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Critical Studies in Sexuality, Faculty of Arts

CSIS_V: Critical Studies in Sexuality

  1. CSIS_V 200 (3) Critical Engagements in Sexuality Studies

    Introductory survey to sexuality studies that emphasizes how sexuality intersects with race, gender, class, ability, and geography. Recommended pre-requisite: GRSJ 101.

  2. CSIS_V 300 (3-6) Introduction to Critical Studies in Sexuality

    A multi-disciplinary course which provides an introduction to the study of sexuality, including lesbian, gay, bisexual, heterosexual, and transgender issues and related topics.

  3. CSIS_V 301 (3) Introduction to Trans* Studies

    How race, citizenship, gender, sexuality, culture and dis/ability are materially and socially constructed together to give meaning to the category trans*. (Trans*: transgender, transsexual, gender variant and other articulations.) Recommended pre-requisite: GRSJ 101.

  4. CSIS_V 450 (3-6) Topics in Critical Studies in Sexuality

    A thematic course, which explores current questions and issues in relation to the study of sexuality. Topics may vary from year to year.

  5. CSIS_V 490 (3-6) Directed Topics

    Designed to allow a student to develop an individual course of study in a specific area as approved by a faculty member affiliated with the CSIS program.

  6. CSIS_V 500 (3-6) Critical Studies in Sexuality: Multi-disciplinary Approaches

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

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