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Woodward Library

The Woodward Library’s collection covers a broad range of disciplines in support of learning and research in the Faculties of Applied Science, Dentistry, Forestry, Land & Food Systems, Medicine, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Science.

The collection covers a range of subject areas, including agriculture, biology, botany, chemistry, computer science, dentistry, earth and ocean sciences, engineering, food science, forestry, mathematics, medicine, nursing, nutrition, pharmacy, physics, public health, statistics, wood science and zoology.

Woodward Library has the largest biomedical collection in Western Canada and a strong history of medicine and science collection.

Woodward Library is located at 2198 Health Sciences Mall.

For further information, see the Branch website.

Biomedical Branch Library

The Biomedical Branch Library at Gordon and Leslie Diamond Health Care Centre, located off-campus at 2775 Laurel Street, Floor 2, serves students, faculty and researchers affiliated with the UBC Faculty of Medicine and allied health professions. For further information, see the Branch website.


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