Italian, Faculty of Arts

ITAL_V: Italian

Students with Italian 11 or 12 or exposure to the Italian language or dialects must consult the Italian undergraduate advisor for placement in appropriate courses. Some 400-level ITAL courses may be taken as ITST_V courses and be conducted in English (see details below). Students completing a Minor in Italian or an Honours program in Romance Studies must take such courses as ITAL_V and will be expected to do their reading and assignments in the Italian language. Supplementary tutorials in Italian will be provided as needed for such courses. Credit in ITAL_V will preclude credit in ITST_V and vice versa. Note: The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is a reference tool developed by the Council of Europe to provide a common basis for the development of modern-language curriculum guidelines, examinations, textbooks, etc. It describes in a comprehensive way what language learners have to learn in order to use a language for communication and what knowledge and skills they have to develop so as to be able to do so effectively.

  1. ITAL_V 101 (3) Beginners' Italian I

    Introduction to the essentials of Italian vocabulary, expressions, grammar and cultural life. Focus on listening, reading, speaking and writing skills in everyday situations in the present tense. Aligned with CEFR level A1 objectives. Credits will be only granted for ITAL 103 or both ITAL 101, ITAL 102.

  2. ITAL_V 102 (3) Beginners' Italian II

    Continuation of foundational elements of Italian language. Development of listening, reading, speaking and writing skills in the context of everyday situations in the present and past tenses. Aligned with CEFR level A1 objectives. Credits will be only granted for ITAL 103 or both ITAL 101, ITAL 102. Recommended pre-requisite: ITAL 101.

  3. ITAL_V 103 (3) Intensive Beginners' Italian

    Fundamentals of the Italian language. Aligned with CEFR level A1 objectives. Recommended: Expertise in another Romance language. Credit will be granted for ITAL 103 or both ITAL 101, ITAL 102. Prerequisite: Language placement test.

  4. ITAL_V 104 (3) Italian for Singers

    The study of the Italian language with the study of Italian lyric diction and musical culture; practice in translation, phonetic transcription and the performance of vocal music. Recommended pre-requisite: ITAL 101.

  5. ITAL_V 110 (3) Made in Italy (in English)

    Where do Italy's glamour, lifestyle, traditions come from? This course introduces Italy's multifaceted ways of being and the cultural creations of the peninsula in their context. Credit can only be applied for one of ITAL 110 or ITST 110. Equivalency: ITST 110.

  6. ITAL_V 201 (3) Elementary Italian I

    Introduction to complex language structures used to communicate in a variety of situations by using different tenses and modes. Enhanced ability to comprehend, interact and express wishes or feelings in common personal and social contexts. Aligned with CEFR level A2 objectives. Recommended pre-requisite: ITAL 102 or successful completion of CEFR Level A1.

  7. ITAL_V 202 (3) Elementary Italian II

    Expansion of fundamental notions and presentation of elaborate structures, present, past and future tenses and different modes. Enriched opportunities to explore Italian culture and develop intercultural skills. Aligned with CEFR level A2 objectives. Recommended pre-requisite: ITAL 201.

  8. ITAL_V 206 (3) Conversational Italian for Elementary Learners

    Develop oral and intercultural proficiency while reviewing fundamental grammar structures and expanding vocabulary. Communicate to explore Italian culture. Aligned with CEFR level A2 objectives. Recommended pre-requisite: ITAL 201.

  9. ITAL_V 231 (3) Introduction to Italian Culture I: From the Middle Ages to the Early Modern Period (in English)

    The shift from the Medieval to the Early Modern worldview, explored through some of the major representatives of the verbal and visual arts, from Dante to Machiavelli, from Giotto to Leonardo. Credit can only be applied for one of ITAL 231 or ITST 231.

  10. ITAL_V 232 (3) Introduction to Italian Culture II: From the Modern to the Post-Colonial Age (in English)

    The debate around nation vs. empire vs. republic, from the Napoleonic age to our days, as captured in Italy's microcosm, condensing and often anticipating issues that have later become global. Credit can only be applied for one of ITAL 232 or ITST 232.

  11. ITAL_V 234 (3) Introduction to Italian Cinema (in English)

    A thematic course surveying major classics of Italian cinema, emphasizing their historical, political, social, philosophical and technical contexts. Credit can only be applied for one of ITAL 234 or ITST 234. Equivalency: ITST 234.

  12. ITAL_V 301 (3) Intermediate Italian I

    Advanced grammar structures in context, lexical repertoire and cultural elements to further increase learners' ability to communicate in most situations, including complex conversations. Aligned with CEFR level B1 objectives. Recommended pre-requisites: Second-year standing or higher and one of ITAL 202, ITAL 203, ITAL 206, or successful completion of CEFR level A2.

  13. ITAL_V 302 (3) Intermediate Italian II

    Expansion of and reflection on the use of complex grammatical structures in context to broaden lexical repertoire. Enhances proficiency through written communication and discussion of relevant cultural topics. Aligned with CEFR level B1 objectives. Recommended pre-requisites: Second-year standing or higher and ITAL 301.

  14. ITAL_V 303 (3) Italian Literature and Culture of the Medieval and Early Modern Period (in English)

    A thematic approach to Italian literary works from the origins to the end of the sixteenth century considered in a broad cultural context. Credit will be granted for only one of ITAL 303 or RMST 341. Equivalency: RMST 341.

  15. ITAL_V 304 (3) Italian Literature and Culture of the Modern and Contemporary Age (in English)

    The development of modern and contemporary Italian literature and culture against the background of social and historical events. Credit will be granted for only one of ITAL 304 or RMST 342. Equivalency: RMST 342.

  16. ITAL_V 322 (3) Italian for Reading Knowledge

    Development of elementary to intermediate Italian reading skills. Aligned with CEFR Level A2/B1 reading objectives. Recommended pre-requisites: Second-year standing or higher and proficiency in another Romance language or Latin, or successful completion of ITAL 102.

  17. ITAL_V 325 (3) Italian Translation

    A task-based introduction to the theory and practice of translation as applied to Italian and English texts: word choice, semantic correspondence, cultural adaptation, communicative purpose, target readerships. Languages of instruction are English and Italian. Recommended pre-requisites: Second-year standing or higher and ITAL 202.

  18. ITAL_V 333 (3) Masterpieces of the Novella in Italian Literature (in English)

    A study of the genre of the novella as an expression of social and political contexts within and across cultures from its inception in feudal times to the post-modern age. Credit will be granted for only one of ITST 333 or ITAL 333 or RMST 343. Equivalency: RMST 343 or ITST 333

  19. ITAL_V 342 (3) Introduction to Italian for Senior Students I

    An intensive course in spoken and written Italian. Grammar, conversation, reading of literary texts. Prerequisite: proficiency in another Romance language or Latin. Not considered a third-year course for purposes of satisfying Italian program requirements. Recommended pre-requisites: Second-year standing or higher and proficiency in another Romance Language or in Latin.

  20. ITAL_V 343 (3) Introduction to Italian for Senior Students II

    An intensive course in spoken and written Italian. Grammar, conversation, progressive reading of various texts. Prerequisite: Proficiency in another Romance language or Latin. Not considered a third-year course for purposes of satisfying Italian program requirements. Recommended pre-requisites: Proficiency in another Romance language or in Latin AND Second-year standing or higher.

  21. ITAL_V 345 (3) Italian Fascism in Interdisciplinary Perspective (in English)

    The cultural, literary, philosophical roots of Fascism and its evolution: its policies in literature, sports, cinema, architecture, racial legislation, and colonial adventures. Credit will be granted for only one of ITST 345 or ITAL 345 or RMST 345. Equivalency: ITST 345 or RMST 345.

  22. ITAL_V 377 (3) Cultural Exchange between Modern Italy and China (in English)

    Key moments and texts about intercultural exchange between Italy and China since the beginning of the twentieth century in their social, historical, and political contexts. Credit can only be applied for one of ITAL 377 or ITST 377. Recommended pre-requisite: Second-year standing or higher.

  23. ITAL_V 378 (3) Colonial and Postcolonial Italy (in English)

    Italian colonialism in the twentieth century and postcolonial legacy in recent decades through media, literary, and cinematic texts. Credit can only be applied for one of ITAL 378 or ITST 378. Recommended pre-requisite: Second-year standing or higher.

  24. ITAL_V 379 (3) Gender and Sexuality in Italian Cinema (in English)

    Gender and sexuality in Italian cinema within the country's historical, socio-political, and cultural milieus. Credit can only be applied for one of ITAL 379 or ITST 379.

  25. ITAL_V 380 (3) Italian Food Cultures (in English)

    Analyses of Italian or Italian-style foodways and the role they play in articulating larger cultural issues. Credit can only be applied for one of ITAL 380 or ITST 380. Equivalency: ITST 380

  26. ITAL_V 385 (3) Italian Cinema: Neorealism (in English)

    A survey of the major classics of post-WWII Italian Neorealism in cinema emphasizing their historical, political, social, philosophical and technical contexts. Credit will be granted for only one of ITST 385 or ITAL 385 or RMST 355. Equivalency: ITST 385 or RMST 355

  27. ITAL_V 395 (3-6) Special Topics Abroad

    Study of Italian literature, history, culture, or communities in an authentic context. Topics and locations may vary. Consult Department for current offerings. Recommendation: CEFR A1 Italian proficiency level.

  28. ITAL_V 401 (3) Upper-Intermediate Italian I

    Continues building fluency, accuracy and proficiency at an autonomous level in spoken and written communication. Emphasis on culturally contextualized grammar structures and vocabulary, critical reading and discussion of a variety of texts. Aligned with CEFR level B2 objectives. Recommended pre-requisites: Second-year standing or higher and ITAL 302 or successful completion of CEFR level B1.

  29. ITAL_V 402 (3) Upper-Intermediate Italian II

    Hones language skills, deepens knowledge of vocabulary and grammar structures, and develops a higher level of fluency in writing, reading and speaking. Emphasis on contextualized grammar and vocabulary, critical reading and discussion of texts. Aligned with CEFR level B2 objectives. Recommended pre-requisites: Second-year standing or higher and ITAL 401.

  30. ITAL_V 403 (3) Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy (in English)

    A close reading of Dante's masterpiece, along with excerpts from some of his other works: Vita Nuova, Convivio, Monarchia, Epistles. Credit will be granted for only one of ITAL 403 or ITST 413 or RMST 453. Equivalency: ITST 413 or RMST 453.

  31. ITAL_V 404 (3) Italian Literature of the Middle Ages (in English)

    Italian literature of the Middle Ages in its intellectual, socio-political and cultural context. Dante and his contemporaries and/or immediate followers (may include Petrarch and Boccaccio). Credit will be granted for only one of ITAL 404 or ITST 414 or RMST 454. Equivalency: ITST 414 or RMST 454.

  32. ITAL_V 405 (3) Topics in the Italian Literature and Culture of the Renaissance (in English)

    Masterpieces of the Italian Renaissance in literature and the other Arts. Authors and artists studied range from Pico to Ariosto and Machiavelli, from Botticelli to Leonardo and Michelangelo. Credit will be granted for only one of ITAL 405 or ITST 415 or RMST 455. Equivalency: ITST 415 or RMST 455

  33. ITAL_V 406 (3) Topics in Seventeenth-Century Italian Literature and Culture (in English)

    Classics of the Italian literature of the Mannerist and Baroque age in their intellectual, socio-political, and cultural context. Credit will be granted for only one of ITAL 406 or ITST 416 or RMST 456.

  34. ITAL_V 407 (3) Topics in Eighteenth-Century Italian Literature and Culture (in English)

    Classics of the Italian literature of the age of the Enlightenment in its intellectual, socio-political, and cultural context. Credit will be granted for only one of ITAL 407 or ITST 417 or RMST 457. Equivalency: ITST 417 or RMST 457.

  35. ITAL_V 408 (3) Topics in Nineteenth-Century Italian Literature and Culture (in English)

    Italian literature of the 19th century in its intellectual, socio-political and cultural context. Credit will be granted for only one of ITAL 408 or ITST 418 or RMST 458. Equivalency: ITST 418 or RMST 458

  36. ITAL_V 409 (3) Topics in Modern and Contemporary Italian Literature and Culture (in English)

    Italian literature of the 20th century in its intellectual, socio-political and cultural context. Credit will be granted for only one of ITAL 409 or ITST 419 or RMST 459. Equivalency: ITST 419 or RMST 459.

  37. ITAL_V 420 (3-6) Special Topics in Italian Language, Literature and Culture (in English)

    Course content will vary. May be taken twice for a total of 6 credits. Recommended pre-requisite: Second-year standing or higher.

  38. ITAL_V 430 (3) Italian Cinema in its Cultural Background (in English)

    A survey of major films in their intellectual, socio-political, and cultural context. Auteurs may range from De Sica, Rossellini, Pasolini, and Visconti to Bertolucci, Rosi, the Tavianis, and Moretti. Credit will be granted for only one of ITAL 430 or ITST 432 or RMST 452. Equivalency: ITST 432 or RMST 452.

  39. ITAL_V 495 (3) Research Intensive Seminar in Italian Literature and Culture

    Credit will be granted for only one of ITAL 495 or ITST 495.

  40. ITAL_V 499 (3) Honours Essay

  41. ITAL_V 501 (3-6) Dante: The Minor Works

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  42. ITAL_V 502 (3-6) Dante: The Divine Comedy

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  43. ITAL_V 505 (3-6) Studies in the Literature of the Renaissance

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  44. ITAL_V 507 (3-6) Studies in Romanticism

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  45. ITAL_V 508 (3-6) Studies in Modern Italian Literature

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  46. ITAL_V 515 (3-6) Topics in Italian Language

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  47. ITAL_V 520 (3-12) Italian Language and Literature

    A maximum of 6 credits is available in any one topic. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  48. ITAL_V 548 (3) Graduating Essay

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  49. ITAL_V 549 (6-12) Master's Thesis

    The credit value for this course will be determined in consultation with the student prior to the registration. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

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