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Co-operative Education

Co-operative education (Co-op) integrates the academic education (classroom-based learning) of interested and qualified students with relevant, supervised, and paid work experience (work-based learning) with employer organizations. Co-op students gain valuable skills that help guide them through their studies, as well as prepare them for future job markets upon graduation.

An optional Co-op Program is available for BMLSc students who successfully completed the Year 3 Standard Time Table (STT). In order to gain the entry, they must be admitted to the Co-op program through the selection process led by the Science Co-op Office. Selection of BMLSc Co-op students will be based on academic performance and general suitability to the work environment as determined by the Co-op intake interview. Acceptance into the Co-op program does not guarantee students employment in each work term.

Students admitted into the Science Co-op Program are required to accept and comply with the Program’s Terms & Conditions (refer to The BMLSc Program Director or Co-op Coordinators conduct site visits at the student’s work place and provide advice and support for the placement. 

Participating students will be registered for PATH_V 398, 399, 498, or 499 as appropriate for each work term, once a suitable position is confirmed, and will be required to pay the Co-op course fee and a Co-op administration and workshop fee (see Program and Course Fees). 

Students are not permitted to withdraw from the Co-op course without permission of the Co-op Program.

If the Science Co-op Program Terms & Conditions conflict with the UBC Academic Regulations regarding withdrawing from courses, the Co-op Program Terms & Conditions shall be followed.

Graduation in the Co-op Program for the BMLSc Program requires a student to complete PATH_V 398, 399, 498, and 499 (16 months total). In order to graduate with the co-operative education designation, a student must have completed the required number of work terms in addition to the normal degree requirements of the BMLSc Program.

Detailed information on the program can be obtained from the Science Co-op Office in Room 170, Chemistry and Physics Building, 6221 University Boulevard, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1 or online (

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