You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Compliance with Health Safety Requirements

In response to the pandemic caused by COVID-19, UBC Risk Management Services has created the COVID-19 Campus Rules, pursuant to the UBC Board of Governors Health and Safety Policy, to impede the spread of COVID-19 at UBC. The COVID-19 Campus Rules can be found on the Safety & Risk Services website.

All students at UBC must comply with the COVID-19 Campus Rules.

In addition to the requirements of the COVID-19 Campus Rules, some Faculties and Schools may require proof of approved COVID-19 vaccination for certain programs or courses to comply with the requirements of third parties, including but not limited to health authorities, governments, employers, and other institutions through which practica, co-operative education programs, or other experiential learning opportunities are offered. Compliance with those requirements may be required to remain registered in those programs or courses.

The Registrar shall be responsible for placing students who fail to comply with the COVID-19 Campus Rules on an academic hold that blocks access to grades, transcripts, application to new/changed programs and registration in subsequent terms/sessions. Continued or repeated non-compliance shall lead to de-registration from courses that required in-person attendance in class or other activities at any facilities operated by UBC, including examinations or other assessment, in the current term and for any subsequent terms and sessions. The Registrar shall be responsible for de-registering such students. Deans of Faculties shall be responsible for de-registering students who fail to comply with third-party or Faculty or School based regulations. Prior to a student being placed on an academic hold, the Registrar must make reasonable efforts to communicate to students informing them of this regulation and how they may comply with the COVID-19 Campus Rules to have the hold either not applied or removed. Prior to de-registration, Deans must make reasonable efforts to communicate with affected students and advise them of options available to them, including possible academic accommodations or academic concessions. The above notwithstanding, the University may subject a student to discipline or require them to Withdraw for Unsatisfactory Conduct for failure to abide by any University regulation, including this regulation.

Students who believe these regulations are being improperly applied by either the Registrar or their Dean may appeal such a matter as an appeal of academic standing.


UBC Crest The official logo of the University of British Columbia. Urgent Message An exclamation mark in a speech bubble. Caret An arrowhead indicating direction. Arrow An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Chats Two speech clouds. Facebook The logo for the Facebook social media service. Information The letter 'i' in a circle. Instagram The logo for the Instagram social media service. Linkedin The logo for the LinkedIn social media service. Location Pin A map location pin. Mail An envelope. Menu Three horizontal lines indicating a menu. Minus A minus sign. Pencil A pencil indicating that this is editable. Telephone An antique telephone. Plus A plus symbol indicating more or the ability to add. Search A magnifying glass. Twitter The logo for the Twitter social media service. Youtube The logo for the YouTube video sharing service.