You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Faculty of Arts

This chapter provides an archive of courses offered by UBC. For current course sections and schedules, please visit the online Course Schedule.

  1. AFST_V - African Studies
  2. ASL_V - American Sign Language
  3. AMNE_V - Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies
  4. ARCL_V - Anthropological Archaeology
  5. ANTH_V - Anthropology
  6. ARST_V - Archival Studies
  7. ARTH_V - Art History
  8. ARTC_V - Arts Co-Op
  9. ARTS_V - Arts One Program
  10. ASTU_V - Arts Studies
  11. ACAM_V - Asian Canadian and Asian Migration Studies
  12. ASLA_V - Asian Languages
  13. ASIA_V - Asian Studies
  14. ASIX_V - Asian Studies Crossings
  15. CDST_V - Canadian Studies
  16. CNTO_V - Cantonese
  17. CTLN_V - Catalan
  18. CENS_V - Central, Eastern and Northern European Studies
  19. CHIL_V - Children's Literature
  20. CHIN_V - Chinese
  21. CMST_V - Cinema and Media Studies
  22. CINE_V - Cinema Studies
  23. ARBC_V - Classical Arabic
  24. CLST_V - Classical Studies
  25. COLX_V - Computational Linguistics
  26. CAP_V - Coordinated Arts Program
  27. CRWR_V - Creative Writing
  28. CCST_V - Critical and Curatorial Studies
  29. CSIS_V - Critical Studies in Sexuality
  30. DANI_V - Danish
  31. DMED_V - Digital Media
  32. ECON_V - Economics
  33. ENGL_V - English
  34. ENST_V - Environment and Sustainability
  35. IEST_V - European Studies
  36. FMST_V - Family Studies
  37. FIPR_V - Film Production
  38. FNEL_V - First Nations and Endangered Languages Program
  39. FNIS_V - First Nations and Indigenous Studies
  40. FREN_V - French
  41. GRSJ_V - Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice
  42. GEOS_V - Geographical Sciences
  43. GEOG_V - Geography
  44. GERN_V - German
  45. GMST_V - Germanic Studies
  46. GREK_V - Greek
  47. HESO_V - Health and Society
  48. HEBR_V - Hebrew
  49. HINU_V - Hindi-Urdu
  50. HIST_V - History
  51. INLB_V - Indigenous Land-Based Studies
  52. INDO_V - Indonesian
  53. INFO_V - Information Studies
  54. IAR_V - Institute of Asian Research
  55. ITAL_V - Italian
  56. JAPN_V - Japanese
  57. JWST_V - Jewish Studies
  58. JRNL_V - Journalism
  59. KORN_V - Korean
  60. LATN_V - Latin
  61. LAST_V - Latin American Studies
  62. LASO_V - Law and Society
  63. LIBR_V - Library and Information Studies
  64. LAIS_V - Library, Archival and Information Studies
  65. LING_V - Linguistics
  66. MDIA_V - Media Studies
  67. MDVL_V - Medieval Studies
  68. MES_V - Middle East Studies
  69. ARBM_V - Modern Standard Arabic
  70. MUSC_V - Music
  71. NEST_V - Near Eastern Studies
  72. NEPL_V - Nepali
  73. NORD_V - Nordic Studies
  74. PERS_V - Persian
  75. PHIL_V - Philosophy
  76. POLS_V - Polish
  77. POLI_V - Political Science
  78. PORT_V - Portuguese
  79. PSYC_V - Psychology
  80. PPGA_V - Public Policy And Global Affairs
  81. PUNJ_V - Punjabi
  82. RELG_V - Religious Studies
  83. RMST_V - Romance Studies
  84. RUSS_V - Russian
  85. SANS_V - Sanskrit
  86. SLAV_V - Slavic and Eastern European Studies
  87. SOWK_V - Social Work
  88. SOCI_V - Sociology
  89. SOAL_V - South Asian Languages
  90. SEAL_V - Southeast Asian Languages
  91. SPAN_V - Spanish
  92. RGST_V - Study of Religion
  93. SWAH_V - Swahili
  94. SWED_V - Swedish
  95. THTR_V - Theatre
  96. THFL_V - Theatre And Film
  97. TIBT_V - Tibetan Languages
  98. UKRN_V - Ukrainian
  99. URST_V - Urban Studies
  100. VISA_V - Visual Arts
  101. WRDS_V - Writing, Research, and Discourse Studies
  102. YDSH_V - Yiddish

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