writing for video games. Prerequisite: CRWR 200.

  21. CRWR_V 311 (3) Intermediate Writing for Lyric Forms

    Techniques of and practice in writing for lyric forms, including song lyrics, lyrical narratives, and libretti. Manuscript submission is not required for admission. Prerequisite: One of CRWR 200, CRWR 202.

  22. CRWR_V 312 (3) Interactive Storytelling

    Origin, theory and practice of interactive story forms. Exploring structural links between interactive theatre, gaming, and extended (virtual, mixed, and augmented) reality. Prerequisite: One of CRWR 213 or B.M.S. student with 3rd year standing or higher.

  23. CRWR_V 316 (3) Intermediate Writing for Television

    Elements of episodic and serialized comedic and dramatic television writing with writing practice applied to primary formats and genres. Prerequisite: CRWR 206.

  24. CRWR_V 319 (3) Writing Genre Fiction

    Exploration and practice in writing major genres of genre fiction, including fantasy, science fiction, romance, crime, horror, and historical fiction. Prerequisite: All of CRWR 200, CRWR 209.

  25. CRWR_V 330 (3) Intermediate Comedic Forms

    Contemporary and historical comedic writing in a variety of forms. Emphasis on critical analysis and creative writing of comedic works, and changes in the comedic landscape. Recommended: CRWR 200 Prerequisite: CRWR 230.

  26. CRWR_V 351 (3-9) Intermediate Poetry Workshop

    An intermediate level workshop class in writing poetry. Manuscript submission is not required for admission. Prerequisite: CRWR 301.

  27. CRWR_V 353 (3-9) Intermediate Children and Young Adult Writing Workshop

    An intermediate level workshop class in writing for children and young adults. Manuscript submission is not required for admission. Prerequisite: CRWR 303.

  28. CRWR_V 355 (3-9) Intermediate Creative Nonfiction Workshop

    An intermediate level workshop class in writing of creative nonfiction. Manuscript submission is not required for admission. Prerequisite: CRWR 305.

  29. CRWR_V 356 (3-9) Intermediate Screenplay Workshop

    An intermediate level workshop class in writing for the screen. Manuscript submission is not required for admission. Prerequisite: CRWR 306.

  30. CRWR_V 358 (3-9) Intermediate Graphic Forms Workshop

    An intermediate level workshop class in writing for graphic forms. The ability to draw is not required. Manuscript submission is not required for admission. Prerequisite: CRWR 308.

  31. CRWR_V 359 (3-9) Intermediate Fiction Workshop

    An intermediate level workshop class in writing of fiction. Manuscript submission is not required for admission. Prerequisite: CRWR 309.

  32. CRWR_V 401 (3-12) Writing Poetry I

    A workshop class in the writing of poetry. Prerequisite: Restricted to Majors in Creative Writing.

  33. CRWR_V 402 (3-12) Writing for New Media I

    An advanced workshop class in writing for new media. Restricted to Majors in Creative Writing.

  34. CRWR_V 403 (3-12) Writing for Children and Young Adults I

    A workshop class in writing for Children and Young Adults. Prerequisite: Restricted to Majors in Creative Writing.

  35. CRWR_V 404 (3-12) Writing for Radio I

    A workshop class in writing for the radio. Prerequisite: Restricted to Majors in Creative Writing.

  36. CRWR_V 405 (3-12) Writing Creative Nonfiction I

    A workshop class in writing creative nonfiction, focused on some of the more popular forms of creative nonfiction: autobiography, rhetoric (commentary), literary journalism, and the personal essay. Prerequisite: Restricted to Majors in Creative Writing.

  37. CRWR_V 406 (3-12) Writing for the Screen I

    A workshop class in writing for the screen. Prerequisite: Restricted to Majors in Creative Writing.

  38. CRWR_V 407 (3-12) Writing of Drama for the Stage I

    A workshop class in writing of drama for the stage. Studio work is required, and some plays may be given a live stage production in Brave New Play Rites (adjudication process involved). Prerequisite: Restricted to Majors in Creative Writing.

  39. CRWR_V 408 (3-12) Writing for Graphic Forms I

    A workshop class in the writing of graphic novel, manga, and other forms of illustrated writing. The ability to draw is not required. Prerequisite: Restricted to Majors in Creative Writing.

  40. CRWR_V 409 (3-12) Writing Fiction I

    A workshop class in the writing of fiction. Prerequisite: Restricted to Majors in Creative Writing.

  41. CRWR_V 410 (3) Video Game Writing

    A workshop class on writing for video games. Restricted to Creative Writing majors.

  42. CRWR_V 411 (3-12) Writing for Lyric Forms I

    A workshop class exploring the words that accompany music in varied forms including pop, art, musical theatre, and opera. Prerequisite: Restricted to Majors in Creative Writing.

  43. CRWR_V 415 (3-6) Workshop in Literary Translation I

    A workshop class in literary translation. Restricted to Majors in Creative Writing. Prerequisite: Proficiency in a language other than English.

  44. CRWR_V 416 (3-12) Writing for Television I

    A workshop class in writing for television. Prerequisite: Restricted to Majors in Creative Writing.

  45. CRWR_V 417 (3-12) Play Development Workshop

    An interdisciplinary course, in cooperation with the Theatre program, emphasizing script development through scene work, character development and stagecraft. Prerequisite: Manuscript submission or equivalent theatre experience.

  46. CRWR_V 419 (3-12) Writing Speculative Fiction

    Workshop-based class focused on writing speculative fiction, including fantasy, science fiction, and horror; emphasis on reading various genres and peer feedback. Restricted to Creative Writing majors.

  47. CRWR_V 420 (3-6) Indigenous Writing

    Advanced study of contemporary Indigenous writing in North America across genres focusing on the production of critical and creative writing about coloniality, race, history, and identity. Prerequisite: Restricted to Majors in Creative Writing.

  48. CRWR_V 423 (3-6) Experimental Forms

    Interdisciplinary perspectives on non-traditional forms of writing. Emphasis on combinations of poetry with prose, extra-literary structures, and visuals. Restricted to Majors in Creative Writing.

  49. CRWR_V 425 (3-6) Climate Writing

    Workshop-based class focused on writing related to climate change and environmental issues; emphasis on reading various genres and peer feedback. Restricted to Creative Writing majors. A maximum of 6 credits is permitted between CRWR 425 and 525.

  50. CRWR_V 430 (3) Preparation for a Career in Writing

    Pass/Fail. Credit will be granted for only one of CRWR 430 or CRWR 530. Restricted to Majors in Creative Writing. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  51. CRWR_V 431 (3) Advanced Comedic Forms

    A workshop class exploring comedic writing in varied forms including film and television, prose and poetry, non-fiction, and new media. This course is restricted to students in the CRWR BFA program.

  52. CRWR_V 440 (3-6) Interdisciplinary Projects

    Group projects and workshops with students majoring in other creative arts. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Credit will be granted for only one of CRWR 440, THTR 469, VISA 469, MUSC 469. Equivalency: THTR 469, VISA 469, MUSC 469

  53. CRWR_V 451 (3-12) Writing Poetry II

    An advanced workshop class in writing poetry. Restricted to Majors in Creative Writing. Prerequisite: CRWR 401.

  54. CRWR_V 452 (3-12) Writing for New Media II

    An advanced workshop class in writing for new media. Restricted to Majors in Creative Writing. Prerequisite: CRWR 402.

  55. CRWR_V 453 (3-12) Writing for Children and Young Adults II

    An advanced workshop class in writing for children and young adults. Restricted to Majors in Creative Writing. Prerequisite: CRWR 403.

  56. CRWR_V 454 (3-12) Writing for Radio II

    An advanced workshop class in writing for the radio. Restricted to Majors in Creative Writing. Prerequisite: CRWR 404.

  57. CRWR_V 455 (3-12) Writing Creative Nonfiction II

    An advanced workshop class focusing on memoir, biography, rhetoric, literary journalism, the personal essay, and some hybrid forms of creative nonfiction. Includes instruction in researching and interviewing techniques. Restricted to Majors in Creative Writing. Prerequisite: CRWR 405.

  58. CRWR_V 456 (3-12) Writing for the Screen II

    An advanced workshop class in writing for the screen. Restricted to Majors in Creative Writing. Prerequisite: CRWR 406.

  59. CRWR_V 457 (3-12) Writing of Drama for the Stage II

    An advanced workshop class in writing drama for the stage. Studio work is required. Assumes a greater level of experience in writing drama for the stage than CRWR 407. Prerequisite: Restricted to Majors in Creative Writing.

  60. CRWR_V 458 (3-12) Writing for Graphic Forms II

    An advanced workshop class in writing for graphic forms. The ability to draw is not required. Restricted to Majors in Creative Writing. Prerequisite: CRWR 408.

  61. CRWR_V 459 (3-12) Writing Fiction II

    An advanced workshop class in writing fiction. Restricted to Majors in Creative Writing. Prerequisite: CRWR 409.

  62. CRWR_V 460 (3-12) Workshop in Literary Translation II

    An advanced workshop class in literary translation. Restricted to Majors in Creative Writing. Prerequisite: CRWR 415. and proficiency in a language other than English.

  63. CRWR_V 461 (3-12) Writing for Lyric Forms II

    An advanced workshop class in writing for lyric forms. Restricted to Majors in Creative Writing. Prerequisite: CRWR 411.

  64. CRWR_V 466 (3-12) Writing for Television II

    An advanced workshop class in writing for television. Restricted to Majors in Creative Writing. Prerequisite: CRWR 416.

  65. CRWR_V 470 (3-12) Special Projects in Creative Writing

    For students who receive permission to do advanced work on a specific project. Admission is restricted to B.F.A. Majors in Creative Writing.

  66. CRWR_V 471 (3-12) Special Projects in Writing Poetry

    For students who receive departmental permission to do advanced work in this genre.

  67. CRWR_V 473 (3-12) Special Projects in Writing for Children

    For students who receive departmental permission to do advanced work in this genre.

  68. CRWR_V 474 (3-12) Special Projects in Writing Drama for Radio

    For students who receive departmental permission to do advanced work in this genre.

  69. CRWR_V 475 (3-12) Special Projects in Writing Non-Fiction

    For students who receive departmental permission to do advanced work in this genre.

  70. CRWR_V 476 (3-12) Special Projects in Writing for Screen and Television

    For students who receive departmental permission to do advanced work in this genre.

  71. CRWR_V 477 (3-12) Special Projects in Writing Drama for the Stage

    For students who receive departmental permission to do advanced work in this genre.

  72. CRWR_V 479 (3-12) Special Projects in Writing Fiction

    For students who receive departmental permission to do advanced work in this genre.

  73. CRWR_V 480 (3-12) Special Projects in Literary Translation

    For students who receive departmental permission to do advanced work in translation.

  74. CRWR_V 490 (3-12) Directed Reading

    The course will emphasize current trends and techniques rather than critical evaluation. Not offered every year.

  75. CRWR_V 501 (3-12) Advanced Writing of Poetry I

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  76. CRWR_V 502 (3-12) Advanced Writing for New Media I

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  77. CRWR_V 503 (3-12) Advanced Writing for Children I

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  78. CRWR_V 504 (3-12) Advanced Writing for Radio I

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  79. CRWR_V 505 (3-12) Advanced Writing of Creative Non-Fiction I

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  80. CRWR_V 506 (3-12) Advanced Writing of Drama for Screen I

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  81. CRWR_V 507 (3-12) Advanced Writing of Drama for the Stage I

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  82. CRWR_V 508 (3-12) Advanced Writing for Graphic Forms I

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  83. CRWR_V 509 (3-12) Advanced Writing of Fiction I

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  84. CRWR_V 511 (3-12) Advanced Writing for Lyric Forms I

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  85. CRWR_V 514 (3-12) Advanced Writing for Television I

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  86. CRWR_V 515 (3-6) Advanced Workshop in Literary Translation I

    Prerequisite: Proficiency in a language other than English. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  87. CRWR_V 517 (3-12) Advanced Play Development Workshop

    An interdisciplinary course, in cooperation with the Acting and the M.F.A. Directing programs in Theatre, emphasizing script development through scenework, character development, and stagecraft. Prerequisite: Manuscript submission or equivalent theatre experience. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  88. CRWR_V 519 (3-12) Writing Speculative Fiction

    Advanced writing of speculative fiction, including fantasy, science fiction, magical realism, horror, folk tales, and weird stories. Emphasis on reading examples from the subgenres and peer feedback. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  89. CRWR_V 520 (3-12) Editing and Managing a Literary Magazine

    Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor is required. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  90. CRWR_V 521 (3-6) Indigenous Writing

    Advanced study of contemporary Indigenous writing in North America across genres focusing on the production of critical and creative writing about coloniality, race, history, and identity. A maximum of 6 credits is permitted from CRWR 420, CRWR 521. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  91. CRWR_V 523 (3-6) Thinking and Writing Through Art

    Interdisciplinary perspectives on non-traditional forms of writing. Emphasis on poets working at the intersection of writing and art practices and rigorous experimentation in hybrid works. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  92. CRWR_V 525 (3-6) Climate Writing

    Advanced workshop-based class focused on writing related to climate change and environmental issues; emphasis on reading various genres and peer feedback. Restricted to graduate students in the MFA Program in Creative Writing. A maximum of 6 credits is permitted between CRWR 425 and 525. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  93. CRWR_V 530 (3) Preparation for a Career in Writing

    Pass/Fail. Credit will be granted for only one of CRWR 430 or CRWR 530. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  94. CRWR_V 531 (3) Advanced Comedic Forms

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  95. CRWR_V 550 (3-12) Teaching Creative Writing

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  96. CRWR_V 551 (3-12) Advanced Writing Poetry II

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  97. CRWR_V 552 (3-12) Advanced Writing for New Media II

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  98. CRWR_V 553 (3-12) Advanced Writing for Children II

    Prerequisite: CRWR 503. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  99. CRWR_V 554 (3-12) Advanced Writing for Radio II

    Prerequisite: CRWR 504. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  100. CRWR_V 555 (3-12) Advanced Writing of Non-Fiction II

    Prerequisite: CRWR 505. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  101. CRWR_V 556 (3-12) Advanced Writing for the Screen II

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  102. CRWR_V 557 (3-12) Advanced Writing of Drama for the Stage II

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  103. CRWR_V 558 (3-12) Advanced Writing for Graphic Forms II

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  104. CRWR_V 559 (3-12) Advanced Writing Fiction II

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  105. CRWR_V 560 (3-12) Advanced Workshop in Literary Translation II

    Prerequisite: CRWR 515. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  106. CRWR_V 561 (3-12) Advanced Writing for Lyric Forms II

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  107. CRWR_V 566 (3-12) Advanced Writing for Television II

    Prerequisite: CRWR 514. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  108. CRWR_V 570 (3-12) Advanced Special Projects in Creative Writing

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  109. CRWR_V 590 (3-12) Directed Reading

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  110. CRWR_V 599 (6) Thesis

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

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