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British Columbia Youth in Care Applicants

Admission for British Columbia Youth in Care

UBC is dedicated to increasing access to, and participation in, post-secondary education for prospective students who are living or have lived as a youth in care in British Columbia between the ages of 12 and 19 (see eligibility criteria below). UBC recognizes that a youth in care may have faced challenges that may have impacted their education, and therefore provides a mechanism for flexibility with respect to competitive admission thresholds.

Applicants who wish to be considered under this admission category must indicate their eligibility upon application for admission to the University. Applicants will be considered on an individual basis by the applicable faculty or school. A number of factors indicative of personal readiness to succeed at UBC will be considered.

UBC may consider applicants to direct-entry undergraduate programs under this policy who meet the University's general admission requirements but who do not meet the competitive admission cut-offs set by the individual faculties and schools.

In order to be considered under this policy, applicants must fall within one or more of the following categories:

  1. The applicant is or was in the continuing custody of a director or designated representative in British Columbia for at least one year between the date the applicant turned 12 years of age and the date the applicant turned 19 years of age.
  2. The applicant was in the guardianship of a director in British Columbia for at least one year between the date the applicant turned 12 years of age and the date the applicant turned 19 years of age.
  3. The applicant was subject to a youth agreement in British Columbia on the day prior to the date that the applicant turned 19 years of age.
  4. The applicant was subject to a temporary custody order in British Columbia for a period of three years or longer between the date the applicant turned 12 years of age and the date the applicant turned 19 years of age.

For further information please contact

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