SCIE_V 001 (28) Science One
An innovative first-year multi-disciplinary course incorporating biology, chemistry, mathematics, and physics with a strong focus on the connections between these traditional disciplines. Students with credit for SCIE_V 001 will be deemed to have satisfied all BIOL_V 112, BIOL_V 121, BIOL_V 180, CHEM_V 121, CHEM_V 123, MATH_V 100, MATH_V 101, PHYS_V 117, PHYS_V 118, PHYS_V119, and PHYS_V 129 requirements. See the Science One website ( further information and the application process for admission to SCIE_V 001. [12-6-4;12-6-4] Prerequisite: All of: CALC 12, ENGL 12, and Pre-calculus 12; two of: CHEM 12, PHYS 12, High School Biology (either BIOL 11 or BIOL 12). This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.