You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.


Tuition fees are reviewed annually by the Board of Governors. In recent years, tuition increases have been 2% for continuing domestic students and 3% for continuing international students.

Undergraduate Degree Programs

Note: If a student only takes 0-credit value courses for the term, fees will be assessed at 1-credit at the applicable course-level fee, with the exception of MATH_V 001, 002, 003 and 004, and WRIT_V 098 and 099.

Domestic Students

Domestic Students - ProgramDomestic per-credit rate1
Applied Science (Year 1)$202.64
Applied Science (Years 2 to 5)$216.31
Commerce (Year 1)$202.64
Commerce (Years 2 to 4)$300.28
Dental Hygiene$202.64
Design in Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Urbanism$326.56
Environmental Design$202.64
Fine Arts$202.64
Indigenous Land Stewardship$202.64
International Economics$324.23
Land and Food Systems$202.64
Media Studies$269.69
Medical Laboratory Science$202.64
Pharmaceutical Sciences$202.64
Social Work$202.64

1 Tuition fees are reviewed annually by the Board of Governors. In recent years, domestic student tuition has increased by 2% per annum.


International Students


International Students - Program1International per-credit rate (commenced in 2025S or later)2International per-credit rate (commenced in 2024S or 2024W)3International per-credit rate (commenced in 2023S or 2023W)3International per-credit rate (commenced in 2022S or 2022W)3International per-credit rate (commenced in 2021S or 2021W)3International per-credit rate (commenced in 2020S or 2020W)3International per-credit rate (commenced in 2019W or earlier)3
Applied Science$1,720.37$1,687.60 $1,655.45$1,623.92$1,592.68$1,562.07 $1,551.89
Arts$1,651.62           $1,620.16$1,589.31 $1,559.03 $1,529.04 $1,499.65$1,499.65
Commerce$2,137.13            $2,096.43 $2,056.49$2,017.32  $1,978.52$1,940.48 $1,921.82
Dental Hygiene$1,701.35            $1,668.95$1,637.16 $1,605.98$1,575.10$1,544.81$1,544.81 
Design in Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Urbanism$1,679.79                               $1,647.79 $1,616.39 $1,585.61 $1,555.11$1,525.20 $1,510.54 
Environmental Design$1,654.75             $1,623.23 $1,592.31$1,561.98$1,531.94$1,502.50$1,502.50
Fine Arts$1,651.62       $1,620.16$1,589.31 $1,559.03$1,529.04 $1,499.65 $1,499.65
Forestry$1,701.35             $1,668.95$1,637.16  $1,605.98 $1,575.10$1,544.81$1,544.81 
Indigenous Land Stewardship $1,701.35                  $1,668.95$1,637.16$1,605.98 N/A N/A N/A 
International Economics$1,998.00                              $1,959.94$1,922.60  $1,885.99 $1,849.72 $1,814.14  $1,796.70 
Kinesiology$1,701.35             $1,668.95 $1,637.16$1,605.98$1,575.10  $1,544.81 $1,544.81 
Land and Food Systems$1,701.35                               $1,668.95$1,637.16  $1,605.98$1,575.10  $1,544.81$1,544.81
Media Studies$1,651.62 $1,620.16$1,589.31$1,559.03$1,529.04$1,499.65  $1,485.22 
Medical Laboratory Science$1,701.35                                 $1,668.95$1,637.16$1,605.98$1,575.10   $1,544.81 $1,544.81
Midwifery$1,701.35             $1,668.95$1,637.16$1,605.98$1,575.10$1,544.81$1,544.81
Music$1,379.52             $1,353.24$1,327.46$1,302.18$1,277.13 $1,252.57 $1,240.53
Nursing$1,654.75            $1,623.23$1,592.31$1,561.98$1,531.94 $1,502.50$1,502.50
Pharmaceutical Sciences$1,701.35$1,668.95$1,637.16$1,605.98$1,575.10  $1,544.81  N/A 
Science$1,701.35            $1,668.95$1,637.16$1,605.98$1,575.10$1,544.81$1,544.81
Social Work$1,651.62            $1,620.16$1,589.31$1,559.03$1,529.04$1,499.65$1,499.65

1 Tuition fees are reviewed annually by the Board of Governors. Tuition for international students in their seventh or subsequent year will be assessed at a “Tuition Legacy” Rate. This rate will not exceed the tuition rate of a student in sixth year and will not increase by more than 15% per annum.

2 For international undergraduate students starting their degree programs in the 2025/26 academic year, tuition will increase by no more than 3% each year for the subsequent four years or until graduation from their current degree program, whichever comes first.

3 For international undergraduate students who started their degree programs before May 1, 2025, tuition will increase by no more than 3% each year for the subsequent four years or until graduation from their current degree program, whichever comes first.


Specialized Undergraduate

Note: If a student only takes 0-credit value courses for the term, fees will be assessed at 1-credit at the applicable course-level fee, with the exception of MATH_V 001 and 002, and WRIT_V 098 and 099.


ProgramDomestic International
Dentistry (D.M.D.) commencing in 2025S or later$20,803.21 per year  $90,203.94 per year
Dentistry (D.M.D.) commencing in 2024S and 2024W$20,803.21 per year  $88,485.77 per year
Dentistry (D.M.D.) commenced in 2023S and 2023W$20,803.21 per year  $86,800.32 per year
Dentistry (D.M.D.) commencing in 2022S and 2022W$20,803.21 per year  $85,146.98 per year
Dentistry (D.M.D.) commencing in 2021S and 2021W$20,803.21 per year  $83,509.55 per year
Dentistry (D.M.D.) commencing in 2020S and 2020W$20,803.21 per year  $81,903.60 per year
Dentistry (D.M.D.) commencing in 2019W or earlier$20,803.21 per year  $81,116.07 per year
International Dental Degree Completion$45,291.65 per year N/A
NITEP Elementary Years 1, 2, 3 (B.Ed.)$202.64 per credit N/A
NITEP Elementary Years 4, 5 (B.Ed.)$225.65 per credit N/A
Education Specialization in Indigenous Education1$202.64 per credit N/A
All other Education programs, commencing in 2025S or later$225.65 per credit $1,104.99 per credit 
All other Education programs, commencing in 2024S and 2024W$225.65 per credit $1,083.95 per credit 
All other Education programs, commenced in 2023S and 2023W$225.65 per credit $1,063.29 per credit 
All other Education programs, commencing in 2022S and 2022W$225.65 per credit $1,043.05 per credit
All other Education programs, commenced in 2021S and 2021W$225.65 per credit $1,022.98 per credit 
All other Education programs, commenced in 2020S and 2020W$225.65 per credit $1,003.32 per credit 
All other Education programs, commenced in 2019W or earlier$225.65 per credit $993.67 per credit 
Education Diploma on campus (DEDU), commencing in 2025S or later$225.65 per credit $1,104.99 per credit 
Education Diploma on campus (DEDU), commencing in 2024S and 2024W$225.65 per credit $1,083.95 per credit 
Education Diploma on campus (DEDU), commenced in 2023S and 2023W$225.65 per credit $1,063.29 per credit 
Education Diploma on campus (DEDU), commencing in 2022S and 2022W$225.65 per credit $1,043.05 per credit
Education Diploma on campus (DEDU), commencing in 2021S and 2021W$225.65 per credit $1,022.98 per credit 
Education Diploma on campus (DEDU), commencing in 2020S and 2020W$225.65 per credit $1,003.32 per credit 
Education Diploma on campus (DEDU), commenced in 2019W or earlier$225.65 per credit $993.67 per credit 
Law (J.D.) commencing in 2025S or later$444.78 per credit  $1,461.78 per credit 
Law (J.D.) commencing in 2024S and 2024W$444.78 per credit  $1,433.94 per credit  
Law (J.D.) commenced in 2023S and 2023W$444.78 per credit  $1,406.62 per credit  
Law (J.D.) commencing in 2022S and 2022W$444.78 per credit  $1,379.83 per credit 
Law (J.D.) commencing in 2021S and 2021W$444.78 per credit  $1,353.30 per credit  
Law (J.D.) commencing in 2020S and 2020W$444.78 per credit  $1,327.27 per credit 
Law (J.D.) commenced in 2019W or earlier$444.78 per credit  $1,314.50 per credit  
Medicine (M.D.)$20,803.21 per year N/A
D.M.D. residents$493.31 N/A
M.D. residents$493.31 N/A
Pharmacy (Entry-to-Practice Doctor of Pharmacy)$484.01 per credit N/A
Pharmaceutical Sciences (Residency Program)$104.00 N/A

1 This specialization is only available to Indigenous students.


Doctor of Pharmacy Flexible Program
Instalments per year: 3
Minimum # of instalments for program: 6
  Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic program fee
Program entry year   
2025S or 2025W $7,581.32$45,487.93
2024S or 2024W $7,432.67$44,596.01 
2023S or 2023W $7,286.93$43,721.58

Non-Degree Studies4

Note: If a student only takes 0-credit value courses for the term, fees will be assessed at 1-credit at the applicable course-level fee, with the exception of MATH_V 001, 002, 003 and 004, and WRIT_V 098 and 099.

ProgramDomestic per-credit rate (Undergraduate-level courses)Domestic per-credit rate (Law courses)Domestic per-credit rate (Graduate-level courses 500+)International per-credit rate 
Access Studies1$202.64$454.65$477.41$1,720.37 

1 Tuition fees for Unclassified, Access Studies, and Auditing students are assessed on a per credit basis, taking into consideration the year level of the course. All student fees will be assessed as noted in Student Fees.

2 Visiting undergraduate students are assessed fees at the prevailing per-credit rate, plus authorized student fees. Domestic visiting research undergraduate students may register for the non-credit activity 'Visiting Undergraduate Student' (VURS_V 499). The fee for each registration in this activity, which covers either Term 1 of Winter Session or Term 2 of Winter Session or Summer Session, is equal to the domestic tuition fee for one credit of coursework plus authorized student fees. Visiting graduate students who wish to take credit courses must register for those courses and will be assessed tuition fees at the prevailing graduate per-credit rate, plus authorized student fees. Other visiting graduate students may register for the non-credit activity 'Visiting Graduate Student' (VGRD_V 500 for master's students or VGRD_V 600 for doctoral students). The fee for each registration in this activity, which covers Winter Session Term 1 and/or Term 2, or Summer Session, is equal to the tuition fee for one credit of coursework plus authorized student fees. For Visiting International Research Student (VIRS) fees, see Go Global fees.

3 Fees paid as a Qualifying student will not subsequently be credited in a graduate degree program.

 4 Non-degree students may be eligible to take graduate-level Master of Laws in Common Law courses (LAW_V 503E, LAW_V 504, LAW_V 505, LAW_V 508D, LAW_V 509, LAW_V 515,  LAW_V 525, LAW_V 588). The rates for these courses are $1000.13 per credit for domestic students and $1444.03 per credit for international students.


UBC Crest The official logo of the University of British Columbia. Urgent Message An exclamation mark in a speech bubble. Caret An arrowhead indicating direction. Arrow An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Chats Two speech clouds. Facebook The logo for the Facebook social media service. Information The letter 'i' in a circle. Instagram The logo for the Instagram social media service. Linkedin The logo for the LinkedIn social media service. Location Pin A map location pin. Mail An envelope. Menu Three horizontal lines indicating a menu. Minus A minus sign. Pencil A pencil indicating that this is editable. Telephone An antique telephone. Plus A plus symbol indicating more or the ability to add. Search A magnifying glass. Twitter The logo for the Twitter social media service. Youtube The logo for the YouTube video sharing service.