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Academic Year 2006/07 - All


GALA — International Orientation for new international (including US) and exchange students continues (August 31 to September 2).

Graduate Studies: Expected date for Faculty of Graduate Studies to receive recommendations from departments for North American students to be admitted for registration in January.

Graduate Studies: Students wishing to apply for University Graduate Fellowships and external awards administered through the University (NSERC, SSHRC) for 2007/08 should check with their departments for internal student deadlines.

Language Proficiency Index (LPI): Deadline for completion of the Language Proficiency Index (LPI) test for International applicants residing and attending school outside of Canada at the time of the July or August deadlines.

UBC Housing and Conferences: Residences open.

Labour Day. University closed.

Commerce and Business Administration, B.Com and second year: Orientation day.

Distance education courses: Start date for September (Term A).

Imagine UBC: First-day orientation program for new students. All 100-level classes are cancelled today, with the single exception of those 100-level classes which start at or after 6:00 p.m. and meet only once per week.

Law, first year: Orientation begins.

Law, second and third years: Classes begin.

Pharmaceutical Sciences: Block 1 clerkship begins (September 5-29 inclusive).

Teacher Education Program: 12-month Elementary options, Elementary Year 1 of 2, NITEP Year 4, Middle Years, and 12 month Secondary Options; orientation day. (Term 1: September 5 to December 1 inclusive.) Elementary Year 2 of 2 and NITEP Year 5: practicum begins (September 5 to December 1 inclusive).

Work Study job postings appear on the website:

2006/07 Academic Year begins.

Classes begin for 2006/07 Winter Session day and evening courses for all faculties not already in session.

Graduate Studies: Last day for payment of September installment of tuition fees. Students who have not paid their fees will be placed on financial hold: further registration activity will not be permitted, grades will not be released, and graduation diplomas will be withheld. Students will also be assessed a processing fee of $30.00 and interest will be assessed on the outstanding balance until it is paid in full (see Vancouver Calendar Chapter III).

Last day for payment of first installment of fees for registration and course changes made before September 1. Students who have not paid their fees will be placed on financial hold: further registration activity will not be permitted, grades will not be released, and graduation diplomas will be withheld. Students will also be assessed a processing fee of $30.00 and interest will be assessed on the outstanding balance until it is paid in full (see Vancouver Calendar Chapter III).

General University Bursaries: Last day for applications to be submitted to Student Financial Assistance & Awards. Students must have received their 2006/07 student loans to be eligible for the General Bursaries.

Distance Education courses: Student Service Centre closes for distance education courses starting in September (Term A). Last day for change of registration and for withdrawal without a "W" standing recorded on a student's academic record.

Last day for changes between credit and audit for Term 1 courses.

Last day for change of registration and for withdrawal from most Term 1 courses without withdrawal standing of "W" recorded on a student's academic record. Student Service Centre remains open for course withdrawals with a "W" standing.

Meeting of the Senate.

Access and Diversity Office: New client orientation.

International Student Services orientation for late-arriving international (including US) and exchange students.

Last date for change in registration and for withdrawal from most two-term courses without withdrawal standing of "W" recorded on a student's academic record. Student Service Centre remains open for course withdrawals with a "W" standing.

Last day for changes between credit and audit for two-term courses.

Faculty textbook adoptions required by Bookstore for courses beginning in January.

Pharmaceutical Sciences: Block 1 clerkship ends.


Pharmaceutical Sciences: Block 2 clerkship begins (October 2—27 inclusive).

Graduate Studies: Last day for final oral examinations for doctoral students planning to graduate in November.

Last day for payment of fees for any fee assessments incurred between September 1 and September 30. Students who have not paid their fees will be placed on financial hold: further registration activity will not be permitted, grades will not be released, and graduation diplomas will be withheld. Students will also be assessed a processing fee of $30.00 and interest will be assessed on outstanding balance until it is paid in full (see Vancouver Calendar Chapter III).

Thanksgiving Day. University closed.

Graduate Studies: Last day for departments to notify the Faculty of Graduate Studies that major papers have been submitted and all requirements met for non-thesis master's degrees for November graduation.

Graduate Studies: Last day for submission to the Faculty of Graduate Studies Office of final daster's and doctoral theses for November graduation.

Last date for withdrawal from most Winter Session Term 1 courses with withdrawal standing of "W" recorded on a student's academic record.

Awards for students with disabilities: Last day for applications to be submitted to Student Financial Assistance & Awards.

Teacher Education Program: Secondary practicum begins (October 16—27 inclusive).

Meeting of the Senate.

Graduate Studies: Last day for submission of exam copies of doctoral theses to Faculty of Graduate Studies for transmission to the external examiner in time for December 31, 2006 program end date.

Pharmaceutical Sciences: Block 2 clerkship ends.

Language Proficiency Index (LPI) : Deadline for completion of the LPI for all students intending to take a first-year English course in January 2007 (Winter Session, Term 2).

Pharmaceutical Sciences: Block 3 clerkship starts (October 30—November 24 inclusive).

Last day for completion of bachelor's degree program requirements for graduation in November.

Last day for submission of applications for supplemental and deferred examinations from the 2006 Summer Session.


Graduate Studies: Last day for Faculty of Graduate Studies to receive recommendations from departments for overseas international students to be admitted for registration in May.

Remembrance Day. University closed. Service in War Memorial Gymnasium for all students, faculty, alumni, staff, and friends at 10:45 am.

Holiday in lieu of Remembrance Day, Saturday, November 11, 2006. University closed.

Meeting of the Senate.

Graduate Studies: Last day for supervisor to submit "Appointment of External Examiner" form to Faculty of Graduate Studies for students expecting to graduate in May.

Supplemental and deferred examinations (2006 Summer Session).

Crane Resource Centre: Recommended date for submission of materials for alternate format production for Winter Session, Term 2.

Fall Congregation Ceremonies, Day 1: The Chan Centre for the Performing Arts.

Killam Postdoctoral Fellowships: Last day for departments to submit nominations to Faculty of Graduate Studies for 2006 Fellowship competition.

Fall Congregation Ceremonies, Day 2: The Chan Centre for the Performing Arts.

Access & Diversity Office: Recommended date for submission of Exam Accommodation forms for December examinations.

Fall Congregation Ceremonies, Day 3: The Chan Centre for the Performing Arts (if required).

Graduate Studies: Last day for supervisor to submit "Appointment of External Examiner" form to Faculty of Graduate Studies for April 30, 2007 program end date.

Pharmaceutical Sciences: Block 3 clerkship ends.

Last day for withdrawal from most two-term courses with withdrawal standing of "W" recorded on a student's academic record.


Graduate Studies: Expected date for Faculty of Graduate Studies to receive recommendations from departments for overseas international students to be admitted for registration in May.

Law, all years: Last day of classes.

Last day for sponsored students to submit application to have fees billed to a sponsoring organization for Winter Session Term 2 (January—April) tuition fees. Students who do not submit their applications by the deadline will be required to pay their second instalment of tuition fees by January 7 to avoid financial hold procedures (see Vancouver Calendar Chapter III).

Last day of classes for most Faculties.

Law, all years: December examinations begin.

December examinations begin for most faculties, day and evening classes (December 5—19 inclusive). Saturdays are included in the exam schedule.

Meeting of the Senate.

Graduate Studies: Last day for final Doctoral Oral Examinations in time for December 31, 2006 program end date.

Law, all years: Last day of December examinations.

Last day of December examinations for most Faculties.

Christmas Day. University closed.

Boxing Day. University closed.

Reduced student services in most departments until January 2, 2007.


New Year's Day. University closed.

Graduate Studies: Expected date for Faculty of Graduate Studies to receive recommendations from departments for North American students to be admitted for registration in May.

Pharmaceutical Sciences: Block 4 clerkship begins (January 2—26 inclusive).

Graduate Studies: Last day for submission of final master's and doctoral theses to Faculty of Graduate Studies for December 31, 2006 program end date.

Distance education courses: Start date for January (Term C).

GALA — International Orientation for new international (including US) and exchange students entering Winter Session Term 2.

Law, all years: Classes begin.

Pharmaceutical Sciences, first, second, and third years: Classes begin.

Teacher Education program: 12-Month Elementary options, Elementary Year 1 of 2, NITEP Year 4, and Middle Years practica begins (January 8—19 inclusive); Elementary Year 2 of 2 and NITEP year 5: Term 2 classes begin.

Graduate Studies: Last day for payment of January installment of tuition fees. Students who have not paid their fees will be placed on financial hold: further registration activity will not be permitted, grades will not be released, and graduation diplomas will be withheld. Students will also be assessed a processing fee of $30.00 and interest will be assessed on the outstanding balance until it is paid in full (see Vancouver Calendar Chapter III).

Last day for payment of second installment of fees for registration and course changes made on or before December 31. Students who have not paid their fees will be placed on financial hold: further registration activity will not be permitted, grades will not be released, and graduation diplomas will be withheld. Students will also be assessed a processing fee of $30.00 and interest will be assessed on the outstanding balance until it is paid in full (see Vancouver Calendar Chapter III).

Term 2 begins, Winter Session: All faculties, day and evening classes.

Graduate Studies: Last day for departments to submit renewal recommendations for University Graduate Fellowships.

Pharmaceutical Sciences: Deadline for application for Pharm.D. program commencing in August 2007.

Distance Education courses: Student Service Centre closes for distance education courses starting in January (Term C). Last day for changes in registration and for withdrawals without a "W" standing recorded on a student's academic record.

Last day for changes between credit and audit for Term 2 courses.

Teacher Education Program: 12-Month Elementary options, Elementary Year 1 of 2, NITEP Year 4, and Middle Years classes begin (January 22—March 23).

Last day for for changes of registration and for withdrawal from most Term 2 courses without withdrawal standing of "W" recorded on a student's academic record. Student Service Centre remains open for course withdrawals with "W" standing.

Meeting of the Senate.

Pharmaceutical Sciences, fourth year: Block 5 clerkship begins (January 29—February 23 inclusive).

Teacher Education program: 12-Month Secondary options practicum begins (January 29—May 11 inclusive).


Medicine, M.Sc. Genetic Counselling Training Program: Application deadline.

Faculty textbook adoptions required by UBC Bookstore for courses beginning in May.

Last day for payment of fees for any fee assessments incurred between January 1 and January 31. Students who have not paid their fees will be placed on financial hold: further registration activity will not be permitted, grades will not be released, and graduation diplomas will be withheld. Students will also be assessed a processing fee of $30.00 and interest will be assessed on the outstanding balance until it is paid in full (see Vancouver Calendar Chapter III).

Graduate Studies: Last day for submission of exam copies of doctoral theses to Faculty of Graduate Studies for transmission to the external examiner in time for May graduation.

Last day for withdrawal from most Winter Session Term 2 courses with withdrawal standing of "W" recorded on a student's academic record.

Commerce and Business Administration: Master's classes continue (M.B.A. midterm break April 10 — 13 inclusive).

Law: Midterm break begins (February 19 — 23 inclusive). Classes cancelled.

Pharmaceutical Sciences, first, second, and third years: Midterm break begins (February 19 — 23 inclusive).

Teacher Education Program: Elementary Year 1 of 2 and Year 2 of 2: Midterm break (February 19 — 23 inclusive). 12-Month programs: Classes continue.

Midterm break for most faculties begins (February 19 — 23 inclusive). Lectures and laboratories cancelled. Library and other facilities open.

Pharmaceutical Sciences, fourth year: Block 5 clerkship ends.

Language Proficiency Index (LPI): Deadline for completion of the LPI test by all students intending to take a first-year English course in Summer Session 2007 (Terms 1 and 2).

Pharmaceutical Sciences, fourth year: Block 6 clerkship begins (February 26—March 23 inclusive).

Document deadline for Social Work program (BSW) for 2007/08 Winter Session.

Faculty textbook adoptions required by the Bookstore for courses beginning in July.

Meeting of the Senate.

Application deadline for UBC Major Entrance Scholarships and Entrance Bursaries. Student Financial Assistance & Awards must receive the applications by 4:00 pm.

Deadline for application to 2007 Summer Session and the 2007/08 Winter Session except for Visiting, Unclassified, Access, or Auditor students.

Deadline to apply for change of program/campus for the 2007/08 Winter Session.

Deadline to submit Interim post-secondary transcripts for admission to the 2007 Summer session and the 2007/08 Winter Session.

Last day for graduation applications to be submitted to Enrolment Services by all students expecting to graduate in May. Application is made through the Student Service Centre.


Graduate Studies: Expected date for the Faculty of Graduate Studies to receive recommendations from departments for overseas international students to be admitted for registration in September.

Graduate Studies: Last day for supervisor to submit "Appointment of External Examiner" form to Faculty of Graduate Studies for August 31, 2007 program end date.

Summer Session: Student Service Centre (SSC) available for registration for all courses (subject to change). All students should refer to the SSC for individual registration access dates. Most courses run: Term 1 (evening courses) May 7—July 27 inclusive (exams July 28); Term 2 (daytime courses) July 9—August 17 inclusive (exams August 18).

Last day for submission of graduating essays and theses, most bachelor degree programs.

Pharmaceutical Sciences, fourth year: Block 6 clerkship ends.

Pharmaceutical Sciences, fourth year: Block 7 clerkship begins (March 26—April 20 inclusive).

Teacher Education program: 12-Month Elementary options and Middle Years program: Practicum begins (March 26—June 22 inclusive).

Meeting of the Senate.

Crane Resource Centre: Recommended date for submission of materials for alternate format production for Summer Session for courses starting May 7.


Faculty textbook adoptions required by UBC Bookstore for courses beginning in September.

Graduate Studies: Expected date for Faculty of Graduate Studies to receive recommendations from departments for North American students to be admitted for registration in September.

Last day for Graduate Students employed as Teaching and Research Assistants to apply for payroll deduction of Summer Session tuition fees.

Students applying to the Summer bursary program should apply for summer government student loans by this date.

Access & Diversity: Recommended date for submission of Exam Accommodation forms for April examinations.

Faculty Association General Faculty Meeting, 1:00 pm.

Good Friday. University closed.

Easter Monday. University closed.

Commerce and Business Administration, M.B.A.: Midterm break begins (April 10—13 inclusive).

Law, all years: Last day of classes.

Last day of classes for most faculties.

Graduate Studies: Last day for final doctoral oral examinations in time for May graduation.

Graduate Studies: Last day for final oral examination for doctoral students planning to graduate in May.

Students applying for student loans via the BC Student Assistance Program (BCSAP) for the 2007 Summer Session will have their Term 1 Summer Session tuition fees automatically deferred until June 7, 2007 if their BCSAP application is received and assessed by this date. Students receiving student loans from a province other than BC should contact Student Financial Assistance & Awards before the tuition fee deadline to obtain a deferral.

Deadline to submit final documentation for admission to the 2007 Summer Session Term 1.

Law: Examinations begin.

April examinations begin (day and evening classes) for most faculties (April 16—30 inclusive). Saturdays are included in the examination schedule.

Meeting of the Senate.

Graduate Studies: Last day for final doctoral oral examinations in time for April 30, 2007, program end date.

Graduate Studies: Last day for departments to notify the Faculty of Graduate Studies that major papers have been submitted and all requirements met for non-thesis master's degrees for May graduation.

Graduate Studies: Last day for submission of final master's and doctoral theses to Faculty of Graduate Studies for May graduation.

Pharmaceutical Sciences, fourth year: Block 7 clerkship ends.

Forestry, third year: FRST 452 field work begins at the University Research Forest, Maple Ridge, BC (April 22—29 inclusive).

Geography, third year: GEOG 309 field school begins.

Graduate Studies: Last day for submission of final master's and doctoral theses to Faculty of Graduate Studies for April 30, 2007, program end date.

Law, all years: Last day of examinations.

2006/07 Winter Session ends.

Last day of April examinations for most faculties.


Civil Engineering Surveying field school (CIVL 235) begins (May 1—13 inclusive).

Deadline for secondary school applicants to submit Commerce supplemental application form.

Last day for sponsored students to submit applications to have fees billed to a sponsoring organization. Students who do not submit their applications by the deadline will be required to pay the first instalment of fees by May 10 to avoid financial hold procedure (see Chapter III).

UBC Housing and Conferences: Winter Session residences close; residents are required to vacate.

Earth and Ocean Sciences, second year students: Geology Field School begins (EOSC 223) (May 2—May 9 inclusive).

Earth and Ocean Sciences, third year students: Geology field school begins (EOSC 328) (May 2—May 16 inclusive).

Earth and Ocean Sciences: Hydrogeology Field School begins (EOSC 428) (May 2—May 6 inclusive).

Distance education courses: Course start date for Summer Session (Term A).

GALA — International Orientation for new international (including US) and exchange students attending 2007 Summer Session.

Summer Session, Term 1: First day of classes for terms running from May 7—June 15 (exams June 16), and May 7—July 27 (exams July 28).

Graduate Studies: Last day for payment of May instalment of tuition fees. Students who have not paid their fees will be placed on financial hold: further registration activity will not be permitted, grades will not be released, and graduation diplomas will be withheld. Students will also be assessed a processing fee of $30.00 and interest will be assessed on the outstanding balance until it is paid in full (see Vancouver Calendar Chapter III).

Summer Session, Term 1: Tuition fees due. Students who have not paid their fees will be placed on financial hold: further registration activity will not be permitted, grades will not be released, and graduation diplomas will be withheld. Students will also be assessed a processing fee of $30.00 and interest will be assessed on the outstanding balance until it is paid in full (see Vancouver Calendar Chapter III).

Crane Resource Centre: Recommended dates for submission of materials for alternate format production for Summer Session courses starting June 18.

Distance Education courses: Student Service Centre closes for distance education courses starting in May (Summer Session Term 1). Last day for changes in registration and for withdrawal without a "W" standing recorded on a student's academic record.

Graduate Studies: Last day for supervisor to submit "Appointment of Exernal Examiner" form to Faculty of Graduate Studies for November graduation.

Last day for changes in registration and for withdrawal from most 3-credit/six-week courses starting May 8 without withdrawal standing of "W" recorded on a student's academic record. Student Service Centre remains open for course withdrawals with "W" standing.

Teacher Education program: 12 Month Secondary options: Most classes begin for Term 1 Summer Session (May 14—June 22 inclusive).

Science One Program: Application deadline.

Meeting of the Senate

Last day for changes in registration and for withdrawal from most 6-credit/12-week courses starting May 7 without withdrawal standing of "W" recorded on a student's academic record. Student Service Centre remains open for course withdrawals with "W" standing.

Victoria Day. University closed.

Baccalaureate Concert: The Chan Centre for the Performing Arts.

Spring Congregation Ceremonies, Day 1: The Chan Centre for the Performing Arts.

Spring Congregation Ceremonies, Day 2: The Chan Centre for the Performing Arts.

Last date for withdrawal from most 3-credit/six-week courses starting May 7 with withdrawal standing of "W" recorded on a student's academic record.

Spring Congregation Ceremonies, Day 3: The Chan Centre for the Performing Arts.

Spring Congregation Ceremonies, Day 4: The Chan Centre for the Performing Arts.

Spring Congregation Ceremonies, Day 5: The Chan Centre for the Performing Arts.

Spring Congregation Ceremonies, Day 6: The Chan Centre for the Performing Arts.


Access & Diversity: Recommended dates for submission of Exam Accommodation forms for Summer Session, Term 1, for courses ending June 15.

Crane Resource Centre: Recommended date for submission of materials for alternate format production for Summer Session, Term 2, for courses starting July 10.

Deadline for submission of Summer Session scholarship and bursary applications to Student Financial Assistance & Awards.

Registration for Winter Session opens (subject to change). All students should refer to the Student Service Centre for individual registration access dates.

Graduate Studies: Last day for submission of exam copies of doctoral theses to Faculty of Graduate Studies for transmission to the external examiner in time for August 31, 2007 program end date.

Last date for withdrawal from most 6-credit/12-week courses starting May 7 with withdrawal standing of "W" recorded on a student's academic record.

Summer Session, Term 1, some courses end. Examinations are held either in the evening of June 15 or Saturday June 16.

Summer Session Term 1 (some courses) examinations.

Summer Session, Term 1: First day of classes for courses running June 18—July 27 (exams July 28).

Application deadline for supplemental and deferred examinations from 2006/07 Winter Session.

Teacher Education program: 12-month Elementary and Secondary, 2006 July start programs: program complete.

Summer Session, Term 1: Last day for changes in registration and for withdrawal from most 3-credit/six-week courses starting June 18 without withdrawal standing of "W" recorded on a student's academic record. Student Service Centre remains open for course withdrawals with "W" standing.

Crane Resource Centre: Recommended date for submission of materials for alternate format production for Summer Session, Term 2, for courses starting July 30.

Affiliation Scholarship, Affiliation Bursaries and First Nations Awards: Last day for applications to be submitted to Student Financial Assistance & Awards.

Students applying to the Winter bursary program in September 2007 should apply for winter government student loans by this date.


Canada Day. University closed.

Holiday in lieu of Canada Day, Sunday, July 1, 2007. University closed.

Law: Supplemental and deferred examinations begin (July 3—July 12 inclusive).

Teacher Education Program: 12-Month Elementary September start, Middle Years, and 12 Month Secondary September start: Classes begin for Summer Session, Term 2 dates (July 3—August 10), (July 3—20 and July 23—August 10). 12-Month Elementary and Secondary, incoming July start programs: Classes begin for Summer Session Term 2 (July 3—20, July 23—August 10, July 23—August 17).

Summer Session, Term 1: Last date for withdrawal from most 3-credit courses starting June 18 with withdrawal standing of "W" recorded on a student's academic record.

Summer Session, Term 2: Some courses begin (July 9—August 17 (exams August 18).

Summer Session, Term 2: Last day for withdrawal from most 3-credit courses starting July 9 without withdrawal standing of "W" recorded on a student's academic record. Student Service Centre remains open for course withdrawals with "W" standing.

Summer Session, Term 2: Tuition due date.

Summer Session, Term 2: Last date for changes in registration and for withdrawal from most 6-credit/six-week courses starting July 9 without withdrawal standing of "W" recorded on a student's academic record. Student Service Centre remains open for course withdrawals with "W" standing.

Deadline for the completion of the Language Proficiency Index (LPI) test by BC students (including students who are non-BC residents studying at BC educational institutions) intending to take a first-year English course in September 2007.

Applications open for the Work Study Program.

Summer Session, Term 2: Last date for withdrawal from most 3-credit/three-week courses starting July 9 with withdrawal standing of "W" recorded on a student's academic record.

Access & Diversity: Recommended date for submission of Exam Accommodation forms for Summer Session, Term 1, for courses ending July 27.

Supplemental and deferred examination period (Winter Session), weekdays (July 23—August 3 inclusive).

Graduate Studies: Last day for supervisor to submit "Appointment of External Examiner" form to Faculty of Graduate Studies for December 31, 2007 program end date.

Summer Session, Term 2: Last date for withdrawal from most 6-credit/six-week courses starting July 9 with withdrawal standing of "W" recorded on a student's academic record.

Summer Session Term 1: Most classes end. Examinations are held either the evening of July 27 or Saturday July 28.

Summer Session Term 2: Some classes end. Examinations are held either the evening of July 27 or Saturday July 28.

Graduate Studies: Last day for final doctoral oral examinations in time for August 31, 2007 program end date.

Summer Session, Term 2: Some courses begin (July 30—August 17, exams August 18).


Graduate Studies: Expected date for Faculty of Graduate Studies to have received recommendations from departments for overseas international students to be admitted for registration in January.

Summer Session, Term 2: Last date for changes in registration and for withdrawal from most 3-credit/three-week courses starting July 30 without withdrawal standing of "W" recorded on a student's academic record. Student Service Centre remains open for course withdrawals with "W" standing.

Language Proficiency Index (LPI): Deadline for completion of the LPI test by out-of-province students intending to take a first-year English course in September 2007. Out-of-province students may be granted permission write on September 1 if they miss the LPI sitting in their province. To seek permission, write to the First-Year English Office, at

BC Day. University closed.

Last date for withdrawal from most 3-credit/three-week courses starting July 30 with withdrawal standing of "W" recorded on a student's academic record.

International Student Services welcome services for new international (including US) and exchange students (August 8 to 26 inclusive, and ongoing).

Access & Diversity: Recommended date for submission of Exam Accommodation forms for Summer Session, Term 2 courses ending August 17.

Graduate Studies: Last day for submission of exam copies of doctoral theses to Faculty of Graduate Studies for transmission to the external examiner in time for Fall graduation.

Last day for students who hold major external graduate or undergraduate fellowships to apply for Winter Session fee deferments.

General Bursary Program: Applications available on the Student Service Centre.

Last day for sponsored students to submit application to have fees billed to a sponsoring organization. Students who do not submit their applications by the deadline will be required to pay the first instalment of tuition fees by September 5 to avoid financial hold procedure (see Vancouver Calendar Chapter III).

Last day for Graduate Students employed as Teaching and Research Assistants to apply for payroll deduction of Winter Session tuition fees.

Summer Session Term 2: Most courses end. Examinations are held either the evening of August 17 or on Saturday August 18.

Forestry, third year: Interior Field School (FRST 351) begins (August 25 – September 1, inclusive).

Graduate Studies: Last day for submission of final master's and doctoral theses to Faculty of Graduate Studies for August 31, 2007 program end date.

2006/07 Academic Year ends.

Last day for graduation applications to be submitted to Enrolment Services by all students expecting to graduate in November. Application is made through the Student Service Centre.

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Academic Year 2006/07 - September

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Academic Year 2006/07 - January

UBC Crest The official logo of the University of British Columbia. Urgent Message An exclamation mark in a speech bubble. Caret An arrowhead indicating direction. Arrow An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Chats Two speech clouds. Facebook The logo for the Facebook social media service. Information The letter 'i' in a circle. Instagram The logo for the Instagram social media service. Linkedin The logo for the LinkedIn social media service. Location Pin A map location pin. Mail An envelope. Menu Three horizontal lines indicating a menu. Minus A minus sign. Pencil A pencil indicating that this is editable. Telephone An antique telephone. Plus A plus symbol indicating more or the ability to add. Search A magnifying glass. Twitter The logo for the Twitter social media service. Youtube The logo for the YouTube video sharing service.