You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Undergraduate Application and Document Deadlines

Application Deadlines for Undergraduate Degree and Diploma Programs

The following deadlines pertain to new-to-UBC applicants to undergraduate programs, applicants applying to change undergraduate programs and/or campuses within UBC, and applicants applying for readmission to a UBC undergraduate program in which they have previously been enrolled but have discontinued their studies for any reason. If a deadline falls on the weekend or a statutory holiday, it will be extended to the next working day. For other important University dates, see Dates and Deadlines.

Application and document submission deadlines for graduate degrees vary by degree program. For deadlines for individual graduate programs, see degree programs in the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.

Summer Session (May start) application deadline: January 15

Please note, not all degree and diploma programs accept applications to the Summer Session.

Winter Session (September start) application deadline: January 15

Applicants are strongly encouraged to apply by the application deadline as some programs will stop accepting applications on this date. Applications received after the deadline may be considered by some programs but will not be evaluated on the same basis or with the same priority as those received by the deadline.

See table below for exceptions and important notes relating to Winter Session application deadlines:

ProgramCredentialFaculty/SchoolApplication DeadlineNotes
AccountingDiplomaCommerce---Application deadlines differ based on location of institution where the applicant's degree was completed. Details are on the Admission website for the Diploma.
Art HistoryDiplomaArtsAugust 1 
Dental Science in Dental HygieneB.D.Sc.Dentistry--- Refer to Notes for detailsApplicants to the Entry to Practice (ETP) option need to submit their UBC online application by January 15, 2026 and the supplemental application by January 31, 2026. Dental hygiene diploma holders are required to apply by January 31, 2026. For more information please visit the Faculty website.
DentistryD.M.D.Dentistry---The application deadline is the second Friday in October in the calendar year prior to admission. (e.g., October 2014 for August 2015 entry.)
Design in Architecture, Landscape Architecture and UrbanismB.Des.Architecture and Landscape ArchitectureJanuary 31B.Des. applicants complete a supplementary application by January 31. Please refer to the SALA website for more information.
EducationB.Ed.EducationJanuary 15 
EducationDiplomaEducation---Applications are accepted all year and must be received one month before anticipated registration date.
International Dental Degree CompletionD.M.D.DentistryJune 7 
LawJ.D.LawDecember 1 
LinguisticsDiplomaArtsJune 30 
MedicineM.D.Medicine---Applicants invited for interviews must complete a supplementary application that includes three references, site preferences, and a progress report for currently enrolled graduate students. The Supplemental date may vary. See Application Timelines for current information.
    Application deadlines for Medicine are not affected by weekends
MidwiferyB.Mw.MedicineDecember 5B.Mw applicants complete a supplementary submission by January 15, 2026.
MusicB.Mus.MusicJanuary 15B.Mus applicants complete a supplementary application by January 15, 2026, submit relevant supporting materials including reference letters by January 20, 2026, and visit UBC in February for auditions (applicants unable to visit for a live audition may upload video). Please refer to more details on School of Music website.
Nursing (third year)B.S.N.NursingDecember 1B.S.N applicants complete a supplementary submission by January 17, 2026. Please refer to more details including the CASPer assessment on the School of Nursing website.
Entry-to-Practice Doctor of PharmacyPharmDPharmaceutical SciencesDecember 1Please refer to more details on Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences website.
Flexible Doctor of PharmacyPharmDPharmaceutical SciencesDecember 1Flex PharmD applicants complete a supplementary application, submit relevant supporting materials including proof of registration as a pharmacist, a personal statement and curriculum vitiate. Further information is available here.
Social WorkB.S.W.Social WorkJanuary 15 

Document Deadlines for Undergraduate Degree and Diploma Programs

In addition to submitting an application for undergraduate admission, applicants are required to submit documentation in order to satisfy admission requirements.

  1. English Language Admission Standard
    All applicants are required to meet the English Language Admission Standard. Applicants are notified by email, and via the Applicant Service Centre under Application Status, of the documentation that is required and the dates by which it must be submitted in order to be considered in an admission decision.
  2. Competitive Academic Requirements
    All applicants are required to meet university minimum academic standards as well as competitive academic requirements that differ by program. Applicants are notified by email, and via the Applicant Service Centre under Application Status, of the transcripts that are required and the dates by which they must be submitted in order to be considered in an admission decision.
  3. Broad-Based Admission Criteria
    Many UBC programs require additional information for consideration in admission decisions. This may include a portfolio, audition, manuscript, essay, list of extracurricular activities, interview, or other information. Applicants are notified by email, and via the Applicant Service Centre under Application Status, of any additional documentation that may be required or optional and the dates by which this information must be submitted in order to be considered in an admission decision.

Deadlines for the submission of supporting documentation vary depending on an applicant's academic history. While these deadlines will be communicated to applicants once they apply, applicants should be prepared to submit required documents such as transcripts, as early as possible following the submission of an application as admission decisions are generally made in the spring.

Applicants who are offered admission based on academic work in progress are required to submit final documentation showing successful completion of all admission requirements prior to beginning their studies at UBC.

Application and Document Deadlines for Non-Degree Entry

The following deadlines pertain to Visiting Students, Access Study applicants, Concurrent Study applicants, Unclassified Studies, and all others applying to enrol in UBC courses through Non-Degree Studies. The application as well as all required and supporting documentation must be submitted by these dates. For more information, visit the Non-Degree Studies website.

Summer Session Terms 1 and 2 (May start) deadline: March 15

Winter Session Term 1 (September start) deadline: July 15

Winter Session Term 2 (January start) deadline: October 15*

*excluding Visiting students who must apply by July 15 for the winter session.


UBC Crest The official logo of the University of British Columbia. Urgent Message An exclamation mark in a speech bubble. Caret An arrowhead indicating direction. Arrow An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Chats Two speech clouds. Facebook The logo for the Facebook social media service. Information The letter 'i' in a circle. Instagram The logo for the Instagram social media service. Linkedin The logo for the LinkedIn social media service. Location Pin A map location pin. Mail An envelope. Menu Three horizontal lines indicating a menu. Minus A minus sign. Pencil A pencil indicating that this is editable. Telephone An antique telephone. Plus A plus symbol indicating more or the ability to add. Search A magnifying glass. Twitter The logo for the Twitter social media service. Youtube The logo for the YouTube video sharing service.