Program and Course Fees
Programs/Courses | Amount |
Co-op course fee1 | $871.75 |
Co-op administration and workshop fee | $282.75 |
Go Global application and administration fee (applies also to VIRS) | $431.50 |
Student Accident Insurance2 | $7.00 |
Student Health Immunization Review Fee | $170.25 |
TB Screen Test Fee, TB screen within 6 months of starting a practicum in a health care setting. | $40.75 |
Visual Arts (VISA) studio fee3 | $37.00 per course |
Haida Gwaii Program Fee Winter Term | $4,000.00 |
Haida Gwaii Program Fee Summer Term | $3,200.00 |
Course Field Trips | |
ANTH_V 409 | variable |
ANTH_V 478 | variable |
APBI_V 443 | $82.80 |
ARCL_V 306 | variable |
ARCH_V 502 | variable |
ANTH_V 480 | $306.00 |
BIOL_V 205 (optional field trip) | variable |
BIOL_V 320 (costs typically covered by department) | variable |
BIOL_V 321 (costs typically covered by department) | variable |
BIOL_V 323 (costs typically covered by department) | variable |
BIOL_V 326 (optional field trip) | variable |
BIOL_V 328 (optional field trip) | variable |
BIOL_V 409 (optional field trip) | variable |
BIOL_V 427 | variable |
BIOL_V 428 (optional field trip) | variable |
BIOL_V 465 (optional field trip) | variable |
CHBE_V 362 | $204.00 |
CHBE_V 365 | $204.00 |
CHBE_V 366 | $204.00 |
CONS_V 451 (Natural Resources Conservation) | variable |
EOSC_V 223 | $238.89 |
EOSC_V 328 | $956.07 |
EOSC_V 473 | $501.92 |
EOSC_V 573 | $501.92 |
FRST_V 305 (Silviculture I Field Trip) | variable |
FRST_V 350 | $892.50 |
FRST_V 351 (Interior Field School) | variable |
FRST_V 352 (Integrated Field Studies) | variable |
FRST_V 452 (Coast Field School) | variable |
FRST_V 551 | variable |
FOPR_V 352 (Harvesting Field Trip) | variable |
GEOG_V 309 | variable |
ISCI_V 320 (optional field trip) | variable |
ISCI_V 361 (optional field trip) | variable |
ISCI_V 461 (optional field trip) | variable |
ILS_V 100 (Indigenous View of Landscapes) | $800.00 |
ILS_V 200 (Field Measurements) | $800.00 |
ILS_V 300 (Interventions on the Land) | $800.00 |
LARC_V 511 (accommodation, instruction, administration, transportation, meals) | variable |
SCIE_V 001 | $560.00 |
SOCI_V 480 | $306.00 |
UFOR_V 400 | $713.98 |
WOOD_V 305 (Wood Machine Skills) | variable |
WOOD_V 353 (mill site visits) | variable |
Full-time Master of Business Administration, Year 1 | $612.00 |
Vantage One Arts | $117.15 |
Vantage One Science | $117.15 |
Vantage One Management | $585.81 |
Vantage One Engineering | $585.81 |
Course Material Fee | |
BIOL_V 209 | $25.50 |
BIOL_V 323 | $35.50 |
CHEM_V 111 | $66.25 |
CHEM_V 121 | $66.25 |
CHEM_V 123 | $13.25 |
CHEM_V 135 | $13.25 |
CHEM_V 203 | $45.75 |
CHEM_V 245 | $45.75 |
CHEM_V 211 | $28.50 |
CHEM_V 235 | $35.50 |
CHEM_V 300 | $19.25 |
COMM_V 202 | $20.25 |
FNEL_V 101 | $71.25 |
FNEL_V 102 | $40.75 |
FNEL_V 201 | $40.75 |
FNEL_V 202 | $40.75 |
FNH_V 330 | $51.00 |
FNH_V 335 | $51.00 |
MUSC_V 119 | $22.25 |
1 UBC undergraduate students who are on a Co-op work term must register for the appropriate Co-op course and pay the Co-op course fee per work term, plus student fees for the Winter Session. In addition, students will be assessed the transit U-Pass fee and the AMS Extended Health and Dental Plan. For Arts Co-op, the Co-op course fee is split 50/50 between a search term course and a work term course where there is a search term course that precedes the work term course. Work term courses that are extensions from a previous work term course are assessed the full Co-op course fee. See ARTC_V course descriptions. |
2 Departments may require students performing coursework in environments where the risk of injury is greater than in a classroom, (e.g., laboratories, field work, clinical practice, practicums, etc.), to purchase Student Accident Insurance. See the UBC Risk Management Services for more information. |
3 Applies to select courses only. See department for list of courses to which the fee applies. |
Faculty Fees
Arts | |
Bachelor of Social Work Criminal Record Check (vulnerable sector check, done for students prior to practicum with Children or vulnerable adults) | $28.50 |
Graduate Certificate in Migration Studies | $76.50 |
Master of Arts in Children's Literature Program Fee | $110.00 |
Master of Social Work Criminal Record Check (vulnerable sector check, done for students prior to practicum with Children or vulnerable adults) | $28.50 |
Master of Library and Information Studies Program Fee | $220.25 |
Master of Archival Studies Program Fee | $220.25 |
PhD in Library, Archival, and Information Studies Program Fee | $220.25 |
Dual Master of Archival Studies and Library and Information Studies Program Fee | $372.25 |
Applied Science | |
B.A.Sc. Annual Professional Activities fee1 | $130.25 |
B.A.Sc. Biomedical Engineering (Years 2-4) Annual Program Fee2 | $795.75 |
Maximum Activity Fee for Graduate Certificate in Global Mine Waste Management* | $3,378.25 |
M.Eng., International Option Professional Activity Fee | $7,140.00 |
Visiting Students from National University of Singapore in equivalent M.S. program - Professional Activity Fee | $3,500.00 |
Dentistry | |
Annual Incidental Fee (Bachelor of Dental Science degree in Dental Hygiene Year 1 to Year 4) | $153.00 |
Dentistry, short-term visiting students | $63.00 |
Annual Incidental Fee (D.M.D. Year 1 to Year 4) | $2,575.50 |
Annual Clinic Fee (Dental Hygiene B.D.Sc. Program) | $11,423.25 |
The following fees apply for the Doctor of Dental Medicine, Combined Master of Science in Craniofacial Science/Diploma in Endodontics, Orthodontics, Periodontics, Prosthodontics, and Year 1 only for Pediatric Dentistry, the Combined Doctor of Philosophy in Craniofacial Science/Diploma in Endodontics, Orthodontics, Periodontics, Prosthodontics, and Year 1 only for Pediatric Dentistry: | |
Domestic Annual Clinic fee3 | $33,943.25 |
International Annual Clinic fee3,4 | $39,120.25 |
Annual Patient Innovation Fee3 | $4,282.50 |
The following fees apply for the Combined Master of Science in Craniofacial Science/Diploma in Pediatric Dentistry after Year 1 and the Combined Doctor of Philosophy in Craniofacial Science/Diploma in Pediatric Dentistry after Year 1: | |
Domestic Annual Clinic fee3 | $16,970.50 |
International Annual Clinic Fee3 | $19,559.50 |
Annual Patient Innovation Fee3 | $2,140.75 |
Education | |
Criminal Records Review | $50.25 |
Verification letter to be sent to a Canadian certification authority outside of BC: | |
- Records more than two, yet less than 11, years old | $64.25 |
- Records 11 years or older | $130.25 |
Verification letter to be sent to a certification authority outside Canada: | |
- Records more than two, yet less than 11, years old | $130.25 |
- Records 11 years or older | $262.00 |
Land and Food Systems | |
Annual Integrated Dietetics Program Administration Fee | $1,972.50 |
Graduate Certificate in Aquaculture Field Trip and Text book Fee | $1,102.50 |
Master of Food and Resource Economics Summer Program Fee | $714.00 |
Medicine | |
Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science, Year 4, Lab manuals and course syllabi | $102.00 |
Bachelor of Midwifery, Year 1, Program Fee | $219.25 |
Bachelor of Midwifery, Year 2-4, Program Fee | $96.75 |
Dean's Letter of Reference, single copy | $54.25 |
Dean's Letter of Reference, additional copies processed at the same time | $10.20 |
Confirmation of Graduation form | $10.20 |
Faxing single copy: Canada and USA | $10.20 |
Faxing single copy: International | $10.20 |
Health Administration Fee (one-time, applied to G.C.G.S.C.) | $163.25 |
Master of Science, Audiology or Speech Pathology, criminal record check (required by students to go on clinical placement) | $28.50 |
Master of Science, Audiology or Speech Pathology, Printing Fees | $20.25 |
Master of Science, Audiology or Speech Pathology, Identification Badge for clinical placements | $30.50 |
Master of Science, Audiology, Year 1, Lab Supplies | $385.50 |
Master of Science, Audiology, 1 year Simucase License | $112.00 |
Master of Science, Speech Language Pathology, 2 years Simucase License | $224.25 |
Master of Science, Speech Language Pathology, Lab supplies, SLP Tests, software | $273.25 |
Master of Occupational Therapy, Year 1, Program Fee | $740.50 |
Master of Occupational Therapy, Year 2, Program Fee | $477.25 |
Master of Physical Therapy, Vancouver cohort and Fraser Valley cohort, Year 1, Program Fee | $1,281.50 |
Master of Physical Therapy, North cohort, Year 1, Program Fee | $1,097.00 |
Master of Physical Therapy, all cohorts, Year 2, Lab Fee | $204.00 |
Non-credit activity course for visiting foreign medical students | $328.00 |
PHTH_V 580 Lab Fee | $3,404.75 |
Replacement ID cards | $10.20 |
Pharmaceutical Sciences | |
B.P.Sc. Years 2 to 4 lab fee | $1,688.50 |
PharmD Practice fee5 | $1,217.75 |
Flexible PharmD Practice fee, Years 1 and 2 | $1,217.75 |
1 This fee is assessed for all students registered in the B.A.Sc. program upon entry into each year of the program. An Advisory Committee, which includes faculty members and students, will make recommendations on the allocation of the funds. | |
2 This fee is assessed once annually for year 2-4 students registered in the B.A.Sc. Biomedical Engineering program. Students who register for an academic year without having advanced a program year will not be assessed. | |
3 These fees may be waived by the Faculty of Dentistry once students complete the program requirements for the Diploma in Clinical Specialty. | |
4 Doctor of Dental Medicine students in the International Dental Degree Completion Program pay the International rate for the Annual Clinic Fee. | |
5 This fee is assessed once per year level for all students registered in the Entry-to-Practice PharmD program. |