Summer Abroad Programs

UBC students can study abroad during the Summer session through Summer Abroad programs. Students choose from over 50 different programs offered through our partner institution network in a variety of different disciplines across 22 countries. Go Global even offers a number of unique partner institutions only available through Summer Abroad.

Summer Abroad programs, offered between May and August, are typically short in duration. This provides flexibility for students who can’t afford to be away for an entire winter session term, or for those who want to do multiple international experiences with approval from their home faculty. Courses are generally taught in English with the exception of language programs. Credit received from academic courses taken at the host institution are eligible for credit transfer back to UBC.

Program costs vary, and students pay tuition fees either to the host institution or UBC, depending on the program. Many incorporate experience-based learning, excursions, social programming and cultural activities built into the program. UBC also provides funding through international learning awards for students to participate in Summer Abroad. For more information, please visit the Summer Abroad section of the Go Global website or email


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