You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Latin American Studies, Faculty of Arts

LAST_V: Latin American Studies

  1. LAST_V 100 (3) Introduction to Latin American Studies

    An overview of the culture and society of Latin America from ancient to contemporary times and from Argentina to Mexico.

  2. LAST_V 201 (3) Popular Culture in Latin America

    The culture of everyday life, both rural and urban: issues of identity, popular memory, resistance, negotiation, as expressed through ritual, crafts, the body, social movements, films, music, and literature.

  3. LAST_V 205 (3) Issues of Development in Modern Latin America

    Theory of development in the Latin American context: current problems and development alternatives.

  4. LAST_V 225 (3) Climate Justice in Latin America

    Survey of the geographic, colonial, racialized, and gendered underpinnings and materialities of the climate crisis in Latin America.

  5. LAST_V 301 (3) Human and Civil Rights in Latin America

    Focuses on human rights movements; state violence and impunity; reform of criminal justice systems; rights of indigenous peoples, women, and minorities; international protection of human rights; the UN and inter-American systems.

  6. LAST_V 303 (3) Indigenous Latin America

    Historical and contemporary cultures, struggles, and experiences of Indigenous peoples in what is now Latin America. Different cultural areas or regions may be selected to illustrate the course's principal themes.

  7. LAST_V 415 (3-6) Seminar in Latin American Studies

    Topics will vary from year to year. Consult the program website ( for further details./ Prerequisite: One of LAST 100, LAST 201, LAST 205, LAST 301, LAST 303, LAST 315.

  8. LAST_V 425 (3) Afro-Latin America

    The Black experience and the diversity of the African diaspora in Latin America.

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