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Music, Art and Architecture Library

The Music, Art and Architecture (MAA) Library supports the research and teaching needs of the School of Music, the Department of Art History, Visual Art and Theory, the School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, and the School of Community and Regional Planning.

The collection includes books, journals, catalogues raisonné, musical scores, sound recordings in multiple formats, exhibition catalogues, article indexes, image databases, and much more.  There are cabinets of files (with ephemera and other materials) on Canadian art, architecture, and community and regional planning in Vancouver and beyond.  Listening equipment is provided to facilitate use of the MAA Library’s array of audio and audio/visual resources. The bookable Digital Media Rooms feature display screens and other equipment for group viewing and listening.  For more information on resources and services, see the MAA Library’s website.

The MAA Library is located in the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, 1961 East Mall. 

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