You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice, Faculty of Arts

GRSJ_V: Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice

  1. GRSJ_V 101 (3) Introduction to Social Justice

    An overview of intersectional feminist debates and theoretical traditions.

  2. GRSJ_V 102 (3) Global Issues in Social Justice

    Intersectional feminist theory and practice, focusing on contemporary issues in a transnational context.

  3. GRSJ_V 200 (3) Gender and Environmental Justice

    An interdisciplinary and cross-cultural overview of contemporary environmental issues, as they relate to gender equality and social justice challenges and initiatives that respond to ecological crises. Recommended: GRSJ 101.

  4. GRSJ_V 201 (4) Connecting with Computer Science

    Fundamentals of computer science and their connections with the arts, psychology, and biology. Historical, cultural, and gender perspectives of important contributions to the field will be discussed. No prior computing background required.

  5. GRSJ_V 205 (3) Gender, Race and Colonialism in Canada

    The historical foundations of colonialisms in Canada from just prior to the establishment of New France to the end of World War One.

  6. GRSJ_V 210 (3) Gender, Race and Colonialism in the Americas

    Interdisciplinary exploration of the ways gender, class, sexuality and race shape modern histories in Canada, and transnationally, from 1920 to the present.

  7. GRSJ_V 224 (3-6) Gender, Race, Sexuality, and Social Justice in Literature

    Techniques of literary study, with emphasis on intersectionality and the ways in which gender is represented in literature and contributions of feminism and gender studies to literary studies.

  8. GRSJ_V 225 (3) Youth Activism and Social Justice

    A critical engagement with major issues, debates, and politics in feminist and social justice scholarship through an exploration of youth movements with a focus on activists, popular culture, digital activism, fan cultures, and literature by and for youth.

  9. GRSJ_V 226 (3) Human Rights and Artistic Expression: Thinking Beyond the Legal

    How human rights are expressed in the Arts. Critical engagement with feminist, race and social justice scholarship, and activism.

  10. GRSJ_V 230 (3) Gender, Race, Sexuality, and Representation in Modern Asia

    The complex relationships between mechanisms of power, gender, and representation in Asia in different spaces examined through an interdisciplinary lens.

  11. GRSJ_V 235 (3) Gender, Race, Sexuality, and Social Structures in Modern Asia

    Situates Asia in a global context and explores the complex relationships between gender, social structures, and social change.

  12. GRSJ_V 250 (3-6) Topics in Gender, Race, Sexuality, and Social Justice

    Topics will vary from year to year. Consult the departmental website or contact the GRSJ undergraduate program for details.

  13. GRSJ_V 300 (3) Intersectional Approaches to Thinking Gender

    Interdisciplinary exploration of the multiple intersections between gender and (neo)colonialism, racism, poverty, ableism, and heterosexism in a globalized world; historical and cross-cultural aspects, and the social construction of sex and gender, masculinity and femininity.

  14. GRSJ_V 301 (3) Gender, Race and Indigeneity in Canada

    Gender and indigeneity in the documented histories and narrated lives of Indigenous people in Canada. Recommended pre-requisites: all of GRSJ 101, GRSJ 102, or third-year standing.

  15. GRSJ_V 302 (3) Pedagogies of Social Justice

    The intersections of gender, education, and work using sociological and economic frameworks. Recommended pre-requisites: either all of GRSJ 101, GRSJ 102 or third-year standing.

  16. GRSJ_V 303 (3) Gender, Race, Social Justice and the Law

    A survey of feminist legal thought and recent developments in feminism and law, with a focus on Canada. Recommended pre-requisites: either all of GRSJ 101, GRSJ 102 or third-year standing.

  17. GRSJ_V 304 (3) Gaming the System: Digital Media, Social Justice, and Video Games

    Emerging technology in the areas of digital affect theory, cyborg feminism, critical digital humanities, critical race studies, surveillance studies, and queer game studies.

  18. GRSJ_V 305 (3) Social Justice Issues in Community and International Organizing

    Critical examination and practical applications of concepts, theories, methods, and strategies of gender-aware organizing at the community and international levels. Recommended pre-requisites: either all of GRSJ 101, GRSJ 102 or third-year standing.

  19. GRSJ_V 306 (3) Globalization and Social Justice: Gender, Race, and Sexuality in International Politics

    Critical examination of the gender dimension of globalization and the theories, discourse, and practices in international politics using gender analysis. Recommended pre-requisites: either all of GRSJ 101, GRSJ 102 or third-year standing.

  20. GRSJ_V 307 (3) Gender, Race, Sexuality, and Popular Culture

    Critical examination of mainstream and alternative media images of gender, race, and sexuality in the context of networked social media, film, music, and television. Recommended pre-requisites: either all of GRSJ 101, GRSJ 102 or third-year standing.

  21. GRSJ_V 308 (3) Creativity from the Margins

    Critical engagement with the creative process of marginalized peoples and the intersection of creative writing, social justice, and anti-racist feminism. Emphasis on how historical and social context are crucial to acts of creative writing and reading. Recommended pre-requisites: all of GRSJ 101, GRSJ 102, or third-year standing.

  22. GRSJ_V 310 (3) Gender, Race, Social Justice and Health

    Interdisciplinary introduction to gender and health issues using selected theoretical frameworks. Recommended pre-requisites: either all of GRSJ 101, GRSJ 102 or third-year standing.

  23. GRSJ_V 311 (3) African/Black Women in the Americas

    An interdisciplinary survey of gender studies and histories of African/Black women in the Americas from the beginning of the slave trade to the present. Recommended pre-requisites: either all of GRSJ 101, GRSJ 102 or third-year standing.

  24. GRSJ_V 315 (3) Critical Racial Theories

    Critical theories of racial and cultural difference. Initial formulations of theses against scientific racism and their later transformation by historical, social, and global-historical accounts of racial subjugation.

  25. GRSJ_V 316 (3) Queer and Trans of Colour Theorizing

    The intellectual and political interventions of queer of colour theorizing in the gender and sexual politics of racial and imperial projects, including its engagements with women of colour feminisms, settler colonial and indigenous studies, and immigration and diaspora studies.

  26. GRSJ_V 320 (3) Feminist Anti-Racist Pedagogies

    Feminist pedagogies and feminist debates about pedagogy in formal, nonformal, and informal educational settings. Recommended pre-requisites: either all of GRSJ 101, GRSJ 102 or third-year standing.

  27. GRSJ_V 325 (3) Anti-colonial and Feminist Qualitative Methodologies

    Data collection techniques, the politics of interpretation, and the formulation of a research proposal using a feminist, anti-racist framework. Recommended pre-requisites: all of GRSJ 101, GRSJ 102. Restricted to GRSJ Majors and Minors in third-year standing or above.

  28. GRSJ_V 326 (3) The Politics of Gender, Families, and Nation-Building

    Investigation of historical and contemporary scholarship on the diversity of families, focusing on differences of gender, sexuality, race/ethnicity, and social class within and across national borders. Recommended pre-requisites: all of GRSJ 101, GRSJ 102. Restricted to GRSJ Majors and Minors in third-year standing or above.

  29. GRSJ_V 327 (3) Theories of Representation and Difference

    Feminist scholarship emphasizing languages and processes of representation and the construction of difference in cultural discourses and institutions. Recommended pre-requisites: all of GRSJ 101, GRSJ 102. Restricted to GRSJ Majors and Minors in third-year standing or above.

  30. GRSJ_V 328 (3) Theories of Subjectivity

    How feminist scholarship has shaped and reinterpreted accounts of the subject, drawing on such traditions as structuralism, poststructuralism, psychoanalysis, postcolonialism, postmodernism, and Queer Theory. Recommended pre-requisites: All of GRSJ 101, GRSJ 102. Restricted to GRSJ Majors and Minors in third-year standing or above.

  31. GRSJ_V 350 (3-6) Topics in Gender, Race, Sexuality, and Social Justice

    Topics will vary from year to year. Consult the departmental website or contact the GRSJ undergraduate program for details. Recommended pre-requisites: all of GRSJ 101, GRSJ 102. Restricted to third-year standing or above

  32. GRSJ_V 401 (3) Body, Gender and Society

    An interdisciplinary examination of the body, exploring how social relations and space are implicated in the constitution and experience of gendered bodies and identities, with an emphasis on feminist analyses of body-societal relations. Recommended pre-requisites: either all of GRSJ 101, GRSJ 102 or third-year standing.

  33. GRSJ_V 410 (3) Religious Feminisms

    Examines religious feminisms from three Abrahamic traditions. An in-depth study of challenges various doctrinal discourses and practices pose for feminist projects. Recommended pre-requisites: all of GRSJ 101, GRSJ 102.

  34. GRSJ_V 415 (3) Critical Racial and Anti-Colonial Feminist Approaches

    Critical anti-colonial and feminist analyses of colonial and racial subjugation, as well as the many modalities of indigenous and minority resistance.

  35. GRSJ_V 422 (3) Advanced Research Seminar

    Critical theories, methodologies, ethics and practices appropriate for advanced feminist research. Recommended pre-requisite: all of GRSJ 101, GRSJ 102. Restricted to GRSJ Majors with fourth-year standing.

  36. GRSJ_V 425 (3-12) Special Topics in Gender, Race, and Sexuality

    Examination in depth of selected topics in gender, race, and sexuality. Consult the Student Service Centre course schedule for course offerings. May be repeated for credit. Recommended pre-requisites: either all of GRSJ 101, GRSJ 102 or third-year standing.

  37. GRSJ_V 450 (3-6) Directed Studies

    General reading and/or a research undertaking, with the agreement, and under supervision of, a faculty member selected by the student and approved by the GRSJ Undergraduate Advisor. A written paper or equivalent will be required. Open to GRSJ majors or minors.

  38. GRSJ_V 480 (3-6) Decolonizing Praxis: A Practicum in Social Justice

    Connects feminist and critical race theory and practice through placement in a community organization. As is the case with all UBC practice-related courses, this course requires a Criminal Record Check. Open to GRSJ Majors. This course is graded for Pass/Fail. Restricted to GRSJ Majors with fourth-year standing. Prerequisite: All of GRSJ 101, GRSJ 102 and two of GRSJ 325, GRSJ 326, GRSJ 327, GRSJ 328. Consult the department. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  39. GRSJ_V 500 (3) Intersectional Issues in Social Justice and Equality Studies

    Restricted to students in one of MA GRSJ, PhD GRSJ. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  40. GRSJ_V 501 (3) Issues in Decolonizing and Feminist Methodologies

    Restricted to students in one of MA GRSJ, PhD GRSJ. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  41. GRSJ_V 502 (3) Issues in Gender, Sexuality, and Critical Race Theories

    Restricted to students in one of MA GRSJ, PhD GRSJ. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  42. GRSJ_V 503 (3-9) Special Topics in Feminist Studies

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  43. GRSJ_V 504 (3-6) Decolonizing Praxis for Social Justice and Equality Studies: A Practicum

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  44. GRSJ_V 505 (1-6) Directed Reading in Advanced Feminist Studies

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  45. GRSJ_V 506 (3) Gender, Islam, Modernity, and the West

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  46. GRSJ_V 510 (3) Extended Essay

    This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  47. GRSJ_V 511 (3) Difficult Knowledge: Ethics and Praxis of Research in Challenging Settings

    Interdisciplinary seminar considering the ethics and praxis of working with difficult knowledge, such as highly divisive questions of memory and responsibility in the context and aftermaths of oppression and mass violence. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  48. GRSJ_V 515 (3-6) Critical and Creative Social Justice Studies Seminars

    The potential of creative work to disrupt ingrained ideas and representations by appealing to the senses. Study and engage with academics, artists, and activists interested in how art contributes to critical and engaged social justice work. Restricted to students in one of MA GRSJ, PhD GRSJ. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  49. GRSJ_V 520 (6-9) M.A. Thesis

    Pass/Fail. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

  50. GRSJ_V 606 (0) Doctoral Dissertation

    Pass/Fail. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading.

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