You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Oral Biological Medical Sciences, Faculty of Dentistry

OBMS_V: Oral Biological Medical Sciences

  1. OBMS_V 430 (2) Understanding and Evaluating Dental Research


  2. OBMS_V 431 (2) Endodontics

    Application of the basic principles of endodontics. [0-1.5-0; 1-1.5-0]

  3. OBMS_V 434 (4) Introduction to Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

    [3-1.5; 0-1.5]

  4. OBMS_V 436 (1) Oral Radiology

    Radiographic techniques and radiological interpretation with emphasis on extraoral techniques. [0.5-1.5]

  5. OBMS_V 437 (2) Pain and Anxiety Control


  6. OBMS_V 439 (3) Oral Medicine and Oral Diagnosis

    Oral diagnosis, including orofacial pain and temporomandibular disorders. [1-3-0; 1-3-0]

  7. OBMS_V 440 (1) Advanced Topics in Oral Biology


  8. OBMS_V 441 (2) Advanced Endodontics

    [1-3-0; 0-1.5-0]

  9. OBMS_V 443 (1) Oral Medicine, Oral Diagnosis and Therapeutics

    Assessment and treatment of advanced periodontal diseases. [1-2-2]

  10. OBMS_V 444 (2) Advanced Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery


  11. OBMS_V 446 (1) Advanced Oral Radiology and Oral Radiography

  12. OBMS_V 448 (2-6) Directed Research in Oral Biology

    An elective laboratory project taken with the permission of the appropriate supervisor and the department head.

  13. OBMS_V 449 (4) Advanced Periodontics

    Assessment and treatment of advanced periodontal diseases. [1-3-0]

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