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Psychology, Faculty of Arts

PSYC_V: Psychology

Unless otherwise specified, the prerequisite for 300-level Psychology courses is 6 credits of 100-level or 200-level PSYC_V courses (PSYC_V 216 or PSYC_V 217 or PSYC_V 277 strongly recommended), or permission of the instructor. For students registered in the B.Sc. Behavioural Neuroscience program, a maximum of 6 credits of Psychology courses can be used towards the Faculty of Science Arts requirement (…). In addition to Psychology 348 and 448, all Psychology courses numbered 60 to 89 in the last two digits have Science credit. Listed below are courses in which there is sufficient overlap that credit may be obtained for only one course in each list. However, it does not necessarily follow that the listed courses are equivalent: (1) PSYC_V 304, 360, 370; (2) PSYC_V 304, 360, 371; (3) PSYC_V 217, 277, 366; (4) PSYC_V 218, 278, 366. Not every course is offered every year. For current listings, consult the departmental website at

  1. PSYC_V 100 (6) Introductory Psychology

    Introduction to methods and statistics, biopsychology, learning, perception, memory, cognition, motivation, assessment, developmental, personality, clinical, and social psychology. Credit will be granted for only one of PSYC 100 or PSYC 101 and 102.

  2. PSYC_V 101 (3) Introduction to Biological and Cognitive Psychology

    Introduction to Methods and Statistics, Biopsychology, Learning, Perception, Memory, and Cognition. Credit will be granted for only one of PSYC 100 and PSYC 101.

  3. PSYC_V 102 (3) Introduction to Developmental, Social, Personality, and Clinical Psychology

    Introduction to methods and statistics, motivation, assessment, developmental, personality, clinical, and social psychology. Credit will be granted for only one of PSYC 100 and PSYC 102.

  4. PSYC_V 207 (3) Contemporary Topics in Biological and Cognitive Psychology

    A focus on the interpretation of contemporary research in neuroscience, cognition, perception, memory, and learning.

  5. PSYC_V 208 (3) Contemporary Topics in Social, Developmental, Personality, and Clinical Psychology

    A focus on the interpretation of contemporary research in social, developmental, personality, and clinical psychology.

  6. PSYC_V 216 (3) Questioning Psychological Science in the Media

    Use basic principles of quantitative psychological research methods to critique psychological claims presented in the media and to translate psychological science to everyday life. Intended for non-psychology majors to prepare for upper level courses. Majors should take PSYC 217 instead.

  7. PSYC_V 217 (3) Research Methods

    Focus on various research methods used in psychology, with an emphasis on critical thinking and experimental design. Credit will be granted for only one of PSYC 217 or PSYC 277. Restricted to students in one of PSYC Major, BA COGS Major. Corequisite: Either(a) PSYC 100 or (b) all of PSYC 101, PSYC 102. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  8. PSYC_V 218 (3) Analysis of Behavioural Data

    Use of inferential statistics in psychology and conceptual interpretation of data; experimental design (laboratory, field research methods); presentation of data analyses in reports. Credit will be granted for only one of: PSYC 218, PSYC 278, BIOL 300, COMM 291, ECON 325, ECON 327, EPSE 482, FRST 231, GEOG 374, KIN 371, POLI 380, SOCI 328, STAT 200, STAT 203. Restricted to students in one of PSYC Major, BA COGS Major. Prerequisite: One of PSYC 217, PSYC 277. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  9. PSYC_V 240 (1-3) Research Experience

    Applied research experience in an active psychology research lab. See Psychology Department website for application. Prerequisite: One of PSYC 101, PSYC 102. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  10. PSYC_V 277 (4) Behavioural and Neuroscientific Research Methods

    Research methods used in the neurosciences. Credit will be granted for only one of PSYC_V 217 or PSYC_V 277. Restricted to students in one of NSCI Major, BSc COGS Major (Cognition and Brain stream). This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  11. PSYC_V 278 (4) Analysis of Behavioural and Neuroscientific Data

    Statistical methods for use in the neurosciences. Credit will be granted for only one of: PSYC_V 218, PSYC_V 278, BIOL_V 300, COMM_V 291, ECON_V 325, ECON_V 327, EPSE_V 482, FRST_V 231, GEOG_V 374, KIN_V 371, POLI_V 380, SOCI_V 328, STAT_V 200, STAT_V 203. Restricted to students in one of NSCI Major, BSc COGS Major (Cognition and Brain stream).Prerequisite: One of PSYC 217, PSYC 277. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  12. PSYC_V 300 (3) Introduction to Psychopathology and Clinical Science

    The definition, history, and scope of mental illness; emphasis on the psychological factors that control its origins, maintenance, and modification. Restricted to students with second-year standing or higher. Strongly recommended: PSYC_V 101, 102, and one of PSYC_V 216, 217, or 227.

  13. PSYC_V 301 (3) Brain Dysfunction and Recovery

    Cognitive and behavioral impairments resulting from brain dysfunction. Focus on the efficacy of various intervention approaches. Strongly recommended: PSYC 101, 102, and one of PSYC 216, PSYC 217, or 277. Credit will be granted for only one of PSYC 301 or NSCI 302. Restricted to students with second-year standing or higher.

  14. PSYC_V 302 (3) Infancy

    Human cognition, perception, motor, social, emotional needs, brain development and their interactions from birth until the emergence of language. Strongly recommended: PSYC 101, 102, and one of PSYC 216, PSYC 217, or 277. Restricted to students with second-year standing or higher.

  15. PSYC_V 303 (3) Tests and Measurements

    Theory and practice of psychological measurement, statistical models for items and tests, assessment of test reliability and validity, factor analysis, scoring. Restricted to students with second-year standing or higher. Prerequisite: One of PSYC 218, PSYC 278.

  16. PSYC_V 304 (3-6) Brain and Behaviour

    The neurobiological bases of behaviour; brain processes involved in perception, motivation, emotion, psychopathology, learning and memory. A maximum of 6 credits can be granted for either PSYC 304 or PSYC 370 and 371. Strongly recommended: PSYC 101 and one of PSYC 216, PSYC 217, PSYC 277. Restricted to all Arts and Science students with second-year standing or higher, excluding those in the B.Sc. Behavioural Neuroscience or B.Sc. Neuroscience specializations.

  17. PSYC_V 305 (3) Personality Psychology

    Theory and research on individual differences in motivation, emotion, and social behaviour. Strongly recommended: PSYC 102, and one of PSYC 216, 217, or 277. Restricted to students with second-year standing or higher.

  18. PSYC_V 306 (3) Principles of Animal Behaviour

    Behavioural neuroscience; behavioural genetics; social systems; mating and parental strategies; instinct and learning; evolution of human behaviour. Credit will be given for only one of BIOL 310 or PSYC 306. Strongly recommended: PSYC 101, and one of PSYC 216, 217, or 277. Restricted to students with second-year standing or higher.

  19. PSYC_V 307 (3) Cultural Psychology

    Cultural influences on human thought and behaviour; interactions of culture and self; multicultural experiences; intercultural relations; methodological issues. Strongly recommended: PSYC 102, and one of PSYC 216, 217, or 277. Restricted to students with second-year standing or higher.

  20. PSYC_V 308 (3) Social Psychology

    Theory and research of individual social behaviour; social motivation; attitudes; group interaction; socialization; prejudice. Strongly recommended: PSYC 102, and one of PSYC 216, 217, or 277. Restricted to students with second-year standing or higher.

  21. PSYC_V 309 (3) Cognitive Processes

    Contribution of cognitive processes to perception, attention, and memory; cognitive development, language, thinking, and creativity. Strongly recommended: PSYC 101 and one of PSYC 216, 217, or 277. Restricted to students with second-year standing or higher.

  22. PSYC_V 311 (3) Psychology of Sport

    Psychological theory, research, and skills training related to sport performance, exercise motivation, and adherence. Credit will be granted for only one of PSYC 311 and KIN 150 and 231. Strongly recommended: PSYC 101 and one of PSYC 216, 217, or 277. Restricted to students with second-year standing or higher.

  23. PSYC_V 312 (3) History of Psychology

    The principal trends of psychological explanation and events in the history of psychology from the earliest times to the present. Strongly recommended: PSYC 101 and one of PSYC 216, 217, or 277. Restricted to Psychology Major or Psychology Honours students.

  24. PSYC_V 314 (3) Health Psychology

    Health-related behaviours such as smoking and drug use; effects of stressful events on health; methods for coping with stress; impact of chronic illness on the family; social support systems. Strongly recommended: PSYC 102 and one of PSYC 216, 217, or 277. Restricted to students with second-year standing or higher.

  25. PSYC_V 315 (3) Childhood and Adolescence

    Human development from the preschool period through adolescence. Strongly recommended: PSYC 102 and one of PSYC 216, 217, or 277. Restricted to students with second-year standing or higher.

  26. PSYC_V 319 (3) Applied Developmental Psychology

    Applications of theories and research in developmental psychology to contemporary social issues; topics may include daycare, child abuse, divorce and remarriage, substance abuse, sexuality. Strongly recommended: PSYC 102 and one of PSYC 216, 217, or 277. Restricted to students with second-year standing or higher.

  27. PSYC_V 320 (3) Psychology of Sex Differences

    Theory and research on gender development and the influence of sex and/or gender on cognition, emotion, motivation, social behaviour, and health. Strongly recommended: PSYC 101, 102 and PSYC 216, 217, or 277. Restricted to students with second-year standing or higher.

  28. PSYC_V 322 (3) Adulthood and Aging

    Issues, theories, and psychological research regarding adulthood and the aging process. Strongly recommended: PSYC 102 and one of PSYC 216, 217, or 277. Restricted to students with second-year standing or higher.

  29. PSYC_V 325 (3) Socialization: Media Content and Effects

    Examines human development in the context of the socializing role of media. Strongly recommended: PSYC 102 and one of PSYC 216, 217, or 277. Restricted to students with second-year standing or higher.

  30. PSYC_V 331 (3) Forensic Psychology

    The application of psychological theory and research to legal issues and the criminal justice system. Strongly recommended: PSYC 102 and one of PSYC 216, 217, or 277. Restricted to students with second-year standing or higher.

  31. PSYC_V 333 (3) Memory: Historical, Clinical and Cognitive Perspectives

    Classical and contemporary metaphors for memory and their impact on theory development. Strongly recommended: PSYC 101 and one of PSYC 216, 217, or 277. Restricted to students with second-year standing or higher.

  32. PSYC_V 334 (3) Memory II

    Organic amnesia; remembering childhood events; the self and memory; and the problem of distinguishing genuine from simulated forgetting. Prerequisite: [PSYC333]

  33. PSYC_V 335 (3) Gambling and Decision Making

    The psychology of gambling behaviour, with emphasis on relevant work from judgment and decision-making, the cognitive neuroscience of choice, and clinical perspectives on disordered gambling. Strongly recommended: PSYC 101 and one of PSYC 216, 217, or 277. Restricted to students with second-year standing or higher.

  34. PSYC_V 336 (3) The Psychology of Language I

    Psychological abilities underlying human language; language processing, lexical representation, and principles of online conversation; animal versus human communication. Strongly recommended: PSYC 101 and one of PSYC 216, 217, or 277. Restricted to students with second-year standing or higher.

  35. PSYC_V 337 (3) The Psychology of Language II

    Language and thought; deriving psychological principles from language universals; the psychology of literacy, dyslexia, multilingualism, and natural language processing. Prerequisite: [PSYC336]

  36. PSYC_V 340 (2-6) Directed Studies in Psychology

    Directed investigation of a research problem, requiring a written report of the findings. Requires the supervising faculty member's permission. See the Department's website for more information. Restricted to Majors in Psychology or Cognitive Systems with second-year standing or higher.

  37. PSYC_V 349 (6) Honours Seminar

    Orientation to psychological research, with special emphasis on ongoing research within the department; effective presentation of research findings, oral and written; critical evaluation of research. Requires a research project. Restricted to students in Honours Psychology. Prerequisite: All of PSYC 217, PSYC 218.

  38. PSYC_V 350 (3) Psychological Aspects of Human Sexuality

    Human sexuality from a biopsychological, behavioural, and psychosocial perspective. Strongly recommended: PSYC 101, 102 and one of PSYC 216, 217, or 277. Restricted to students with second-year standing or higher.

  39. PSYC_V 358 (3) Evolutionary Psychology

    Theory and research on the evolution of the human mind, with emphasis on implications for cognition and behaviour in contemporary environments. Strongly recommended: PSYC 102 and one of PSYC 216, 217, or 277. Restricted to students with second-year standing or higher.

  40. PSYC_V 359 (3) Advanced Research Methods in Behavioural Sciences

    Prepares students for graduate studies or other advanced behavioural research; experimental design and analytic techniques; laboratory with computer applications. Restricted to students with second-year standing or higher and a cumulative average at or above 76%. Prerequisite: One of PSYC 218, PSYC 278.

  41. PSYC_V 361 (3) Neuroscience of Motivation

    Experimental analysis of hunger, thirst, exploratory and curiosity behaviour, maternal and reproductive behaviour, fixed action patterns, and complex processes involved in social motivation with emphasis on the biological basis of motivation. Restricted to students with second-year standing or higher. Prerequisite: One of NSCI 201, PSYC 270, PSYC 304, PSYC 370.

  42. PSYC_V 363 (3) Neuroscience of Simple Learning

    Introduction to basic theories of non-associative learning, classical and operant conditioning. Experimental findings from behavioural and biological analyses with animals and humans. Restricted to students with second-year standing or higher. Prerequisite: One of BIOL 260, BIOL 361, BIOL 455, BIOL 458, CAPS 301, NSCI 200, PSYC 270, PSYC 304.

  43. PSYC_V 365 (3) Cognitive Neuroscience

    Current research into human brain systems underlying cognitive processes such as perception, attention, memory, and decision-making. Restricted to students with second-year standing or higher. Prerequisite: Either (a) one of PSYC 101, PSYC 304, PSYC 309, NSCI 201, PSYC 270 or (b) COGS 200.

  44. PSYC_V 367 (3) Sensory Systems

    Anatomy and physiology of the sensory pathways and their relation to perception. Credit will be granted for only one of PSYC 367, BIOL 372. Restricted to students with second-year standing or higher. Prerequisite: Either (a) one of PSYC 101, NSCI 201 or (b) COGS 200.

  45. PSYC_V 368 (3) Perceptual Processing

    Perceptual phenomena and their underlying brain mechanisms. Prerequisite: [PSYC367]

  46. PSYC_V 370 (3) Behavioural and Cognitive Neuroscience I

    Advanced methods and topics in behavioural and cognitive neuroscience. Credit will be granted for only one of PSYC 304, PSYC 370, BIOL 371, BIOL 372. A maximum of 6 credits can be granted for either PSYC 304 or PSYC 370 and 371. Restricted to students in NSCI Major or Honours with second-year standing or higher. Prerequisite: One of NSCI 201, PSYC 270, COGS 200 and one of PSYC 217, PSYC 277 and one of PSYC 218, PSYC 278.

  47. PSYC_V 371 (3) Behavioural and Cognitive Neuroscience II

    Neurodevelopment and neuroplasticity, the physiological bases of several motivated behaviours (sleep, sexual behaviour, hunger and eating, drugs and addiction), cognition, the stress response, and brain dysfunction and recovery. A maximum of 6 credits can be granted for either PSYC 304 or PSYC 370 and 371. Restricted to students in NSCI Major or Honours with second-year standing or higher. Prerequisite: PSYC 370.

  48. PSYC_V 388 (3-6) Directed Studies in Behavioural Neuroscience

    Directed investigation of an experimental problem in Behavioural Neuroscience requiring a written report of the findings. Requires the supervising faculty member's permission. See the Department's website for more information. Restricted to Majors in PSYC or COGS or NSCI with second-year standing or higher. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  49. PSYC_V 398 (3) Cooperative Work Placement I

    Approved and supervised relevant work experience in an industrial, academic, or government setting for a minimum of 13 weeks, full-time. Normally taken in Summer Session after third year. Work term report required. Restricted to students admitted to the Co-op Program in Psychology. Prerequisite: Co-op Workshops. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  50. PSYC_V 399 (3) Cooperative Work Placement II

    Approved and supervised relevant work experience in an industrial, academic, or government setting for a minimum of 13 weeks, full-time. Normally taken in fourth year Winter Session, Term 1. Work term report required. Pass/Fail. Restricted to students admitted to the Co-op Program in Psychology. Prerequisite: PSYC 398. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  51. PSYC_V 400 (6) Clinical Psychology: A Health Profession

    Theory, research, practice, and professional issues in clinical psychology, including a practicum placement. Credit will be granted for only one of PSYC 400 and 401. Restricted to students with third-year standing or higher. Prerequisite: One of PSYC 217, PSYC 277, PSYC 300.

  52. PSYC_V 401 (3) Clinical Psychology

    Theoretical and research foundations of the processes of assessment and behaviour modification in clinical psychology. Credit will be granted for only one of PSYC 400 or PSYC 401. Restricted to students with third-year standing or higher. Strongly recommended: PSYC 217, PSYC 277 and PSYC 300.

  53. PSYC_V 402 (3) Research in Psychological Disorders

    Focus on the cognitive, biological, and motivational underpinnings of psychological disorders. Topics include current research methods, controversies in the research literature, and directions for future research. Restricted to students with third-year standing or higher. Prerequisite: One of PSYC 217, PSYC 277, PSYC 300.

  54. PSYC_V 403 (3) Human Emotion

    Developmental, cognitive, and social psychological theories and research on human emotion. Restricted to students with third-year standing or higher. Prerequisite: One of PSYC 217, PSYC 277 and one of PSYC 305, PSYC 307, PSYC 308, PSYC 358.

  55. PSYC_V 404 (3) Psychology of Religion

    Cognitive, emotional, and motivational underpinnings of religious behaviour; supernatural beliefs, magical thinking, ritual, sacrifice; religion's role in morality, prosociality, health, violence, and intergroup relations. Restricted to students with third-year standing or higher. Prerequisite: One of PSYC 217, PSYC 277 and one of PSYC 305, PSYC 307, PSYC 308, PSYC 358.

  56. PSYC_V 407 (3) Cognition and Culture

    Cultural learning; cultural variation and universality in cognition and emotion; cognitive and emotional bases of cultural phenomena. Restricted to students with third-year standing or higher. Prerequisite: One of PSYC 217, PSYC 277 and one of PSYC 307, PSYC 308, PSYC 358.

  57. PSYC_V 408 (3) Research in Social Psychology

    Representative studies on social psychological topics; emphasis on the formulation of significant questions and the design and execution of relevant research. Restricted to students with third-year standing or higher. Prerequisite: One of PSYC 217, PSYC 277 and one of PSYC 305, PSYC 307, PSYC 308, PSYC 358.

  58. PSYC_V 409 (3) Cognitive Neuropsychology

    The structure of the mind as revealed by brain injury, neurological illness, and surgical intervention. Topics include attention, memory, language, sense of self, topographic awareness, moral reasoning, emotion, theory of mind, and social awareness. Restricted to students with third-year standing or higher. Prerequisite: Either (a) one of PSYC 304, PSYC 309, NSCI 201, PSYC 270 or (b) COGS 200.

  59. PSYC_V 412 (3) Cognitive Development

    The development of fundamental cognitive abilities from infancy through adulthood, including traditional approaches to cognitive development as well as new areas of current investigation. Restricted to students with third-year standing or higher. Prerequisite: One of PSYC 217, PSYC 277 and one of PSYC 302, PSYC 315, PSYC 319, PSYC 322, PSYC 325.

  60. PSYC_V 413 (3) Social and Personality Development

    Comprehensive overview of the psychological processes in the social and personality development of infants, children, and adolescents. Restricted to students with third-year standing or higher. Strongly recommended: PSYC 217, PSYC 277 and one of PSYC 302, PSYC 315, PSYC 319, PSYC 322, PSYC 325.

  61. PSYC_V 414 (3) Research in Developmental Psychology

    Advanced study of current research in a specific area of developmental psychology. Restricted to students with third-year standing or higher. Prerequisite: One of PSYC 217, PSYC 277 and one of PSYC 302, PSYC 315, PSYC 319, PSYC 322, PSYC 325.

  62. PSYC_V 415 (3) Applied Social Psychology

    The application of social psychological research and theory to the solution of social problems. Restricted to students with third-year standing or higher. Prerequisite: One of PSYC 217, PSYC 277 and one of PSYC 305, PSYC 307, PSYC 308, PSYC 358.

  63. PSYC_V 417 (3) Special Topics in Psychology

    Intensive examination of selected topics and issues in psychology. Restricted to students with third-year standing or higher. Prerequisite: One of PSYC 217, PSYC 277 and one of PSYC 218, PSYC 278.

  64. PSYC_V 418 (3) The Self-Concept

    Theory and research on the self: development, knowledge, motivation, emotions, presentation. Restricted to students with third-year standing or higher. Prerequisite: One of PSYC 217, PSYC 277 and one of PSYC 305, PSYC 307, PSYC 308, PSYC 358.

  65. PSYC_V 420 (3) Community Psychology

    The relationships between social contexts and wellbeing with a focus on the application of psychology to disadvantaged populations and community development. Restricted to students with third-year standing or higher. Prerequisite: Either (a) one of PSYC 217, PSYC 277 and one of PSYC 300, PSYC 308, PSYC 314; or (b) PSYC 319.

  66. PSYC_V 421 (3) Environmental Psychology

    Psychological theory and research on the interaction between organisms and the physical environment; emphasis on applications to the design and management of constructed and natural environments. Strongly recommended: PSYC 217, PSYC 277 and one of PSYC 300, PSYC 308, PSYC 309, PSYC 314, PSYC 319. Restricted to students with third-year standing or higher.

  67. PSYC_V 427 (3) Advanced Seminar in Psychology

    Investigation of an issue, topic, or phenomenon in psychology, focusing on research deeply within a subfield or integrating research across subfields. Restricted to students with third-year standing or higher. Prerequisite: One of PSYC 217, PSYC 277 and one of PSYC 218, PSYC 278. Consult Section Notes or the Psychology Department website for 300-level course(s) recommended for a specific offering.

  68. PSYC_V 440 (2-6) Directed Studies in Psychology

    Directed investigation of a research problem, requiring a written report of the findings. Requires the supervising faculty member's permission. See the Department's website for more information. Restricted to Majors in Psychology or Cognitive Systems, with third-year standing or higher.

  69. PSYC_V 449 (6) Honours Seminar and Essay

    Students carry out a research project and report on its development during seminars. Students also discuss research by Departmental staff, with emphasis on choice of problems, research design and data analysis. Intended for students in their graduating year. Restricted to students in Honours Psychology, in fourth-year standing or higher. Prerequisite: PSYC 349.

  70. PSYC_V 460 (3) Behavioural Neuroendocrinology

    Detailed examination of the interaction between hormones and neural control of reproductive and non-reproductive behaviours; emphasis on gonadal and adrenal hormone effects on learning and memory in the brain. Restricted to students with third-year standing or higher. Prerequisite: One of PSYC 304, PSYC 371.

  71. PSYC_V 461 (3) Neuroplasticity and Behaviour

    Experimental findings and theory documenting the plasticity of the brain and its relationship to behaviour: emphasis on gene regulation, neurogenesis and cell morphology changes in relation to learning and experience. Restricted to students with third-year standing or higher. Prerequisite: One of PSYC 304, PSYC 371.

  72. PSYC_V 462 (3) Drugs and Behavioural Neuroscience

    Introduction to neurochemical systems and functional neuroanatomy; animal models of human cognitive processes and mental disorders; neurochemical foundations and treatments for mental disorders. Restricted to students with third-year standing or higher. Prerequisite: One of PSYC 304, PSYC 371.

  73. PSYC_V 472 (3) Advanced Neuroscience of Motivation

    Neurobiological pathways mediating five core aspects of motivated behaviour: (1) affective decision making; (2) motivated drive; (3) goal-directed vs. habit-based behaviour; (4) learning from negative reinforcers; and (5) disorders of motivation. Restricted to students with third-year standing or higher. Prerequisite: One of PSYC 361, PSYC 365.

  74. PSYC_V 488 (3-6) Directed Studies in Behavioural Neuroscience

    Directed investigation of an experimental problem in Behavioural Neuroscience requiring a written report of the findings. Requires the supervising faculty member's permission. See the Department's website for more information. Restricted to Majors in PSYC or COGS or NSCI with third-year standing or higher. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  75. PSYC_V 498 (3) Cooperative Work Placement III

    Approved and supervised relevant work experience in an industrial, academic, or government setting for a minimum of 13 weeks, full-time. Normally taken in fourth year Winter Session, Term 2. Work term report required. Pass/Fail. Restricted to students admitted to the Co-op Program in Psychology. Prerequisite: PSYC 399. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  76. PSYC_V 499 (3) Cooperative Work Placement IV

    Approved and supervised relevant work experience in an industrial, academic, or government setting for a minimum of 13 weeks, full time. Normally taken in Summer Session after fourth year. Work term report required. Pass/Fail. Restricted to students admitted to the Co-op Program in Psychology. Prerequisite: PSYC 498. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  77. PSYC_V 500 (3-6) History of Psychology

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, PhD PSYC. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  78. PSYC_V 501 (3) Health Psychology

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, PhD PSYC. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  79. PSYC_V 502 (3) Research Methods in Health Psychology

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, PhD PSYC. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  80. PSYC_V 503 (3) Biological Basis of Health Psychology

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, PhD PSYC. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  81. PSYC_V 504 (3-6) Special Topics in Health Psychology

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, PhD PSYC. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  82. PSYC_V 507 (3) Cultural Psychology

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, PhD PSYC. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  83. PSYC_V 508 (3-12) Teaching of Psychology

    Restricted to students in one of PhD PSYC, PhD NRSC. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  84. PSYC_V 510 (3) Descriptive Psychopathology

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, PhD PSYC. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  85. PSYC_V 512 (3) Psychology of Emotion

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, PhD PSYC. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  86. PSYC_V 513 (3-12) Special Topics in Developmental Psychology

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, PhD PSYC. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  87. PSYC_V 514 (3) Advanced Topics in Biopsychology

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, MSC NRSC, PhD PSYC, PhD NRSC. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  88. PSYC_V 516 (3) Animal Learning, Memory, and Cognition

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, MSC NRSC, PhD PSYC, PhD NRSC. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  89. PSYC_V 517 (3) Biopsychology of Motivation

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, MSC NRSC, PhD PSYC, PhD NRSC. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  90. PSYC_V 520 (3) Developmental Biopsychology

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, MSC NRSC, PhD PSYC, PhD NRSC. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  91. PSYC_V 521 (3-6) Psycholinguistics

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, PhD PSYC. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  92. PSYC_V 522 (3) Drugs and Behaviour

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, MSC NRSC, PhD PSYC, PhD NRSC. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  93. PSYC_V 523 (3) Experimental Neuropsychology and Animal Models

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, MSC NRSC, PhD PSYC, PhD NRSC. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  94. PSYC_V 524 (3-6) Neural Models of Learning and Memory

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, MSC NRSC, PhD PSYC, PhD NRSC. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  95. PSYC_V 525 (3) Attitudes and Social Cognition

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, PhD PSYC. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  96. PSYC_V 527 (3) Interpersonal Processes

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, PhD PSYC. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  97. PSYC_V 528 (3) Advanced Methods in Social Psychology and Personality

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, PhD PSYC. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  98. PSYC_V 529 (3-12) Special Topics in Social Psychology

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, PhD PSYC. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  99. PSYC_V 530 (3) Assessment: A Critical Survey

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, PhD PSYC. Restricted to Psychology graduate students in the Clinical Research Area. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  100. PSYC_V 531 (3) Assessment: Clinical Applications

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, PhD PSYC. Restricted to Psychology graduate students in the Clinical Research Area. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  101. PSYC_V 532 (3) Child Assessment

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, PhD PSYC. Restricted to Psychology graduate students in the Clinical Research Area. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  102. PSYC_V 533 (3-6) Current Issues in Clinical Psychology

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, PhD PSYC. Restricted to Psychology graduate students in the Clinical Research Area. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  103. PSYC_V 534 (3-12) Clinical Psychology Practicum

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, PhD PSYC. Restricted to Psychology graduate students in the Clinical Research Area. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  104. PSYC_V 535 (3) Psychopathology of the Adult

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, PhD PSYC. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  105. PSYC_V 536 (3) Psychopathology of the Child

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, PhD PSYC. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  106. PSYC_V 537 (3) Ethical and Professional Issues in Clinical Psychology

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, PhD PSYC. Restricted to Psychology graduate students in the Clinical Research Area. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  107. PSYC_V 538 (3) Clinical Neuropsychological Assessment

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, PhD PSYC. Restricted to Psychology graduate students in the Clinical Research Area. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  108. PSYC_V 540 (3-6) Strategies of Psychological Intervention

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, PhD PSYC. Restricted to Psychology graduate students in the Clinical Research Area. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  109. PSYC_V 541 (2) Introduction to Psychotherapy

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, PhD PSYC. Restricted to Psychology graduate students in the Clinical Research Area. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  110. PSYC_V 542 (3) Cognitive/Behavioural Interventions

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, PhD PSYC. Restricted to Psychology graduate students in the Clinical Research Area. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  111. PSYC_V 545 (3) Advanced Statistics

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, PhD PSYC. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  112. PSYC_V 546 (3-18) Seminar in Quantitative Psychology

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, PhD PSYC. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  113. PSYC_V 547 (2-6) Reading and Conference

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  114. PSYC_V 549 (18) Master's Thesis

    Restricted to students in MA PSYC. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  115. PSYC_V 556 (3) Psychological Treatment of Childhood Disorders

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, PhD PSYC. Restricted to Psychology graduate students in the Clinical Research Area. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  116. PSYC_V 559 (6-12) Clinical Psychological Internship

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, PhD PSYC. Restricted to Psychology graduate students in the Clinical Research Area. Pass/Fail. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  117. PSYC_V 560 (3) Clinical Research Design

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, PhD PSYC. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  118. PSYC_V 567 (3) Personality Dimensions and Structure

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, PhD PSYC. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  119. PSYC_V 569 (3) Contemporary Conceptual Issues in Personality

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, PhD PSYC. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  120. PSYC_V 570 (3) Cognitive Neuroscience

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, PhD PSYC. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  121. PSYC_V 571 (3-12) Special Topics in Cognitive Neuroscience

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, PhD PSYC. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  122. PSYC_V 574 (3) Biopsychology I

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, PhD PSYC. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  123. PSYC_V 578 (3-6) Perception

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, PhD PSYC. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  124. PSYC_V 579 (3-6) Special Topics in Perception

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, PhD PSYC. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  125. PSYC_V 582 (3-6) Cognition

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, PhD PSYC. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  126. PSYC_V 583 (3-6) Special Topics in Cognition

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, PhD PSYC. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  127. PSYC_V 584 (3-6) Language Development in Infancy and Childhood

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, PhD PSYC. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  128. PSYC_V 585 (3-6) Special Topics in Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, PhD PSYC. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  129. PSYC_V 586 (3-6) Developmental Psychology

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, PhD PSYC. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  130. PSYC_V 587 (3-6) Cognitive Development

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, PhD PSYC. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  131. PSYC_V 588 (3-6) Special Topics in Social and Personality Development

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, PhD PSYC. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  132. PSYC_V 589 (3-6) Moral Development

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, PhD PSYC. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  133. PSYC_V 590 (3) Survey of Social Psychology I

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, PhD PSYC. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  134. PSYC_V 591 (3) Survey of Social Psychology II

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, PhD PSYC. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  135. PSYC_V 592 (3) Neuroethology

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, MSC NRSC, PhD PSYC, PhD NRSC.A This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  136. PSYC_V 593 (3) Neurophysiology and Cortical Plasticity

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, MSC NRSC, PhD PSYC, PhD NRSC. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  137. PSYC_V 594 (3) Psychoneuroendocrinology

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, MSC NRSC, PhD PSYC, PhD NRSC. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  138. PSYC_V 595 (3) Psychophysiology

    Restricted to students in one of MA PSYC, MSC NRSC, PhD PSYC, PhD NRSC. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  139. PSYC_V 649 (0) Doctoral Dissertation

    Restricted to students in PhD PSYC. Pass/Fail. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

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