Canada Day. University closed.
Holiday in lieu of Saturday, July 1, 2006. University closed.
Law: supplemental and deferred examinations begin (July 4 to July 13 inclusive).
Teacher Education Program: Elementary 12-month, Middle Years, Secondary Options: classes begin for Summer Session, Term 2 dates (July 4 to August 11, July 4 to 21 and July 24 to August 11).
Summer Session, Term 1: Last date for withdrawal from most three-credit courses starting June 19 with withdrawal standing of "W" recorded on a student's academic record.
Summer Session, Term 2: some courses begin (July 10 to August 18 (exams August 19).
Summer Session, Term 2: Last day for withdrawal from most three-credit courses starting July 10 without withdrawal standing of "W" recorded on a student's academic record. Student Service Centre remains open for course withdrawals with "W" standing.
Summer Session, Term 2: tuition due date.
Deadline to submit documentation for admission to the 2006/2007 Winter Session for the Linguistic Diploma or the Theatre Design and Technology Certificate for currently attending UBC students.
Deadline for the completion of the Language Proficiency Index (LPI) test by BC students (including students who are non-BC residents studying at BC educational institutions) intending to take a first-year English course in September 2006.
Summer Session, Term 2: Last date for withdrawal from most three-credit courses starting July 10 with withdrawal standing of "W" recorded on a student's academic record.
Summer Session, Term 2: Last date for withdrawal from most six-credit courses starting July 10 without withdrawal standing of "W" recorded on a student's academic record. Student Service Centre remains open for course withdrawals with "W" standing.
Access and Diversity Office: recommended date for submission of Exam Accommodation forms for Summer Session, Term 1, for courses ending July 28.
Graduate Studies: Last day for supervisor to submit "Appointment of External Examiner for Doctoral Thesis" form to Faculty of Graduate Studies in time for Winter Blackout.
Supplemental and deferred examination period (Winter Session), weekdays (July 24 to August 4 inclusive).
Summer Session, Term 2: Last date for withdrawal from most six-credit courses starting July 10 with withdrawal standing of "W" recorded on a student's academic record.
Graduate Studies: Last day for final oral examinations for doctoral students in time for Summer blackout.
Graduate Studies: Last day for submission of doctoral theses to the Faculty of Graduate Studies for transmission to the external examiner in time for Fall graduation.
Summer Session Term 1: most classes end. Examinations are held either the evening of July 28 or Saturday July 29.
Summer Session Term 2: some classes end. Examinations are held either the evening of July 28 or Saturday July 29.
Summer Session Term 1 and Summer Session Term 2 examinations (some courses).
Deadline to apply for the Art History Diploma for the 2006/2007 Winter Session for currently attending UBC students.
Summer Session, Term 2: some courses begin (July 31 to August 18, exams August 19).