You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.



Tuition fees are reviewed annually by the Board of Governors. In recent years, tuition increases have been 2% for continuing domestic students and 3% for continuing international students.

Every student enrolled in a master's program is required to maintain continuous registration by paying tuition instalments according to Schedules A or B for standard programs and according to the fees listed for each Specialized Master's Degree Program, plus authorized student fees. Programs not listed under the Specialized Master's Degree Programs should follow rates for standard programs. Failure to pay fees will result in a financial hold and an interest penalty.

Students who have paid more than the minimum instalments for the degree will have their tuition fees prorated to the end of the month in which the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies confirms that all degree requirements have been completed. This includes the submission of either their major paper or final project to their department or their thesis to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies' Office.


Specialized Master's Degree Program

The fees below apply to individual master's programs. The specialized master's program fees are different from the standard master's program fees listed in Schedules A and B.

Master of Architecture Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program5    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $2,103.54  $856.76  $18,198.63  $18,198.63 
2024S or 2024W  $2,103.54  $856.76  $17,851.99  $17,851.99 
2023S or 2023W  $2,103.54  $856.76  $17,511.95  $17,511.95 
2022W or earlier  $2,103.54  $856.76  $17,178.39  $17,178.39 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 9.


Master of Archival Studies, Master of Library and Information Studies, and Dual M.A.S./M.L.I.S. (full-time) Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program3    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $1,917.83  $856.76  $4,079.62  $4,079.62 
2024S or 2024W  $1,917.83  $856.76  $4,001.92  $4,001.92 
2023S or 2023W  $1,917.83  $856.76  $3,925.70  $3,925.70 
2022W or earlier  $1,917.83  $856.76  $3,850.92  $3,850.92 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 6.


Master of Archival Studies, Master of Library and Information Studies, and Dual M.A.S./M.L.I.S. (part-time) Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year:3    
Minimum # of instalments for program:9    
   $1,104.01  $856.76 N/AN/A
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 9.


Master of Arts in Economics Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program3    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $1,875.34  $856.76  $10,382.61  $856.76 
2024S or 2024W  $1,875.34  $856.76  $10,184.84  $856.76 
2023S or 2023W  $1,875.34  $856.76  $9,990.85  $856.76 
2022W or earlier  $1,875.34  $856.76  $9,800.54  $856.76 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 3.


Master of Business Administration (16 months) Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program4    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $13,640.32  $856.76  $26,062.69  $856.76 
2024S or 2024W  $13,372.87  $856.76  $24,821.61  $856.76 
2023S or 2023W  $13,110.66  $856.76  $23,639.63  $856.76 
2022W or earlier  $12,853.59  $856.76  $22,513.94  $856.76 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 4.


Professional Master of Business Administration Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program6    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $9,093.54  $856.76  $17,375.10  $856.76 
2024S or 2024W  $8,915.24  $856.76  $16,547.72  $856.76 
2023S or 2023W  $8,740.44  $856.76  $15,759.74  $856.76 
2022S or 2022W  $8,569.06  $856.76  $15,009.28  $856.76 
2021W or earlier  $8,401.04  $856.76  $14,432.00  $856.76 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 6.


Master of Business Administration and Master of Business Analytics Dual Degree Program Option Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program6    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $16,514.03  $856.76  $28,999.15  $856.76 
2024S or 2024W  $16,190.24  $856.76  $27,618.24  $856.76 
2023S or 2023W  $15,872.79  $856.76  $26,303.09  $856.76 
2022W or earlier  $15,561.56  $856.76  $25,050.57  $856.76 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 6.


Master of Business Analytics Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program3    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $14,840.98  $856.76  $23,248.05  $856.76 
2024S or 2024W  $14,549.99  $856.76  $22,141.00  $856.76 
2023S or 2023W  $14,264.70  $856.76  $21,086.67  $856.76 
2022W or earlier  $13,985.00  $856.76  $20,082.55  $856.76 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 3.


Master of Community and Regional Planning Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program6    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $3,889.03  $856.76  $9,149.28  $9,149.28 
2024S or 2024W  $3,889.03  $856.76  $8,975.00  $8,975.00 
2023S or 2023W  $3,889.03  $856.76  $8,804.05  $8,804.05 
2022S or 2022W  $3,889.03  $856.76  $8,636.35  $8,636.35 
2021W or earlier  $3,889.03  $856.76  $8,470.27  $8,470.27 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 6.


Master of Data Science Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program3    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $11,950.90  $856.76  $19,156.39  $3,294.66 
2024S or 2024W  $11,716.57  $856.76  $18,244.19  $3,294.66 
2023S or 2023W  $11,486.84  $856.76  $17,375.42  $3,294.66 
2022W or earlier  $11,261.61  $856.76  $16,548.02  $3,294.66 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 3.


Master of Data Science in Computational Linguistics Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program3    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $11,950.90  $856.76  $19,156.39  $3,294.66 
2024S or 2024W  $11,716.57  $856.76  $18,244.19  $3,294.66 
2023S or 2023W  $11,486.84  $856.76  $17,375.42  $3,294.66 
2022W or earlier  $11,261.61  $856.76  $16,548.02  $3,294.66 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 3.


Master of Digital Media Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic internship feeInternational fee per instalmentInternational internship fee
Total domestic tuition for Master of Digital Media: $37,892.82 ($12,422.86 per term for 3 terms plus $624.24 internship fees)     
Total international tuition for Master of Digital Media: $68,343.39 ($22,573.05 per term for 3 terms plus $624.24 internship fees)     
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program3    
Note: Contact the Master of Digital Media Program for details and additional information.


Master of Arts and Master of Education (full-time) in the Faculty of Education (except Kinesiology) Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    

Minimum # of instalments for program


Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $2,681.09  $856.76  $5,678.12  $5,678.12 
2024S or 2024W  $2,681.09  $856.76  $5,569.97  $5,569.97 
2023S or 2023W  $2,681.09  $856.76  $5,463.87  $5,463.87 
2022W or earlier  $2,681.09  $856.76  $5,359.80  $5,359.80 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 6. Students with transferable Graduate Certificate pay 2 minimum instalments and continuing fee is assessed after instalment 5.


Master of Arts and Master of Education (part-time) in the Faculty of Education (except Kinesiology) Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program9    
   $1,611.73  $856.76 N/AN/A
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 9. Students with transferable Graduate Certificate pay 6 minimum instalments and continuing fee is assessed after instalment 6.


Master of Education (Adult Learning and Global Change) Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment 
Instalments per year3     
Minimum # of instalments for program6     
Program entry year      
2025S or 2025W  $3,157.59  $856.76  $5,335.23  $5,335.23  
2024S or 2024W  $3,157.59  $856.76  $5,233.61  $5,233.61  
2023S or 2023W  $3,157.59  $856.76  $5,133.92  $5,133.92  
2022S or 2022W  $3,157.59  $856.76  $5,036.14  $5,036.14  
2021W or earlier  $3,157.59  $856.76  $4,939.29  $4,939.29  
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 6.


Master of Education (Counselling Psychology) (program on-campus) Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program3    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $2,681.09  $856.76  $5,678.12  $5,678.12 
2024S or 2024W  $2,681.09  $856.76  $5,569.97  $5,569.97 
2023S or 2023W  $2,681.09  $856.76  $5,463.87  $5,463.87 
2022W or earlier  $2,681.09  $856.76  $5,359.80  $5,359.80 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 6.


Master of Education (Counselling Psychology) (program off-campus) Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment 
Instalments per year3     
Minimum # of instalments for program9     
   $3,274.55  $856.76 N/AN/A 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 9.


Master of Education (program off-campus)Instalments per yearMinimum # of instalments for programDomestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Program entry year      
2025S or 2025W33 $5,683.71  $856.76  $6,700.89  $6,700.89 
2024S or 2024W33 $5,683.71  $856.76  $6,573.25  $6,573.25 
2023S or 2023W33 $5,683.71  $856.76  $6,448.04  $6,448.04 
2022W or earlier33 $5,683.71  $856.76  $6,325.23  $6,325.23 
2025S or 2025W36 $2,841.83  $856.76  $3,350.42  $3,350.42 
2024S or 2024W36 $2,841.83  $856.76  $3,286.60  $3,286.60 
2023S or 2023W36 $2,841.83  $856.76  $3,224.00  $3,224.00 
2022S or 2022W36 $2,841.83  $856.76  $3,162.59  $3,162.59 
2021W or earlier36 $2,841.83  $856.76  $3,101.77  $3,101.77 
2025S or 2025W37 $2,435.86  $856.76  $2,871.79  $2,871.79 
2024S or 2024W37 $2,435.86  $856.76  $2,817.09  $2,817.09 
2023S or 2023W37 $2,435.86  $856.76  $2,763.42  $2,763.42 
2022S or 2022W37 $2,435.86  $856.76  $2,710.79  $2,710.79 
2021W or earlier37 $2,435.86  $856.76  $2,658.66  $2,658.66 
2025S or 2025W38 $2,131.37  $856.76  $2,512.79  $2,512.79 
2024S or 2024W38 $2,131.37  $856.76  $2,464.93  $2,464.93 
2023S or 2023W38 $2,131.37  $856.76  $2,417.98  $2,417.98 
2022S or 2022W38 $2,131.37  $856.76  $2,371.92  $2,371.92 
2021W or earlier38 $2,131.37  $856.76  $2,326.31  $2,326.31 
2025S or 2025W39 $1,894.53  $856.76  $2,233.61  $2,233.61 
2024S or 2024W39 $1,894.53  $856.76  $2,191.06  $2,191.06 
2023S or 2023W39 $1,894.53  $856.76  $2,149.33  $2,149.33 
2022S or 2022W39 $1,894.53  $856.76  $2,108.39  $2,108.39 
2021S or 2021W39 $1,894.53  $856.76  $2,067.84  $2,067.84 
2020W or earlier39 $1,894.53  $856.76  $2,028.07  $2,028.07 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after minimum # of instalments for the program. Per instalment rate for ‘3 minimum instalments’ is offered to students enrolled from affiliate institutions only.

1 Students with transferable Graduate Certificate pay 6 minimum instalments and continuing fee is assessed after instalment 6.


Master of Educational TechnologyDomestic tuition per creditInternational tuition per credit
Program entry year  
2025S or 2025W $619.10  $1,046.08 
2024S or 2024W $619.10  $1,026.15 
2023S or 2023W $619.10  $1,006.60 
2022S or 2022W $619.10  $987.43 
2021S or 2021W $619.10  $968.43 
2020W or earlier $619.10  $949.81 


Master of Engineering (full-time) Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program3    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $2,279.40  $856.76  $8,788.25  $8,788.25 
2024S or 2024W  $2,279.40  $856.76  $8,620.86  $8,620.86 
2023S or 2023W  $2,279.40  $856.76  $8,456.65  $8,456.65 
2022W or earlier  $2,279.40  $856.76  $8,295.56  $8,295.56 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 6.


Master of Engineering (part-time) Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program9    
   $1,343.25  $856.76 N/AN/A
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 9.


Master of Engineering in Clean Energy Engineering (full-time) Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program3    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $6,836.44  $856.76  $13,848.83  $13,848.83 
2024S or 2024W  $6,836.44  $856.76  $13,585.05  $13,585.05 
2023S or 2023W  $6,836.44  $856.76  $13,326.28  $13,326.28 
2022W or earlier  $6,836.44  $856.76  $13,072.46  $13,072.46 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 6.


Master of Engineering in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (full-time) Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program3    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $10,361.42  $856.76  $20,125.71  $20,125.71 
2024S or 2024W  $10,361.42  $856.76  $19,742.37  $19,742.37 
2023S or 2023W  $10,361.42  $856.76  $19,366.31  $19,366.31 
2022W or earlier  $10,361.42  $856.76  $18,997.44  $18,997.44 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 3.


Master of Engineering Leadership (full-time) Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment 
Instalments per year3     
Minimum # of instalments for program3     
Program entry year      
2025S or 2025W  $10,970.91  $856.76  $22,690.75  $22,690.75  
2024S or 2024W  $10,755.80  $856.76  $21,610.24  $21,610.24  
2023S or 2023W  $10,544.91  $856.76  $20,581.19  $20,581.19  
2022W or earlier  $10,338.15  $856.76  $19,601.14  $19,601.14  
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 3.


Master of Engineering Leadership (part-time) Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program6    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $5,485.44  $856.76  $11,345.35  $11,345.35 
2024S or 2024W  $5,377.89  $856.76  $10,805.10  $10,805.10 
2023S or 2023W  $5,272.45  $856.76  $10,290.58  $10,290.58 
2022S or 2022W  $5,169.07  $856.76  $9,800.56  $9,800.56 
2021W or earlier  $5,067.72  $856.76  $9,423.62  $9,423.62 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 6.


Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing (Distance Education)Domestic tuition per creditInternational tuition per credit
Program entry year  
2025S or 2025W $693.38  $1,388.59 
2024S or 2024W $693.38  $1,362.14 
2023S or 2023W $693.38  $1,336.19 
2022S or 2022W $693.38  $1,310.74 
2021S or 2021W $693.38  $1,285.54 
2020W or earlier $693.38  $1,260.82 


Master of Food and Resource Economics Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program3    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $8,180.38  $8,180.38  $18,674.92  $18,674.92 
2024S or 2024W  $8,180.38  $8,180.38  $18,319.20  $18,319.20 
2023S or 2023W  $8,180.38  $8,180.38  $17,970.27  $17,970.27 
2022W or earlier  $8,180.38  $8,180.38  $17,627.98  $17,627.98 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 3.


Master of Food Science Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program3    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $4,760.78  $4,760.78  $16,404.79  $16,404.79 
2024S or 2024W  $4,760.78  $4,760.78  $16,092.31  $16,092.31 
2023S or 2023W  $4,760.78  $4,760.78  $15,785.79  $15,785.79 
2022W or earlier  $4,760.78  $4,760.78  $15,485.11  $15,485.11 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 3.


Master of Geomatics for Environmental Management Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program3    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $6,639.38  $856.76  $14,878.74  $3,294.66 
2024S or 2024W  $6,639.38  $856.76  $14,595.33  $3,294.66 
2023S or 2023W  $6,639.38  $856.76  $14,317.32  $3,294.66 
2022W or earlier  $6,639.38  $856.76  $14,044.61  $3,294.66 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 3.


Master of Global Health Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program5    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W $5,508.00 $856.76 $6,300.00 $856.76 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 5.


Master of Global Health (part time) Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program10    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W $2,754.00 $856.76 $3,150.00 $856.76 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 10.


Master of Global Surgical Care Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program6    
Program entry year     
2025W $4,500.00$585.82$5,000.00$690.67
2025S  $5,272.43  $585.82  $10,461.62  $690.67 
2024S or 2024W  $5,272.43  $585.82  $10,262.35  $677.51 
2023S or 2023W  $5,272.43  $585.82  $10,066.88  $664.60 
2022S or 2022W  $5,272.43  $585.82  $9,875.12  $651.95 
2021W or earlier  $5,272.43  $585.82  $9,685.22  $639.41 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 6.


Master of Health Administration Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program6    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $5,557.51  $856.76  $10,775.33  $10,775.33 
2024S or 2024W  $5,557.51  $856.76  $10,570.08  $10,570.08 
2023S or 2023W  $5,557.51  $856.76  $10,368.75  $10,368.75 
2022S or 2022W  $5,557.51  $856.76  $10,171.26  $10,171.26 
2021W or earlier  $5,557.51  $856.76  $9,975.66  $9,975.66 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 6.


Master of Health Leadership and Policy (full-time) Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program3    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $10,970.91  $856.76  $22,690.75  $22,690.75 
2023S or 2023W  $10,755.80  $856.76  $21,610.24  $21,610.24 
2022S or 2022W  $10,544.91  $856.76  $20,581.19  $20,581.19 
2021W or earlier  $10,338.15  $856.76  $19,601.14  $19,601.14 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 3


Master of Health Leadership and Policy (part-time) Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program6    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $5,485.44  $856.76  $11,345.35  $11,345.35 
2024S or 2024W  $5,377.89  $856.76  $10,805.10  $10,805.10 
2023S or 2023W  $5,272.45  $856.76  $10,290.58  $10,290.58 
2022W or earlier  $5,169.07  $856.76  $9,423.62  $9,423.62 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 6.


Master of Health Science Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program3    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $1,875.34  $856.76  $9,005.35  $9,005.35 
2024S or 2024W  $1,875.34  $856.76  $8,833.82  $8,833.82 
2023S or 2023W  $1,875.34  $856.76  $8,665.56  $8,665.56 
2022W or earlier  $1,875.34  $856.76  $8,500.50  $8,500.50 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 6.


Master of High Performance Coaching and Technical Leadership with Transferable Graduate Certificate Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program6    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $2,921.30  $856.76  $5,906.53  $5,906.53 
2024S or 2024W  $2,921.30  $856.76  $5,794.02  $5,794.02 
2023S or 2023W  $2,921.30  $856.76  $5,683.66  $5,683.66 
2022S or 2022W  $2,921.30  $856.76  $5,575.40  $5,575.40 
2021W or earlier  $2,921.30  $856.76  $5,468.17  $5,468.17 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 6.


Master of International Forestry Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program3    
Program entry year Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
2025S or 2025W  $7,006.99  $856.76  $14,388.68  $3,294.66 
2024S or 2024W  $7,006.99  $856.76  $14,114.61  $3,294.66 
2023S or 2023W  $7,006.99  $856.76  $13,845.76  $3,294.66 
2022W or earlier  $7,006.99  $856.76  $13,582.04  $3,294.66 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 3.


Master of Journalism Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program5    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $2,746.29  $856.76  $11,350.25  $11,350.25 
2024S or 2024W  $2,746.29  $856.76  $11,134.06  $11,134.06 
2023S or 2023W  $2,746.29  $856.76  $10,921.98  $10,921.98 
2022W or earlier  $2,746.29  $856.76  $10,713.94  $10,713.94 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 5.


Master of Kinesiology (full-time) Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program3    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $2,125.85  $856.76  $9,185.53  $9,185.53 
2024S or 2024W  $2,125.85  $856.76  $9,010.57  $9,010.57 
2023S or 2023W  $2,125.85  $856.76  $8,838.94  $8,838.94 
2022W or earlier  $2,125.85  $856.76  $8,670.58  $8,670.58 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 6.


Master of Kinesiology (part-time) Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program9    
   $1,242.71  $856.76 N/AN/A
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 9.


Master of Land and Water Systems Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program3    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $7,557.41  $856.76  $15,440.92  $15,440.92 
2024S or 2024W  $7,557.41  $856.76  $15,146.80  $15,146.80 
2023S or 2023W  $7,557.41  $856.76  $14,858.30  $14,858.30 
2022W or earlier  $7,557.41  $856.76  $14,575.28  $14,575.28 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 3. Contact the Master of Land and Water System Program for more details.


Master of Landscape Architecture Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program5    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $2,026.80  $856.76  $18,198.63  $18,198.63 
2024S or 2024W  $2,026.80  $856.76  $17,851.99  $17,851.99 
2023S or 2023W  $2,026.80  $856.76  $17,511.95  $17,511.95 
2022W or earlier  $2,026.80  $856.76  $17,178.39  $17,178.39 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 9.


Master of Laws in Common LawDomestic tuition per creditInternational tuition per credit
Program entry year  
2025S or 2025W $1,000.13  $1,444.03 
2024S or 2024W $1,000.13  $1,416.52 
2023S or 2023W $1,000.13  $1,389.55 
2022S or 2022W $1,000.13  $1,363.08 
2021W or earlier $1,000.13  $1,336.86 


Master of Laws in TaxationDomestic tuition per creditInternational tuition per credit
Program entry year  
2025S or 2025W $1,036.11  $1,641.27 
2024S or 2024W $1,036.11  $1,610.01 
2023S or 2023W $1,036.11  $1,579.35 
2022S or 2022W $1,036.11  $1,549.25 
2021W or earlier $1,036.11  $1,519.45 


Master of Management Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program3    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $11,115.03  $856.76  $19,531.31  $856.76 
2024S or 2024W  $10,897.09  $856.76  $18,601.25  $856.76 
2023S or 2023W  $10,683.43  $856.76  $17,715.48  $856.76 
2022W or earlier  $10,473.96  $856.76  $16,871.89  $856.76 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 3.


Master of Museum Education Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program7    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025S  $2,550.23  $856.76  $2,677.74  $2,677.74 
2024W  $2,550.23  $856.76  $2,626.73  $2,626.73 
2023S, 2023W or 2024S  $2,550.23  $856.76  $4,755.00  $4,755.00 
2022S or 2022W  $2,550.23  $856.76  $4,664.42  $4,664.42 
2021W or earlier  $2,550.23  $856.76  $4,574.72  $4,574.72 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 7.


Master of Nursing - Nurse Practitioner Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program5    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $1,875.34  $856.76  $20,834.71  $20,834.71 
2024S or 2024W  $1,875.34  $856.76  $20,437.86  $20,437.86 
2023S or 2023W  $1,875.34  $856.76  $20,048.57  $20,048.57 
2022W or earlier  $1,875.34  $856.76  $19,666.69  $19,666.69 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 5.


Master of Nutrition and Dietetics Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program7    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $4,511.30  $856.76  $11,983.27  $3,294.66 
2024S or 2024W  $4,511.30  $856.76  $11,755.01  $3,294.66 
2023S or 2023W  $4,511.30  $856.76  $11,531.11  $3,294.66 
2022W or earlier  $4,511.30  $856.76  $11,311.47  $3,294.66 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 7.


Master of Occupational Therapy Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program6    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $2,778.68  $856.76  $18,687.86  $18,687.86 
2024S or 2024W  $2,778.68  $856.76  $18,331.90  $18,331.90 
2023S or 2023W  $2,778.68  $856.76  $17,982.72  $17,982.72 
2022S or 2022W  $2,778.68  $856.76  $17,640.19  $17,640.19 
2021W or earlier  $2,778.68  $856.76  $17,300.96  $17,300.96 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 6.


Master of Physical Therapy Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program7    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $2,381.72  $856.76  $16,419.76  $16,419.76 
2024S or 2024W  $2,381.72  $856.76  $16,107.00  $16,107.00 
2023S or 2023W  $2,381.72  $856.76  $15,800.20  $15,800.20 
2022S or 2022W  $2,381.72  $856.76  $15,499.24  $15,499.24 
2021W or earlier  $2,381.72  $856.76  $15,201.17  $15,201.17 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 7.


Master of Public Health Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program3    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $1,875.34  $856.76  $7,183.62  $3,294.66 
2024S or 2024W  $1,875.34  $856.76  $7,046.79  $3,294.66 
2023S or 2023W  $1,875.34  $856.76  $6,912.57  $3,294.66 
2022W or earlier  $1,875.34  $856.76  $6,780.90  $3,294.66 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 6.


Master of Public Policy and Global Affairs Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program5    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $10,277.76  $856.76  $18,885.46  $3,294.66 
2024S or 2024W  $10,277.76  $856.76  $18,885.46  $3,294.66 
2023S or 2023W  $10,277.76  $856.76  $18,525.74  $3,294.66 
2022W or earlier  $10,277.76  $856.76  $18,172.87  $3,294.66 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 5.


Master of Public Policy and Global Affairs (Accelerated Option) Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program4    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $12,847.20  $856.76  $23,606.84  $3,294.66 
2024S or 2024W  $12,847.20  $856.76  $23,606.84  $3,294.66 
2023S or 2023W  $12,847.20  $856.76  $23,157.19  $3,294.66 
2022W or earlier  $12,847.20  $856.76  $22,716.10  $3,294.66 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 4.


Master of Rehabilitation Science (Online)Domestic tuition per creditInternational tuition per credit
Program entry year  
2025S or 2025W $480.40  $583.22 
2024S or 2024W $480.40  $572.11 
2023S or 2023W $480.40  $561.21 
2022S or 2022W $480.40  $550.51 
2021W or earlier $480.40  $539.92 


Master of Science, Genetic Counselling Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program5    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $9,093.96  $856.76  $11,039.89  $11,039.89 
2024S or 2024W  $9,093.96  $856.76  $10,829.61  $10,829.61 
2023S or 2023W  $9,093.96  $856.76  $10,623.33  $10,623.33 
2022W or earlier  $9,093.96  $856.76  $10,420.99  $10,420.99 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 5.


Master of Science, Occupational and Environmental Hygiene Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program3    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $1,875.34  $856.76  $5,387.53  $5,387.53 
2024S or 2024W  $1,875.34  $856.76  $5,284.91  $5,284.91 
2023S or 2023W  $1,875.34  $856.76  $5,184.24  $5,184.24 
2022W or earlier  $1,875.34  $856.76  $5,085.50  $5,085.50 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 6.


Master of Social Work Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program3    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $1,875.34  $856.76  $10,852.75  $3,294.66 
2024S or 2024W  $1,875.34  $856.76  $10,646.03  $3,294.66 
2023S or 2023W  $1,875.34  $856.76  $10,443.26  $3,294.66 
2022W or earlier  $1,875.34  $856.76  $10,244.33  $3,294.66 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 6.


Master of Sustainable Forest Management Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program3    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $7,006.99  $856.76  $14,388.68  $3,294.66 
2024S or 2024W  $7,006.99  $856.76  $14,114.61  $3,294.66 
2023S or 2023W  $7,006.99  $856.76  $13,845.76  $3,294.66 
2022W or earlier  $7,006.99  $856.76  $13,582.04  $3,294.66 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 3.


Master of Urban Design Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program3    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $7,045.75  $856.76  $14,842.69  $14,842.69 
2024S or 2024W  $7,045.75  $856.76  $14,559.97  $14,559.97 
2023S or 2023W  $7,045.75  $856.76  $14,282.64  $14,282.64 
2022W or earlier  $7,045.75  $856.76  $14,010.60  $14,010.60 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 6.


Master of Urban Forestry Leadership Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program4    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $5,520.40  $856.76  $10,745.07  $3,294.66 
2024S or 2024W  $5,520.40  $856.76  $10,540.40  $3,294.66 
2023S or 2023W  $5,520.40  $856.76  $10,339.63  $3,294.66 
2022W or earlier  $5,520.40  $856.76  $10,142.68  $3,294.66 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 4.


Master of Urban Forestry Leadership (part-time) Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program8    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $2,760.20  $856.76  $5,372.53  $3,294.66 
2024S or 2024W  $2,760.20  $856.76  $5,270.20  $3,294.66 
2023W or earlier  $2,760.20  $856.76  $5,169.81  $3,294.66 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 8.


Dual Master of Business Administration/Juris Doctor Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program11    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $8,680.09  $856.76  $21,703.13  $3,294.66 
2024S or 2024W  $8,680.09  $856.76  $21,289.81  $3,294.66 
2023S or 2023W  $8,680.09  $856.76  $20,884.33  $3,294.66 
2022S or 2022W  $8,680.09  $856.76  $20,486.59  $3,294.66 
2021S or 2021W  $8,680.09  $856.76  $20,092.69  $3,294.66 
2020W or earlier  $8,680.09  $856.76  $19,707.00  $3,294.66 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 11.


Dual Master of Business Administration/Juris Doctor (transfer from first year in Juris Doctor) Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program8    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $10,156.00  $856.76  $23,994.68  $3,294.66 
2024S or 2024W  $10,156.00  $856.76  $23,537.72  $3,294.66 
2023S or 2023W  $10,156.00  $856.76  $23,089.47  $3,294.66 
2022S or 2022W  $10,156.00  $856.76  $22,649.74  $3,294.66 
2021W or earlier  $10,156.00  $856.76  $22,108.12  $3,294.66 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 8.


Dual Master of Architecture and Master of Landscape Architecture Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program8    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $3,047.46  $856.76  $27,297.83  $27,297.83 
2024S or 2024W  $3,047.46  $856.76  $26,777.87  $26,777.87 
2023S or 2023W  $3,047.46  $856.76  $26,267.82  $26,267.82 
2022S or 2022W  $3,047.46  $856.76  $25,767.47  $25,767.47 
2021S or 2021W  $3,047.46  $856.76  $25,271.95  $25,271.95 
2020W or earlier  $3,047.46  $856.76  $24,785.96  $24,785.96 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 12.


Combined Master of Public Health/Master of Science in Nursing Dual Degree Program Option Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program6    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $3,750.70  $856.76  $11,068.08  $3,294.66 
2024S or 2024W  $3,750.70  $856.76  $10,857.26  $3,294.66 
2023S or 2023W  $3,750.70  $856.76  $10,650.45  $3,294.66 
2022S or 2022W  $3,750.70  $856.76  $10,447.58  $3,294.66 
2021W or earlier  $3,750.70  $856.76  $10,246.66  $3,294.66 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 6. Assessed fee is the combined fee for Master of Public Health (MPH) and Master of Science in Nursing (MSN).


Combined Master of Public Health/Diploma in Dental Public Health Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program7    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $6,934.67  $856.76  $22,739.88  $3,294.66 
2024S or 2024W  $6,934.67  $856.76  $22,306.74  $3,294.66 
2023S or 2023W  $6,934.67  $856.76  $21,881.85  $3,294.66 
2022S or 2022W  $6,934.67  $856.76  $21,465.05  $3,294.66 
2021W or earlier  $6,934.67  $856.76  $21,052.27  $3,294.66 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 7.


Combined Master of Science in Craniofacial Science/Diploma in Periodontics Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program9    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $6,934.78  $856.76  $19,440.56  $3,294.66 
2024S or 2024W  $6,934.78  $856.76  $19,070.26  $3,294.66 
2023S or 2023W  $6,934.78  $856.76  $18,707.02  $3,294.66 
2022S or 2022W  $6,934.78  $856.76  $18,350.69  $3,294.66 
2021S or 2021W  $6,934.78  $856.76  $17,997.79  $3,294.66 
2020W or earlier  $6,934.78  $856.76  $17,651.69  $3,294.66 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 9.


Combined Master of Science in Craniofacial Science/Diploma in Endodontics Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program9    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $6,934.78  $856.76  $19,440.56  $3,294.66 
2024S or 2024W  $6,934.78  $856.76  $19,070.26  $3,294.66 
2023S or 2023W  $6,934.78  $856.76  $18,707.02  $3,294.66 
2022S or 2022W  $6,934.78  $856.76  $18,350.69  $3,294.66 
2021S or 2021W  $6,934.78  $856.76  $17,997.79  $3,294.66 
2020W or earlier  $6,934.78  $856.76  $17,651.69  $3,294.66 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 9.


Combined Master of Science in Craniofacial Science/Diploma in Orthodontics Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program9    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $6,934.78  $856.76  $19,440.56  $3,294.66 
2024S or 2024W  $6,934.78  $856.76  $19,070.26  $3,294.66 
2023S or 2023W  $6,934.78  $856.76  $18,707.02  $3,294.66 
2022S or 2022W  $6,934.78  $856.76  $18,350.69  $3,294.66 
2021S or 2021W  $6,934.78  $856.76  $17,997.79  $3,294.66 
2020W or earlier  $6,934.78  $856.76  $17,651.69  $3,294.66 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 9.


Combined Master of Science in Craniofacial Science/Diploma in Pediatric Dentistry Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program9    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $6,934.78  $856.76  $19,440.56  $3,294.66 
2024S or 2024W  $6,934.78  $856.76  $19,070.26  $3,294.66 
2023S or 2023W  $6,934.78  $856.76  $18,707.02  $3,294.66 
2022S or 2022W  $6,934.78  $856.76  $18,350.69  $3,294.66 
2021S or 2021W  $6,934.78  $856.76  $17,997.79  $3,294.66 
2020W or earlier  $6,934.78  $856.76  $17,651.69  $3,294.66 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 9.


Combined Master of Science in Craniofacial Science/Diploma in Prosthodontics Domestic fee per instalmentDomestic continuing fee per instalmentInternational fee per instalmentInternational continuing fee per instalment
Instalments per year3    
Minimum # of instalments for program9    
Program entry year     
2025S or 2025W  $6,934.78  $856.76  $19,440.56  $3,294.66 
2024S or 2024W  $6,934.78  $856.76  $19,070.26  $3,294.66 
2023S or 2023W  $6,934.78  $856.76  $18,707.02  $3,294.66 
2022S or 2022W  $6,934.78  $856.76  $18,350.69  $3,294.66 
2021S or 2021W  $6,934.78  $856.76  $17,997.79  $3,294.66 
2020W or earlier  $6,934.78  $856.76  $17,651.69  $3,294.66 
Note: Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 9.

Standard Master's Degree Programs 15544-Standard-Masters-Degree

Every student enrolled in a master's program is required to maintain continuous registration by paying tuition instalments according to Schedules A or B, plus authorized student fees. Failure to pay fees will result in a financial hold and an interest penalty.

All graduate students are automatically assessed fees according to Schedule A. Canadian citizens and permanent residents who are planning on taking a master's degree through part-time study (Schedule B) must obtain approval from their Graduate Program Advisor and the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies prior to the beginning of the term in which fees are first assessed. To do so, please complete the Application for Part-time Payment form. This application is also available from the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.

Part-time study may not be permitted for international students with Study Permits. International students must contact International Student Advising to determine the current Study Permit regulations.

Only students planning to take their degree through part-time study are permitted to select Schedule B. Students who select Schedule B are advised that, by virtue of their part-time status, they are ineligible to receive government loans, interest-free status, and University fellowships or scholarships. Students are not permitted to switch from Schedule B to Schedule A after the due date of the first instalment.

Students who have paid more than the minimum instalments for the degree will have their tuition fees prorated to the end of the month in which the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies confirms that all degree requirements have been completed. This includes the submission of either their major paper or final project to their department or their thesis to the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies' Office.


ProgramInstalments per yearMinimum # of instalmentsDomestic (per instalment)International (per instalment)
Full-time (Schedule A)33 $1,875.34  $3,294.66 
Part-time (Schedule B)39 $1,071.78  $1,894.41 
Continuing fee13N/A $856.76  $3,294.66 
Extension fee23N/A $1,203.34  $3,294.66 

1 If a degree program is not completed by a set number of instalments or a minimum program fee, the assessments will then switch to a Continuing fee. The Schedule A Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 6. The Schedule B Continuing fee is assessed after instalment 9.

2 If a master's degree (both standard and specialized) is not awarded within a period of five years from the initial registration, a student may be granted an extension with permission from the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. A master’s degree (standard) will be charged the extension fee.

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