The Calendar is a comprehensive guide to all programs, courses, services, and policies at the University of British Columbia. The Calendar also serves as a record of many University academic policies and procedures. The online Calendar is the official Calendar. Changes are incorporated online at intervals throughout the year.

Upcoming Events
Entry-to-Practice PharmD program: PHRM 473 4-week Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience Block 8 begins (March 31 to April 25 inclusive).
Last day for sponsored students to submit application to have fees billed to a sponsoring organization for Summer Session Terms 1 and 2 (May to August) tuition fees. Students who do not submit their applications by the deadline will be required to pay their tuition fees by May 17 to avoid financial hold procedures (see Fees).
Teacher Education Program: School-based Extended practicum (EDUC 418 or 419) begins (April 2 to June 7 inclusive) (Elementary and Middle Years option).