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Academic Programs

The UBC-Ritsumeikan Academic Exchange Program

The Department of Language and Literacy Education and the Faculty of Arts offer a range of 3-credit courses to the UBC-Ritsumeikan Academic Exchange Program for visiting international students from Ritsumeikan in Japan. The courses are open to all students at UBC. The LLED courses are of particular relevance to students who are interested in exploring relationships between language use and social context.

The required courses in Language Education are:

  • LLED_V 200 (3 credits) Introduction to Writing in Academic and Professional Registers.
  • LLED_V 201 (3 credits) Critical Reading and Writing in Academic and Professional Registers.
  • EDUC_V / ASTU_V 210 (3 credits) Global Citizenship, Part 1: Introduction.

The required courses in Arts are:

  • ASTU_V 201 Canada, Japan, and the Pacific: Cultural Studies is an interdisciplinary introduction to the cultures of Canada and Japan, and the inter-relations between them. Specific topics vary from year to year but will include themes such as constructing the past; nationalism; self-perception; and multiculturalism in Canada and Japan.
  • ASTU_V 202 Canada, Japan, and the Pacific: Political, Economic, and Geographical Perspectives It is an introduction to the core geographical, historical, and economic forces that shape the Pacific Rim, together with an exploration of the roles of Japan and Canada in this region.
  • CDST_V 250 Introduction to Canada introduces the issues and debates that are at the heart of Canadian society. Students will become familiar with some of the key cultural, social, political and economic issues that are unique to this country.

Students must also take 6 credits of electives, determined by program regulations in consultation with the Academic Director.

UBC-Ritsumeikan Programs
333-6460 Agronomy Road
Vancouver, BC, Canada, V6T IZ4
Tel: 604.822.9125 (Academic Director)
Tel: 604.822.9511 (Program Manager)
Fax: 604.822.9515
UBC-Ritsumeikan Programs website:

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