For allegations of academic misconduct for which a hearing before the President’s Advisory Committee on Student Discipline had started by September 6, 2022, the previous version of the provisions as they existed prior to the revisions apply, and that prior version can be found here:
6.1 The use of integrity plans (“Integrity Plans”) is a form of diversion for incidents of academic misconduct. The diversionary process is only available in cases of admitted misconduct, where the student does not have a previous academic misconduct record, and where the Dean determines that an Integrity Plan would be an appropriate mechanism to address the admitted misconduct. In order to facilitate the orderly implementation of this diversionary tool across the University, it will be implemented progressively on a Faculty-by-Faculty basis. Information regarding implementation can be found obtained from the Office of the Provost and Vice-President, Academic, and on the University’s academic integrity website.
6.2 If a Dean determines that an Integrity Plan would be an appropriate mechanism to address the admitted misconduct, and if the student is in agreement, the Dean and the student may agree upon an Integrity Plan. Neither the Dean nor the student are obligated to agree upon an Integrity Plan; the agreement of both parties is required before an Integrity Plan will be used. If either party does not agree to an Integrity Plan, then the Dean will have the option to either give the student a written warning or to refer the matter to the President’s Committee. The content of any draft Integrity Plan that was not ultimately agreed to by both the Dean and the student may not be raised by either party before the President’s Committee and will not be considered by the President.
6.3 To assist Deans and students and promote consistency in the preparation and use of Integrity Plans, the Office of the Provost and Vice-President, Academic, has made centralized resources available to Deans and their students. Information regarding these resources can be obtained from the Office of the Provost and Vice-President, Academic, and on the University’s academic integrity website.
6.4 An Integrity Plan must be in writing and include:
- a. a description of the misconduct and any mitigating or aggravating factors, including any extenuating circumstances; and
- b. the outcomes for the admitted academic misconduct which have been agreed to between the Dean and the student, including any time limits or documentation necessary to verify compliance.
6.5 The factors the Dean may consider in determining what outcomes are appropriate include, but are not limited to, what steps the student could take to demonstrate the student’s understanding of academic integrity and how the student might avoid future instances of academic misconduct. Examples of matters that may be included in an Integrity Plan include, singly or in combination, the following:
- a. a reprimand;
- b. attendance at a workshop or program directed at academic integrity that may include developing the skills necessary to avoid further instance of academic misconduct;
- c. counseling if appropriate to the circumstances giving rise to the academic misconduct;
- d. an apology, written or otherwise, directed to those who were affected by the academic misconduct;
- e. volunteer activities related to enhancing their understanding of academic integrity;
- f. re-doing the work at issue or doing supplementary work failing which the student may receive a reduced grade (up to and including a zero) on the work if not already determined pursuant to section 4.7;
- g. a reduced grade in the course;
- h. a notation of academic misconduct on the student’s transcript;
- i. cessation of studies or withdrawal from other activities for a specified period of time; or
- j. reduction in course load for a specified period of time.
For greater certainty, any academic judgments related to the work at issue, including the grading of the work by the instructor as a matter of academic merit are independent from and will not form part of an Integrity Plan.
6.6 Integrity Plans will not be final until signed by the student and the Dean.
6.7 A copy of the signed Integrity Plan will be provided to the student and to the President’s Committee and the Dean to be retained in the student's file in the Faculty and in a file maintained by the President’s Committee. In the event that the student is found to have committed subsequent misconduct the Integrity Plan may be considered by the President when determining the discipline to be imposed for the subsequent misconduct.
6.8 The student’s completion of the Integrity Plan will be tracked. Once the student has complied with all of the terms of the Integrity Plan, the student’s file in the Faculty will be updated and the President’s Committee notified in writing.
6.9 If a student fails to comply with any term of an Integrity Plan that both the Dean and student have agreed to, the original allegation of academic misconduct may be referred to the President’s Committee and the student’s failure to comply with the Integrity Plan may be referred to the President’s Committee as a separate allegation of academic misconduct. For greater certainty, at the hearing before the President’s Committee, the student will be deemed to have admitted to having committed the academic misconduct described in the Integrity Plan. If the Dean decides not to refer the matter to the President’s Committee and, instead, consider the matter as sufficiently concluded, the Dean’s Office will notify the President’s Committee of that decision.