Biodiversity Research Centre
Faculty of Science
The Biodiversity Research Centre is concerned with all aspects of biodiversity research. Faculty members and their students from various departments are cooperating to investigate the measurement of biological diversity, the role of biodiversity in ecosystem function, the origins of biodiversity, factors endangering biodiversity, uses of biological diversity, and the many aspects of biodiversity conservation.
Blood Research, Centre for
Faculty of Medicine
The Centre for Blood Research is a multi-disciplinary biomedical research institute, situated primarily at the University of British Columbia and affiliated teaching hospitals, with nodes at the University of Northern British Columbia and at the University of Victoria.
Canadian Centre for the Culture of Microorganisms
Faculty of Science
The Canadian Centre for the Culture of Microorganisms maintains living specimens of marine phytoplankton, freshwater microalgae, and fungal isolates for research, teaching, and commercial use.
Clean Energy Research Centre
Faculty of Applied Science
The Clean Energy Research Centre fosters collaborative research on energy fundamentals and applications with potential to improve the environment and reduce climate change. Its mission is to perform world-class energy research that will help Canada and the world build a sustainable future.
Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health
Faculty of Medicine
The Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health is a partnership between Vancouver Coastal Health and the UBC Faculty of Medicine, which brings together experts in the fields of neuroscience, neurology, and psychiatry in a hub for training, research, and clinical care.
Early Childhood Education and Research (CECER), Centre for
Faculty of Education
The Centre for Early Childhood Education and Research is dedicated to cultivating a community of discourse within the Faculty of Education and the University for advancing knowledge on critical issues related to professional development, research, policy, and leadership in early childhood development and education. The Centre is an interdisciplinary unit, engaging the active participation of faculty, students, and visiting scholars from a range of units across the campus and from the broader community, to foster excellence and collaboration for those individuals with interests in early childhood education.
Edwin S.H. Leong Centre for Healthy Aging
Faculty of Medicine
The Edwin S.H. Leong Centre for Healthy Aging is an interdisciplinary centre at UBC focused on research, training, and knowledge mobilization in the fields of aging and geroscience. We incorporate a holistic, society-to-cell framework to understand how biological, environmental, social, and cultural factors throughout the life course influence aging trajectories. Further, this knowledge is applied to investigate the mechanisms and risk factors for age-associated diseases and to develop and implement new strategies to prevent disease and promote health and well-being with age.
European Studies, Centre for
Faculty of Arts
In 2021 the UBC Institute for European Studies became the UBC Centre for European Studies. It seeks to advance the study and understanding of European politics, economy, and societies.
Aging SMART, Centre for
Faculty of Medicine
The Centre for Hip Health and Mobility (CHHM) has partnered with the Rehabilitation Research Program (RRP) at GF Strong to form the Centre for Aging SMART (Solutions for Mobility, Activity, Rehabilitation and Technology) at Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH). Centre researchers and clinician-scientists are world leaders in aging and rehabilitation who are changing the lives of aging Canadians. Their work informs clinical practice and recommendations, shapes community programs and promotes aging in place via innovations in technologies and tools.
Indigenous Health, Centre for Excellence in
Faculty of Medicine
The Centre for Excellence in Indigenous Health was established to act as a single coordinating point for Indigenous health initiatives within UBC and a contact for Aboriginal communities and organisations external to UBC.
Innovative Data in Economics Research (CIDER), Centre for
Vancouver School of Economics
The Centre for Innovative Data in Economics Research (CIDER) fosters innovative data-intensive research centred on economics and related fields. Located in the Vancouver School of Economics, CIDER creates and supports new and unique opportunities for faculty and students to engage in new uses of data to uncover insights about the economy and society.
Intercultural Language Studies, Centre for
Faculty of Education
The mission of the Centre for Intercultural Language Studies (CILS) is to facilitate, coordinate, enhance, and promote the study of intercultural communication and the teaching and learning of languages in an intercultural context.
International Canadian Studies Centre
Faculty of Arts
The International Canadian Studies Centre seeks to collaborate with Canadian Studies programs around the world through international symposia, conferences, and research consortia, as well as by assisting visiting scholars.
International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy
Peter A. Allard School of Law
The ICCLR promotes the rule of law, democracy, human rights, and good governance in criminal law and the administration of criminal justice, domestically, regionally and globally. ICCLR is a joint initiative of the Government of Canada, University of British Columbia, Simon Fraser University, the International Society for the Reform of Criminal Law, and the Province of British Columbia.
Centre for Heart Lung Innovation
Faculty of Medicine
The Centre for Heart Lung Innovation is a world-class research centre where basic and clinician scientists work together in a unique synergistic environment to advance translational research in heart and lung disease.
Media and Graphics Interdisciplinary Centre
Faculty of Applied Science
The Media and Graphics Interdisciplinary Centre (MAGIC) fosters research in media technology that will support economic development in the Province of British Columbia. These goals are achieved through training of highly qualified personnel and transfer of knowledge and technology for media, graphics, visualization, human-computer interaction and communication technologies to the community.
Migration Studies, Centre for
Faculty of Arts
The Centre for Migration Studies (CMS) fosters research that seeks to understand the causes, consequences, and experiences of global human mobility. As an interdisciplinary research centre in the Faculty of Arts, CMS supports collaborations between migration researchers, community partners, and policy makers to advance research excellence and mobilize knowledge for promoting action and evidence-informed policies and practices.
Molecular Medicine & Therapeutics, Centre for
Faculty of Medicine
The Centre for Molecular Medicine and Therapeutics is dedicated to unravelling and solving the many genetic questions surrounding human illness and well-being, and finding novel approaches to treatment and prevention that can overcome the causes of illness.
Phelps Centre for the Study of Government and Business
Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration
The Phelps Centre for the Study of Government and Business supports theoretical and applied research into the role of governments in the Canadian economy and into the relationship between government and business in Canada.
Phillips, Hager & North Centre for Financial Research
Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration
The Phillips, Hager & North Centre for Financial Research was established to support research and educational activities around four broad themes: understanding and managing financial risks; understanding and evaluating the financial policies of corporations; understanding and evaluating financial regulation; and understanding the determinants of financial values.
Pulp and Paper Centre
The Pulp and Paper Centre is an interdisciplinary, cross-faculty research centre with specialized laboratories and offices for graduate students, post doctoral fellows, research engineers and faculty who conduct research for the benefit of the current and future pulp and paper industry.
Teaching, Learning and Technology, Centre for
The Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology is a research-informed academic service unit for the UBC Vancouver campus that supports and advances scholarly and innovative approaches to teaching, learning, curriculum and educational technology practices within and across UBC’s diverse disciplinary and cultural contexts.
Transportation Studies, Centre for
Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration
The Center for Transportation Studies fosters research and publication on transportation, logistics and closely allied fields with a particular emphasis on green logistics.
UBC Centre for Prostate Research
Faculty of Medicine
The UBC Centre for Prostate Research is recognized world-wide as a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary hub for research, treatment, and education in prostate disease.
UBC Centre for Urban Economics and Real Estate
Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration
The goal of the UBC Centre for Urban Economics and Real Estate is to promote academic research and teaching in these areas at the Sauder School of Business. The centre's objective is to foster the integration between teaching, research, and the professional real estate community in BC and Canada.
W. Maurice Young Centre for Applied Ethics
Faculty of Medicine
The W. Maurice Young Centre for Applied Ethics works to advance the research agenda of applied ethics, conceived as the application of normative theory and social science to core issues in science and technology ethics and policy, organizational ethics, animal welfare and the environment, and research ethics.
W. Maurice Young Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital Research Centre
Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration
The W. Maurice Young Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital Research Centre aims to be a leading centre of research into the entrepreneurial economy. Its mission is to promote the generation and dissemination of knowledge concerning the process of innovation and entrepreneurial value creation.
Wine Research Centre
Faculty of Land and Food Systems
The mission of the Wine Research Centre is to conduct research in enology and viticulture and to develop highly qualified human resources with relevant scientific expertise and enterprise who will promote the technological advancement of the wine industry.