Natural Resources Conservation, Faculty of Forestry

CONS_V: Natural Resources Conservation

  1. CONS_V 101 (3) Introduction to Conservation

    Seminars on current natural resources conservation and forest sciences topics. [3-0-0]

  2. CONS_V 127 (3) Observing the Earth from Space

    Exploration of innovative Earth observation and other geospatial technologies and how they allow us to better understand the changing Earth. [3-0-0]

  3. CONS_V 200 (3) Foundations of Conservation

    Conceptual foundations of conservation; means of conserving nature and natural resources. [3-0-0]

  4. CONS_V 210 (3) Visualizing Climate Change

    Introduction to climate change through the lens of local landscapes and future scenarios, using visual media to communicate the underlying science & psychology, and engage communities in local climate change solutions.

  5. CONS_V 302 (3) Issues in Genomics and the Environment

    Introductory genomics in the context of genetics and epigenetics; current and topical issues, including genetic determinism, environmental DNA, revival of extinct species, and applications of genomics to improve our life and environment including adaptation to climate change. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: One of BIOL 11, BIOL 12.

  6. CONS_V 310 (3) Ecology in a Changing Climate

    Impact of climate change on ecological systems. Builds framework for understanding past and future changes following fundamental organizing units of ecology - individuals, populations, species, communities, and ecosystems. Prerequisite: One of BIOL 121, GEOS 207.

  7. CONS_V 314 (3) Elements of Biodiversity

    The units of biodiversity, from genes to ecosystems, how they are structured in space, and their importance to human well-being and ecosystem health. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: One of APBI 260, BIOL 230, FRST 201, NRES 201, GEOS 207. Equivalency: BIOL 314

  8. CONS_V 330 (3) Conservation Science and Sustainability

    Fundamental concepts in conservation science. Different philosophies, perspectives, and disciplines used in setting priorities for managing biodiversity at all scales. [3-2-0] Prerequisite: One of BIOL 121, GEOS 102, GEOS 103. Second-year standing required.

  9. CONS_V 370 (3) Indigenous Forestry

    Principles, issues and ethics germane to working with or for Indigenous Nations or communities, including Indigenous rights and title, relational values and natural resources governance. [3-0-0]

  10. CONS_V 412 (3) Belowground Ecosystems

    Current concepts, methods, and applications of belowground ecology with emphasis on biotic interactions in soil; to understand the roles that aboveground and belowground communities play in regulating the structure and function of terrestrial ecosystems and their responses to global change. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Fourth year standing in the Faculty of Forestry or a Bachelor of Science Program awarded by any Faculty. Equivalency: APBI412

  11. CONS_V 415 (3) Land, Trees, and Property Institutions

    Exploration of the forces that gave rise to the global variety of systems of property for trees and forestlands; evolution in the governance of property. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Third-year standing.

  12. CONS_V 425 (3) Sustainable Energy: Policy and Governance

    Energy as a global policy problem; current energy challenges; energy systems and energy analysis; the politics and policy of energy alternatives. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Third- or fouth-year standing; 100-level MATH course.

  13. CONS_V 440 (3) Conservation Decision-Making and Policy

    An introduction to policy and decision making for conserving biodiversity in an uncertain world using a combination of ecological data and decision science. [3-1-0] Prerequisite: [CONS200]

  14. CONS_V 449 (1-12) Directed Studies in Natural Resources Conservation

    In special cases and with the approval of the instructor concerned, a student may carry out directed studies of specific problems in natural resources conservation. The credit value for this course will be determined in consultation with the student prior to the registration.

  15. CONS_V 451 (15) Integrated Field School

    Field methods, research and analysis, community-oriented projects, and the interactions between biological and social aspects of conservation research. Students may not take any other courses in conjunction with CONS 451. Restricted to B.Sc. in Natural Resources Conservation students in the fourth year of the Science and Management Major or B.Sc. in Natural Resources students in the fourth year of the Science and Management Specialization of the Conservation Major. [10-10-10] Prerequisite: All of CONS 330, CONS 340, CONS 440, CONS 481, FRST 385, FRST 386, FRST 395. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  16. CONS_V 452 (12) Global Perspectives Capstone

    Examination of global resources and sustainability via scenario evaluation, modelling, and prescription. Students must have already completed their International/Cultural Experience. [3-0-9] Prerequisite: CONS 330 and one of NRES 231, FRST 231, BIOL 300 and one of NRES 241, CONS 340, NRES 340, GEOS 270. and fourth-year standing in the Global Perspectives Specialization of the Conservation Major. Corequisite: One of NRES 341, FRST 443, NRES 443. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  17. CONS_V 453 (6) International Conservation and Forest Ecosystem Management Field School

    International, experiential learning in conservation and forest ecosystem management. A 300-level ecology course such as CONS 330 is strongly recommended as a prerequisite. Fee will be assessed for living and traveling expenses. Pre-registration is required. Prerequisite: One of FRST 231, NRES 231, BIOL 300 and one of FRST 210, NRES 210 and one of FRST 211, NRES 211. Or 6 credits of ecology-based courses (e.g. BIOL 230, BIOL 306, APBI 260, APBI 360). Third-year standing and permission of the instructor are required. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  18. CONS_V 454 (6) Communities, Wildlife, and Conservation in Post-Apartheid South Africa

    Immersive, international field course on evolving landscapes of community conservation in post-apartheid South Africa and social-ecological issues facing 2 million residents on the edge of Kruger National Park. Fee will be assessed for living and traveling expenses. Pre-registration is required. Prerequisite: Third-year standing and permission of the instructor are required.

  19. CONS_V 481 (3) Conservation Planning in Practice

    Theory, tools and practical skills needed to conduct conservation planning at the community level. Addresses issues of developing and implementing plans in the context of sustainability goals, political realities and diverse public opinion. [2-2-0]

  20. CONS_V 486 (3) Fish Conservation and Management

    Principles of fish biology, population and community ecology necessary to understand conservation and management; overview of current issues, tactics and institutions involved with fisheries conservation and management. [2-3-0] Prerequisite: FRST 386.

  21. CONS_V 488 (6) Contemporary Forestry and Conservation in China (UBC Global Seminar Series)

    This is a one-month UBC Global Seminar program in China allows students to learn forestry and conservation in Asia through lectures and field trips to nature reserves, plantations, wood industry firms and national parks in China. Prerequisite: Third-year standing.

  22. CONS_V 491 (3) Recreation and Tourism Planning

    Principles and methods for planning urban and rural recreation and related tourism resources including analyzing recreation resources, applying policies and standards, developing park/recreation area management plans, and understanding benefits to human and community wellbeing and biodiversity. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Third-year standing.

  23. CONS_V 495 (3) Human Wildlife Conflict

    Evaluation of the impacts of human wildlife conflicts on wildlife populations; application of innovative methods to reduce human wildlife conflicts. [2-0-1] Prerequisite: Third-year standing or higher. BIOL 230 or FRST 395 and APBI 315 or APBI 416 recommended. Equivalency: APBI495

  24. CONS_V 496 (3) Primate Conservation in the Anthropocene

    Modern-day threats facing primates and the wide range of conservation strategies being implemented globally to protect them. Prerequisite: Third year standing.

  25. CONS_V 498 (3) Thesis or Special Project

    An independent study or research project of a subject of special interest to the student under the supervision of a staff member.

  26. CONS_V 500 (3) Seminar in Biological Conservation

    Topics in conservation biology with application to current issues and particular reference to (but not limited to) forested ecosystems. [2-0-1] This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  27. CONS_V 501 (3) Topics in Conservation Genetics

    The genetics of small populations, inbreeding, extinction risks due to genetic versus demography factors, adaptation and climate change, and methods for assessing genetic diversity for conservation planning. Equivalency: ZOOL524 This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  28. CONS_V 503 (1-6) Topics in Conservation

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  29. CONS_V 504 (1-6) Directed Studies in Conservation

    The credit value for this course will be determined in consultation with the student prior to the registration. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  30. CONS_V 505 (3) Ecological Restoration

    Global overview of ecological restoration, examining perspectives and practices in diverse ecosystems worldwide. Causes of degradation, motivations for restoration (including cultural underpinnings), restoration objectives (biodiversity, ecosystem function, ecosystem services), restoration practices (and their evolution over time), challenges and lessons learnt. Credit will be granted for only one of CONS 505 or UFOR 403. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  31. CONS_V 506 (3) Forest Conservation in Asia: Challenges and Opportunities

    Key forest conservation issues in Asia, regional strategies, programs, and practices for restoration of critical landscapes, rehabilitation of terrestrial ecosystems and conservation of flagship species. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  32. CONS_V 520 (3) Conservation Policy

    Examination of international and Canadian conservation agreements and policies as instruments of distributive justice. Application of contemporary theories of justice to conservation policy issues. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  33. CONS_V 528 (3) Social Science Research Methods and Design for Natural Resource Management

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

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